Sunday, September 23, 2018

Where do Conspiracy Theories Originate?

Religion! Life is not what it seems. We are governed by Dark Forces, man is having his strings pulled from a supernatural dimension! He does not know his own mind. Reality is an illusion. He thinks he is in control but he is being moved by invisible forces, a shadowy underworld or preternatural automata, moving statues, weeping statues, the unknowable, the ineffable.

Man must pray to the unseen power that will deliver him from his wretched condition, he has no free will, he is a helpless victim of outside powers, a miserable creature without direction or autonomy, his mind is unreliable, he cannot know reality, he has no volition, he should cower in abject fear and subjection, in fear and trembling, bend the knees of his mind and pray for salvation from his wretched state.

Every religion has the same message and has controlled mankind since he crawled out of the primeval slime.

Modern philosophy building on such pre existent  credulity has reinforced it by asserting that there is no such thing as objective truth, man's mind is impotent to know reality, he is a conglomeration of nerve and tissue, without volition, subject to blind forces of the  unconscious.

Now fast forward to the present day and it is hardly surprising that a sizable number of reasonably intelligent people think mankind is being governed by shadowy figures, Bilderbergers, Rothschilds, Jews, Zionists,bankers, reptiles, an underworld of malevolent conspirators manipulating everything, 9/11 was 'an inside job', ditto Kennedy's assassination, the moon landings were fake, yada yada yada.

If old religion does not rock your boat anymore how about New age religion? There is only the now! Nowism. That will impress people. Say it in a sonorous voice and you could well appear deep, privvy to knowledge the rest of duped, miserable,unelightened mankind is not and think what that will do to your fragile self esteem. Repeat a vacuous facile mantra like that and people will think you are deep.

The old school religionists would get their jollies by identifying with the one who organized the cosmos. The New Age ones get theirs by mouthing and repeating  some mindless mystical platitudinous mumbo jumbo, their minds a hollow receptacle for random arbitrary nonsense and disconnected fragments of conretes cobbled together into a mongrel will of the wisp philosophy, from a mind where reason and rationality has long since departed.

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