Thursday, September 06, 2018

Russia The Rogue State

Let there be do doubt about it, Russia is totally out of control and is acting with complete impunity to commit acts of war on British soil in the full knowledge that nothing will be done to bring it to heel. It will remain represented at  the UN security council and unless  it is unceremoniously kicked out of the UN all respectable lawful countries should withdraw from that totally discredited body that has become a sick joke and byword for political corruption, malfeasance and moral delinquency.

The EU that great bastion of justice and moral probity has refused to act in solidarity with the UK against Russia clearly on the grounds that no French or German citizen has succumbed to a dose of Novichok on its respective soil which has placed the EU outside the  human family of decent nations to its eternal  ignominy and shame.

Now the British government should act by closing down the Russian state broadcaster Russia Today which pumps out a steady diet of Moscow fed anti west propaganda and operates a conveyor belt of hysterical conspiracy theories straight out of the Alex Jones stable. Other much more serious steps and proscriptive measures I will leave to the experts in the field but they  would have to be deep, invasive,thorough, comprehensive and not the footling cosmetic largely symbolic sanctions we have seen thus far.

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