Friday, September 14, 2018

This is Even Funnier....

Don't panic! Food shortages, riots, revolution if we do not surrender to our Brussels Masters and beg them to give us a really crap deal. This is the BBC again.Uncertainty spells doom! A rush on the pound,economic meltdown, mass starvation, Armageddon.

Life outside the EU is clearly unthinkable in its horror and sheer nightmarish implications in BBC land and they are going to lay it on with a trowel.

But what about Corbyn in 10 Downing st? Th corporation is very relaxed at this possibility articualtes it regularly in the most casual matter of fact, inevitable, hey ho insouciant way clearly relishing the prospect,talking it up, normalizing it.

If he does waltze into 10 downing st over the corpse of May and her internicine warring fallen in battle tories this will pose absolutely no repercussion for the British economy or polity at all! No uncertainty, no flight of capital, no exodus of businesses across the channel, no Venzuelan collapse into anarchy and social dissolution.

In fact Venezuela has nothing whatsoever to do with Socialism and we don't even talk about it except in passing as an economic crisis.

No it's Brexit that will lead to the end of the world -the most extreme Marxist Labour government ever - move along, nothing to see!

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