Tuesday, September 11, 2018

The Great Employer Myth

This is the myth of  our age. Your own boss. Your business. Er, no. Once, yes but not for the longest time. You are merely an employee of the State! It sets the rules and oh how many of them there are. Stacks, feet high. They grow like mushrooms in the dark. You have to employ people to navigate them for you or you would have no time to run the business which you are merely the custodian of. You take your orders from your boss - the State.

Hiring, firing, how much or how little you will pay your employees all decided by the government. holiday pay, sick pay - I won't go thru the list as I did so in a few posts back.

You may think you are running your own business but John Mcdonnel and his kind know otherwise. You are merely there to take orders, to obey your state masters - or face the consequences. Private business was nationalized a long time ago. By stealth, on the installment plan, rule by rule, law by law, regulation by regulation, tax by tax, decree by decree. The cancer spread devouring all before it. The private sector has a hollow ring to it does it not?

The insouciance with which Mcdonnel has laid out his plans to instruct business how to run  business is testimony to actually who owns private business - who the boss is -and it in't you.

Now we know it is going to be handed over to the workers as if the Soviet Union never happened. It's ground zero day. Groundhog day. The mainstream moderate parties have done this over a generation. The mixed economy.

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