Monday, September 24, 2018

Red Dawn Meets Apocalypse Now

Into the rotten heart of Darkness with Comrade McDonnell as he sketched out his nitemare vision of a neo communist raid on the utilities, taking them back into public ownership in a blood curdling sinister speech full of menace and intimidation, a smiling sweet talking assassin warning business of the fate in store for it if he and his fellow Marxist henchmen slither their way to power over the strewn corpses of the tories courtesy of duplicitous Brussels and their own intellectual paralysis and loss of will.

The bbc Corbynist lickspittle Jon Penis was wetting his pants in relish as he drew a picture of the Marxist wasteland  Mcdonnel and co had in store for the British people which, he emphasized with near orgiastic pleasure would be 'irreversible' as rather than the old Stalinist communist model of top down nationalization it would be a more sinuous nuanced decentralized diffused localised bifurcated service owned by multiple parties,regionalised into a shared ownership which no future government would be able to unpick and return to the private sector.

The idea that one government could bind the hands of future governments is a totalitarian concept in itself but this was mere bluster and wishful thinking on Penis's part  for as Thatcher proved -socialist structures can be dismantled notwithstanding the amount of Byzantine complexities and  bureaucratic shared ownership models erected to frustrate and create a roadblock to capitalist solutions.

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