Wednesday, September 19, 2018

Sorry folks, forgive me but, Where Did the Mongrels Go?

They became Downs Syndrome people and herein lies the problem for in our desperate attempt to avoid offence we create a whole bunch of other problems. Our refusal to call things by their proper names means we can never address the issues and the people we are ostensibly seeking to protect end up suffering more as a result.

Another even worse problem develops whererby whatever the disability in question a 'community' builds up around it which invariably ends up as an advocacy group that is very protective of its fiefdom and is driven by motives that are less than savoury, indeed sometimes they end up being so protective of the condition and become hostile and threatened by any attempts to actually eliminate  the problem altogether.

Thus we see Down's 'Community' support groups opposing natal scanning fearing that if a pregnant woman knows she is carrying a Down's foetus she may well want it aborted. And here we get to the crux of the matter as many supporting such groups are driven by fanatical religious motives whose philosophy is basically abortion is murder and no matter how deformed or mentally compromised a baby will be the only moral outcome is to let it be born.

A human being's suffering is the price that is demanded by the  religious zealots so that their skewed  inverted  and perverted Christian morality can be satisfied.

There is also the phenomenon of the deaf who have a similar community and oppose all  scientific breakthroughs that could possibly eliminate deafness altogether. What about our community?!

If science can prevent any more Downs children being born only a malevolent religious fanatic would think that a bad thing. Life is hard enough if you are normal without the horrendous added burden that comes with a deformity such as Downs. And of course they object to the word normal being used seeking to obliterate the distinction between normal and abnormal. It is not enough that they practice their sick religion on themselves - they wish to inflict it on innocent children as well which makes them both abjectly immoral and depraved.

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