Sunday, September 16, 2018

Which Colour do you want?

We have Red Labour, Blue Labour, Yellow Labour, Green Labour,  Purple Labour. Come on, decide -what a choice you have before you! Maybe the Alt Right? Le't call them Black Labour after the blackshirts.

So you see here is political pluraility in practice. Red cannibals, blue cannibals, yellow cannibals, green cannibals,purple cannibals!

I would like to apologise here to the cannibal 'community'. At least they wait till their victims are dead. They also hold elections. On the one extreme we have the red cannibals who advocate killing and eating 3 people a week. The purple cannibals favour just two people. 3 Cheers for Democracy eh what?

How about the Capitalist Party? We do not offer any sacrificial victims, no self immolation for the good of 'Society,' the Tribe, the Collective, Equality, Egalitarianism, Fraternity, the Proletariat, the Poor, God, Allah, Moses, Buddah ad nauseam.

Who was it said we are all socialists now? We are all statists now. All the guilty men.

The Houses of Statism will throw out Brexit. Where's Guy Falks?

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