Friday, September 21, 2018

The New McCarthyism

The other day I touched on this, pointing out that the New McCarthyites are now to be found  on the left, seeing racism and racists everywhere but it is even wider than this and can be seen in the Left's systematic assault on business and free markets, a sort of hysterical anti capitalism grips them in their reference to the 'tech giants', their influence on politics and pull in the lobby system which of course is a direct product of the mixed economy that the left is wedded to.

They are on a zealous mission to break up the large companies that are allegedly monopolists violating the leftists anti trust laws. This assault on business has been going on for over a century and the arguments are patently false and tendentious and are nothing more than a brazen full on power grab by the statists in an attempt to regulate and suppress the market which it sees as a direct threat to its anti constitutional statist hegemonistic ambitions.

This New McCarthyism even has it's mock trials, senate hearings, Kangaroo Courts and witch hunts where the cream of the capitalist innovators are brought before them like criminals and  subjected to ritualistic abuse, interrogation and humiliation for the crime of having invented a revolutionary innovative technological marvel the bureaucrats and statist envy eaten mediocrities could not even dream of achieving in a thousand years.

The state is a jealous God and it shall have no other Gods before it. It is threatened and sees it's power seeping away as it no longer has control over information and this 2nd Guttenbourgian revolution is leaving it weak, compromised and a 21st century irrelevance and its latest assaults on the new wave of capitalist technological revolution is a pathetic wail of impotence from a spent force like the defrocked and dethroned religionists and monarchists a few centuries ago.

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