Monday, September 24, 2018

Without a Shot being Fired?

You bet. Under democracy the people can vote themselves into slavery, a Marxist dictatorship -and in the 21st century! Like a bad smell socialism will not go away, collectivism will always appeal to mediocrities and losers and the present statist system breeds them a plenty. They can always be guaranteed to vote in a strong man to enslave them, history is replete with examples.

Only philosophy can save us. It is the only known antidote to totalitarianism but if the field has been co opted by tyrannical philosophers the well has been poisoned and only despotism will follow.

Most people thought collectivism died in 1989 but only it's structures were dismantled, the fundamental philosophy which animated and drove it was never challenged and exposed excepting in the writings of Ayn Rand who has been systematically demonized and ignored by academia with their vested interest in state patronage, sinecures and tenures in the State run institutions of learning.

Thankfully the internet will allow the dissemination of such radical and genuinely revolutionary ideas  which challenge the statist quo but they will undoubtedly  be met with fierce resistance by  institutions of the Establishment, from both left and right and centre, the churches, the media and academia.

Sisyphus himself would moan and groan under such a formidable and thankless task!

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