Sunday, September 02, 2018

The Gospel according to Marx

To show how wide of the mark my 'Godly' associate is (see my last post on that) ie in his claim that to be atheist is to be ipso facto 'Communist' just try if you have the stomach for it, listening to the weekday 'thought for the day' on bbc's radio 4's Today programme by multi faith representatives, writers  and broadcasters -it is one long unremitting exercise in special  pleading  for socialism, collectivism, anti individualism and its most cardinal universal premise and lodestone is : Altruism.

No matter what the darn faith or denomination the leitmotif running through them all and the one thing they all share in common without exception is advocacy and advertisement for  Altruism -the sacrifice of the individual self interest to other's interests.

Altruism is the cardinal virtue of: Communism! It has nothing whatsoever to do with Capitalism! The latter involves a total repudiation of self sacrifice and altruism whether it is sacrifice to the Collective,the Fatherland, the Motherland,the Race, Socialism, the Proletariat, the Tribe the Group -who cares what the sacrifice is to, it is the denial of self interest, the individual, of one's own life - that is what altruism demands and it is the very essence of Christianity and all known religions.

So give me a break you religious smearers of atheism with communism  and see what is really going on here, in psychological terms: Projection.

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