Saturday, September 08, 2018

Democracy and its Malcontents

Democracy gave Germany Adolf Hitler. It could well give Britain Jeremy Corbyn so the idea it is the best thing since sliced bread cannot withstand even the most cursory scrutiny. Yet still its life enhancing properties are praised to the sky and to question it is tantamount to questioning US apple pie and motherhood back in the day.

One is terrified to challenge the Democracy shibboleth for fear of what may fly out of Pandoa's box if we do so we mouth the democracy pieties but it's sounding  more like a desperate incantation these days rather than a declaration of true faith.

It's looking pretty frayed round the edges, Democracy. Populism has given even its staunchest supporters pause. Former champions of its bottomless benefits have started to sound distinctly skeptical about its inherent sacred virtues and have been heard loudly articulating its limitations and flaws.

Of course they have done this in coded language, employing heavy  euphemism,verbal circumlocutions, inventive sophistry couched in such arch  and coy ratiocinations  as as: we need to ask the people to think again about their referendum choices, the verdict needs revisiting, the people were uninformed, fake news.

When its greatest fanboys are having second thoughts about Democracy is it any wonder those who have voted for populist candidates are beginning to think to hell with democracy then- we voted a certain way and now the Democrats are saying we need to go back to the ballot box to correct our mistake, our uninformed verdict on them - our apparently born to rule privileged, to the Manor born, entitlement establishment masters?

This is where we come in -yet again! We can now point out that democracy was always flawed and just waiting for the Demagoue to appear. The Hitler, the Atlee,  the Corbyn. Majority rule is mob rule and no amount of ballot box civility and superfices can disguise the fact. They had endless elections in the soviet union too. Venezuela had elections.

Our welfare state was democracy in practice where state theft larceny and plunder of individual's wealth was sanctified by a plebiscite. I can vote my nieghbour's liberty away.

Democracy gives each man the right to be his own dictator so the saying goes. This used to puzzle me! How can one be one's own dictator? How can I send myself to the gulag or concentration camp. Duh, it means you can get to rule your next door neighbour and he can get to rule you. But you would say, they would cancel each other out wouldn't they, act as a check. Wrong!

If you are allowed thru the democratic system to put your hand in your neighbour's wallet and he likewise you, you may  end up with the same amount of money but you are both reduced and morally compromised. It's like the story of the children sitting round a table eating and one little boy takes a chip from his neighbour's plate, he does likewise to the boy sitting next to him who does likewise and  it goes all around the table with the end result that they all have the same amount of chips but all have lost their moral innocence and integrity.

This is what governments do to the people and it is deliberate. People thus implicated in moral and financial larceny thru welfare are now corrupted and cannot take a stand against their government's  present and future depredations. They have kissed it's ring. Now try and stand up to the Mafia!

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