Thursday, September 06, 2018

Good Cop Bad Cop

What do the police, The Mafia, Bailiffs and the Bible have in common? The Good Cop Bad Cop Syndrome! Let me explain.

We all know the scenario of the captured spy who is being tortured and the bad cop is applying the thumbscrews and the good Cop takes over and sweet talks the victim telling him he is concerned for his welfare,wants to 'help' him -just give me the names of your operatives and I will make Mr Bad Cop go away. Classic brainwashing torture procedure down the ages. See Man for All Seasons with Henry 8th pleading with whathisname to facilitate his new marriage and when his gentle cajoling is politely turned down he hands his recalitrant priest to the torture experts.

Bailiffs operate the same way. First the bad cop goes in threatening eviction without ceremony then the broken debtor is comforted by the good cop helping him contact the council for temporary accommodation, tea and sympathy etc. (See Call In the Bailiffs).

Or the Mafia -nice little business you have going -wouldn't want anything to happen to it would you?

Or the State ditto. Nice little... blank blank -So pay your business rates etc! The State is 'Asking' you to pay more! Really? Or go to jail! See politician's speak.

Its the Janus headed tyrant down the ages.

 It's a con! The c***s are in tandem, hand in glove.

The Bible! The Old Testament is the Bad Cop. The New, the Good Cop.

But really? You think so? Obey or you are going to suffer eternal hell fire thunders the Prophets!

But look who's coming -Gentle Jesus Meek and Mild! We've set you up in holy terror and now here is Jesus -who loves you! Forget all that Old Testament fear and trembling stuff! JC the good cop died for your sins. He loves you. It's an old story, an ancient technique. We really should have rumbled it a long time ago.

This is not to say that I am against such practices with evil people re the police using it. The bailiffs too. But religion doing it to innocent people? Unspeakable!

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