Wednesday, September 19, 2018

Who Invented Virtue Signalling?

The Religious! They don't give a damn about their hobby horse's, it's all designed to make them look and feel good about themselves. A protoplasmic foetus is nothing to them but a vehicle to express their moral superiority. Caring about a human being plays no part and the welfare of a potentiality ie the foetus outweighs the welfare of the actuality, the woman every time.

The language of the anti abortionist is Orwellian in it's distortion of reality. They call themselves pro life but for a non being, the foetus, not an actual being, the woman concerned. Abortion is a holocaust they say, again conflating actual human beings who were slaughtered with a yet to be human being, the feotus.

Seeking to prevent the birth of mentally subnormal babies ie Downs is according to them  eugenics -here conflating the prevention of birth with what Hitler did sending the disabled to the gas chamber.

It is clear that these crazed anti human zealots should be allowed nowhere near an abortion clinic where they seek to harass and intimidate women who are exercising autonomy over their bodies which according to the religiously possessed does not belong to them at all but to God -or his representatives here on earth the State.

A footnote on my previous Downs post. In seeking to conflate normal with abnormal ie obliterating the distinction between what is normal and what is not -the healthy baby and the Downs baby - the religious are engaging in the most obscene form of biological egalitarianism

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