Sunday, September 02, 2018

Should the State be involved in Mental Health?

My previous post has prompted this thought. We look back in horror at the state incaceration of the mentally ill with the straight jackets,abuse, and crude rudimentary medication etc but is the present situation such an improvement?

Instead of imprisoning people behind high walls the State dishes out millions of imprisoning psychotropic drugs that merely reduces some of the more extreme mental symptoms whilst leaving the underlying causes untouched and moreover as Mr Self in the previous post acknowledged such medication leads to psychotic episodes all of their own, actually contributing to further mental illness.

Apart from this the idea of the state being involved in this has too much of a One Flew Over the Cuckoo's nest feel for me, or worse has resonnances of the old soviet union and it's application of powerful drugs to subdue and brainwash any recalcitrant individuals who were not with the Soviet communist programme and displayed disturbing symptoms of individuality and unhealthy non Soviet inclinations towards an Orwellian 'own life' mindset.

Protecting people from force and violence used against them by others is a legitimate State function of course but in the realm of mental health, medication and indeed therapy and counselling that should be left entirely to market based solutions and there should be a complete separation of mental health and state.

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