Saturday, September 01, 2018

I'm a Christian and believe in God - but I've Never Read the Bible!

Whaat?! Really? I tell you there are people who have said this to me. They actually think it is a sign of their virtue. Would you believe someone who called themselves a Platonist but had never read a word of Plato? Or an Aristotelian and ditto?

Verily I say unto you any person who says they are a Christian and believe in God yet have not read the Bible are frauds, charlatans and impostors -at the very least.

The tin pot guru I used to listen to on radio Caroline who shall remain nameless henceforth so insignificant is he and unknown used to extoll the virtue of not  reading the bible -piss be upon it. He was so ignorant he would not have understood a word of it anyway and prided himself on never having read a book.

For some reason all his followers think they are from a higher race because they will not deign to read the very book that underpins the so called faith that they say they believe in. Poppycock I say.

It is not just an obscure cult that takes this attitude to the Good Book. Most catholics I know have never read the darn thing either! I know my mother hadn't and the only reason my sister did is because she took her faith very seriously indeed and whilst the whole thing is stuff and nonsense to me which I am sure you have gleaned from this blog dear reader lol -(reading between the lines ha), I actually respected her for taking her faith seriously enough to do that.

But really -where are these people coming from? The window cleaner/stroke philosopher who I knew and was involved in the above mentioned organization for a while read the bible thru at least twice and used to say to me these so called believers are a total joke and the funny thing is it is these very people who have not read the bible at all who are most fanatic in their devotion to God and Christ and pay endless lip service to it yada yada yada.

Not that I care of course but as far as I am concerned these people are militantly ignorant and will not read the book that is supposed to inform their faith and for this reason I think they should henceforth be know as pretenders and unbelievers, the unGodly -heathens who if God existed would spit out and send to the other place.Amen!

Thinking about it though you have to have some sympathy for the 'Godly and Christians'. The Bible is so unremittingly boring, meaningless and fantastic drivel that even they cannot bring themselves to read it  or get past the first few pages.That is testimony enough to the absolute absurdity of the faith which they pretend to have.

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