Sunday, September 02, 2018

I Smell a Giant Labour Rat

No, it's not Gordon Brown -altho... Something's not right about this anti semitism row, something synthetic about it. It's cause I believe is the party's steadfast refusal to have a showdown with Corbyn and the calamitous direction he has taken the party in with his extreme Marxist agendas, the spinelessness of the Labour MP's who will not confront him because it will mean they have to decide if they are socialists or social democrats and they prefer to fudge the issue and drift hoping the problem will go away and will be resolved by Corbyn falling at some point at the next general election.

So they have leapt with barely disguised relish at the antisemitism story hoping that this will be Corbyn's Waterloo and the underlying undiscussed problem will be solved. He will probably climb down and accept the new UN based prescription re antisemitism and the problem will remain.If he doesn't maybe he will fall.

Incidentally I think all this censorship re antisemitism is very dangerous and I am speaking as an Israeliphile as anyone who has hung around here will be well  aware. You do not get rid of anti semitism by banning it. It simply goes underground and festers. Far better to let those people speak and identify themselves. We need to know who  and where they are and challenge them openly in debate.

Any argument is better than the one Labour MP's know they should be having with Corbyn - the ideological fault line running right thru the party and the antisemitism proxy row will do very nicely thank you very much, as they all pile in with their faux outrage.

Sooner or later though it will have to be confronted and the battle for the soul of the party -(or what passes for it) will have to be joined. Labour's day of reckoning will come. 

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