Monday, September 10, 2018

The great Tory euroskeptic Myth

 It was all pretend from the start. Only 3 tories out of 100s have quit  over the issue. The idea that is has split the party is laughable and there is no evidence for it .If it was going to break in two on this matter it would have happened decades ago.

Their greatest peace time and I would argue all time leader Thatcher was deposed over her dawning realization that the EU was a bad ass organization. Still the tories went on winning elections. No one left. Even Thatcher who could easily have started a breakaway Sdp type party did no such thing. It was simply a media fiction that the conservatives were somehow riven by the issue and facing an existential crisis - born more of hope than any relationship with reality.

How can all those so -called tory  euroskeptics have remained in the party for so long after all the series of Brussels depredations on an almost weekly basis if they were that opposed to the uk's eu membership? They went along with it all, mouthing opposition but drawing their salary, swallowing one betrayal after another, the Redwoods, Cash, Jenkins, et al. The whole thing just does not add up, it was pantomime all the way along.

And so it will prove to be at the denouement when Treason May finally gets to hand the Uk's ass on a silver platter to Brussels, covered and layered with fudge, evasions, subterfuges, sophisties, casuistries doublespeak, terminological inexactitudes and circumlocutions. All the tory euroskeptics will fall in line as they always do, heralding a great victory for them as the country sails off into the sunset as fully paid up vassalaged serfs of its Brussels masters.

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