Monday, September 03, 2018

That Being said... On Wishy-Washy People

I don't like them! The Bible doesn't either! Milquetoasts in the American vernacular. Babbits. The fence sitting folk. The middle ground. The moderates. Yuk if I had Godly powers I would spit them out.

The John McCains -the Homer Simpson of American politics. Loved by Obummer and Bush alike. Nuff said. Vomit.Someone with passionate convictions is infinitely preferable to a don't know, haven't decided, swing voter. I know this will sound like a contradiction of my last post but read on.

At least someone with passionate convictions takes ideas seriously and recognizes they are what maketh the man. They may be 100% wrong but at least they have a   belief system  however whacky and are not the most evil of all types: the Pragmatist. The oh so virtuous there's something to be said for both positions, lets mix them up as that is a sign of virtue. See how virtuous we are conceding to both camps, having our cake and eating it too -vote for us! Theresa May - but then again she May not. A little bit of socialism on the side Maaam? Would one like a tincture of capitalism with that?Yuk again I tell you.

The Mixed Economy merchants who want to mix food with  poison - for balance sake are the most reprehensible of all political animals. Can you stand listening to them for one second? Like someone tip toeing across a minefield. A whole political language is deployed by this group of power for power's sake power lusters, chancers, opportunitsts, a whole lexicon of subterfuge, half hinted at, the approximate, the vague, the floating generalities, the hedge betters, the articulation of the non essential, the white noise merchants, peole who think it is a political virtue to take mutually exclusive ideologies and meld them together in a ghoulash and serve it up for the electorate as a wholesome dish -don't you just want to vomit all over them!

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