Sunday, September 09, 2018

Welby's Gospel According to Marx

I rest my case. Christianity and socialism are one. Sacrifice, altruism, put other's needs first. Not a cigarette paper between them. And since as we all know a communist is a socialist in a hurry that goes for communism too. You want human sacrifices -we have them aplenty! Try 100 million in Soviet Russia. A farmer who worked for decades to build up a business and property is told by the Bolshevic the peasants are hungry, their need must be met, the sacrifice made so off to the gulags with you guys  -or actually we'll just shoot you. Or take all your grain for the collective and you can starve to death.

For the many not the few! The collective not the individual. Away with the self, with self interest, selfishness. From each according to his ability -to each according to his need. The needs of others is a claim on your life. Where better to preach this message but in Russia where the people had been indoctrinated with that message for centuries by the Orthodox Church? (open door-push)

Stalin observed all this and decided to leave the seminary and become the high priest, the Pope of altruism and self sacrifice and he called his 'new' creed Communism. And he saw that it was good. Who could argue with it -he was merely taking the Christian message and industrializing it. The churches folded and came in line. Why continue burning churches down, they can just reinforce his message with their own millenia-long gospel of altruism. A perfect synthesis. We'll let the peasants worship in their churches -old habits die hard.

The proletariat is God -long live God!

Welby is part of a long tradition of Christian socialists who see no conlict between their theology and their ideology  - because indeed there is none. He has argued the C of E should be disestablished and I think it should and his latest outburst this week should spur a cry for this much belated desired outcome. When the State and Religion are one they will sing from the same hymn book: more taxes, more welfare! Statism! Church and State - the most unholiest of marriages and a divorce is long overdue.

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