Tuesday, September 25, 2018

Statists: We are all in this together

Leading on from the previous post it then follows that the public should expect no principled assault and attack on Corbyn's red in tooth and claws 4 socialism whatsoever in the next few day at the tory conference. There will be no Tebbit type speech. Borris may bluster but it is a pretty good bet that the kind of principled onsalught on the socialism and collectivsm Corbyn and Mcdonnel propose to unleash  on the British public will be conspicuous by its absence.

How can any leader of any party attack an ideology that they themselves either implicitly or explicitly have been operating under as their lodestone since the get go?

I have never wished to be more wrong than on this one. I will do a large amount of penance if I am proven wrong. Characteristics are reliable as an old associate, window cleaner stroke philosopher used to say.

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