Saturday, September 01, 2018

US right to end funding UN Palestinian Charity

Pity this right move was justified for all the wrong reasons such as the funding was unsustainable or misused, weasel words rather than the articulation of the appropriate reasons ie that funding the Palestinians is immoral and evil,they are anti semitic and fascistic and should be completely isolated by the 'international' community not given moral sanction by the US.

Doing the right thing for the wrong reasons undermines the right act itself and conveys weakness and a pusilaminous apologetic posture towards the evil in question,a reluctance to identify it and call things by their proper name.

The right language is crucial for the sake of clarity and proper understanding of the issue particularly when the object of that correct decision, the 'Palestinian authorities' have themselves  grossly and hilariously miss characterized the move as 'an attack on the Palestinian people'!

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