Saturday, September 08, 2018

On Homosexuality

There is only one thing stopping me from being homosexual. Women. If it wasn't for them,sure. Look what happens in prisons and public schools -and churches! An absence of women = homosexuality or the unspeakable perversion ( see Mohamud piss be upon him.

I'm with Julie Burchill ( we are not worthy) on this one, to paraphrase from distant memory: men are para sexual. If there are no women about they will have sex with the back of a bus or a lump of mud.

But what about the Stephen Fry comment which he had to hastily and uncharacteristically withdraw and do public penitence for? He said women are so bloody difficult it's easier to be a homosexual! Let's face it if a man wants sex he can guarantee that if he approaches another man he will stand a 100% chance of success as his sex drive is only going to be equalled by another man's.

Men's sex drive is mega times greater than women's so it is a seller's market ie the woman's and as everyone knows that is not an equal game. Hence most prostitutes are women. Most of the time in heterosexual relationships it will be the man with his tongue hanging out and the default equation re the man in  relationship to the woman is one of begging and supplication.

To wit at the height of Sinatra's fame he was using prostitutes. If a superstar has to do that what chance the average male? Only saying.

A work colleague said  years ago that the equality between the sexes was a pipe dream and he cited the case of himself who had been using a phone chatline and he was quite indignant when he learned that it was costing him 10p a minute but women were not charged. If 80 people were online the women were still outnumbered by 50-30 or sometimes 60-20 so automatically between 20 to 40 men would be left out in the cold and they would be the one's who were not great communicators. Worse still he went on, many of the women would have a signature intro message invariably saying no dirty talk. This he thought was adding insult to injury and most ill sorted as: now they are setting conditions as well and since when was sex considered 'dirty' -had the feminists suddenly reverted back to Victorian notions of sex as dirty? I gently tried to explain that most normal women do not want to be engaging in sex chat with complete strangers which point he reluctantly conceded.

Re dating it  is probably best not to conduct a conversation on the phone as you do not know who is on the other line anyway! Emailing ditto. But we have strayed a bit from the subject -or have we?

Women are difficult - it's best to be gay? No but the sex war has hot up and poor young guys are having a hard time. They used to be able to chat up a girl, use a bit of innuendo, a suggestive comment and then wait to see if it was taken up or ignored. If the latter they would move on to the next but that is not allowed anymore. They cannot send out tentative feelers, to test the water as it were. This was important as it was the civilized alternative to going up to someone and saying do you want to  have sex?!

If every approach is going to be seen as predatory, sex talk taboo, then men will conclude it's easier to be gay and could the rise of homosexuality coincide with the rise of feminism?

Never mind talking now even looking is frowned upon. The male gaze! An assertion of patriachal dominance! Oppression. Micro agression. A whole lexicon of misandry masquerading as victimhood.

Most women know the difference between a man looking at them admiringly and respectfully and one leering or like a hungry lion looking at a gazelle.They can navigate all that. It is just feminists who most modern women do not even identify themselves as anyway. Small wonder. Hopefully this is all just a phase of feminist contrived hysteria and normal human interaction and relationships between the sexes will resume shortly.

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