Saturday, September 15, 2018

Tax Youtube to fund the Bbc!

Why didn't anyone think of that before?! Red Corbyn's latest wheeze. Let's see now, tax a privately owned media outlet platform and use the money to provide additional funds to a state broadcaster funded by a license system. Yeah, that's fair, that makes sense - in socialist la la land.

What is key to observe is the total contempt it displays towards private property and business, it exists merely as a cash cow for predatory government to plunder to fund a state organization that
 relies on its funding by the compulsory extraction of citizen's money that is if they wish to watch television at all.

One hopes business will mount a unified concerted campaign againstLabour and it's hostile attitude towards enterprise and achievement because unless it is coordinated the party will simply pick individual companies off and capitalism will die incrementally by a thousand depredations.

As it is revealed today that the old Labour leader Michael Foot was  implicated in financial arrangements with the Kgb as a spy for the Soviet Union perhaps it would be worthwhile going though Corbyn's file as he makes Footy seem like a benign fellow traveller in comparison. I would be very surprised indeed if he had not aided and abetted the Soviet Union in one way or another bearing in mind his eagerness to defend every morally corrupt Marxist slave state over the last 50 years.

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