Sunday, September 30, 2018

Who qualifies as a philosopher?

Anyone whose writing and theories are unintelligible, incoherent, divorced from reality, openly mystical or semi mystical, collectivist, anti reason and anti human nature.

Small wonder Ayn Rand is not regarded by today's intellectuals as a philosopher. She is dismissed as simplistic but what her academic enemies hate and fear her for is that she challenges the whole philosophical field since and including Kant and exposes their racket. She points out with ample illustrations how their irrationalist creeds are mere secular versions of the mystic creed and a naked attempt to replace the old feudal kings with their secular variant of the philosopher kings.

Seeing how the renaissance had  robbed the Church and mysticism of its powers the new philosophers identified reason as a threat not just to the mystics but to themselves and they knew mysticism had to be saved and set out to destroy reason in order to do it.

Now the philosophers are the masters and they use the same techniques as the mystics of old -unintelligibility, incoherence, irrationalism and their nonsensical nostrums now rule as the mystical ramblings and utterances of the ancient high priests did before them.

Try the Waterstone's Game!

You go into Waterstone's book store where all the new publications are displayed and the game should you wish to play it is Spot a Book on Politics and Current Affairs Not Written from a Left wing Perspective. It took me 10 minutes going through scores of titles before I came up with: One! Stephen Pinkers latest work whose title escapes me but is broadly pro reason and positive about technology etc. He us mixed in his politics so may be I should call it half a book. And that was it.

Now Waterstone's has every right to be a left wing bookstore but that undoubtedly is what it is.

I go upstairs and get a new copy of the Fountainhead. I ask the staff member serving me if they have any non fictional Rand. He walks over to a shelf containing political works and says we did have one, I think, on philosophy -I didn't know she wrote any on that subject. I mentioned maybe it was philosophy who needs he and he responded, well you are clearly a Rand nut and know more about it than me.'

I must admit I was a bit taken aback by that and did not quite know how to respond and muttered some lame comment and he replied that perhaps it was an unfortunate turn of phrase and we sort of joked about it and I went off with my purchase. Then I remembered that about 15 years ago I had a similar experience with a Waterstones member of staff when I inquired into Rand's non fiction and what they had. One staffer asked what sort of books Rand wrote and when I said philosophy etc the other staffer who was also present immediately interjected and said in a tone of matter of fact finality 'Rand was coupled with the above mentioned has given me pause for thought re Rand and how anyone who expresses interest let alone admiration for her writing is seen as suspect and worthy of contempt - even by members of staff in a bookshop!

I guess people know the enemy when they see it. Had I gone in inquiring about Hitler's Meine Kampf I would have been treated with more respect and Waterstone's have had that on its shelves in the fairly recent past.

No, when it is Rand even the normal customer staff protocols go out the window.I guess fair is fair. If a writer threatens the whole culture and philosophy of the day and excoriates collectivism its adherents will be unnerved and act accordingly. Still, it's fun going into such a bookstore and reminding people that Rand existed and her philosophy will not be ignored, however much  they wish otherwise.

Theresa May to Finally Challenge Corbyn

-By putting forth socialist proposals and policies of her own! Announcements include telling parents how long their children should be on 'social media'. (Note incidentally how the technological internet revolution has been reduced to a  collectivist statist characterization -'social media' for as we know unless a word has 'social' in front of it it has not been sanctified and legitimized by the leftists who dominate public discourse and set the terminology and definitions.

The state is loco (literally!) parentis so why on earth shouldn't it dictate such things to the infantilized parents in this Brave New World  of universal collectivism?

I cannot even remember the other policies that were announced but all had the dreary, paternalist tory socialist imprimatur on them so it's now official -there is to be no opposition to the Marxist Corbyn Government in Waiting which is what it now clearly is.

Like a ship slowly sailing towards an iceburg the tory ship of state sails blithely on as the country resigned to its fate prepares to go under the hammer and sickle.

Saturday, September 29, 2018

Food Allergen Hysteria?

Something is wrong about this story re Pret and the girl who died eating one of its products. If she had food allergens why was she not more careful? Could she not prepare food at home and not eat out -especially if unsure of the ingredients of the food she was eating/

Retailers surely cannot be expected to cater to those with abnormal eating disorders and allergens and it is their responsibility to exercise judgement in this matter which she clearly did not.

There is now a witchhunt against Pret, a sort of food fascism Mccarthyism that is ugly and that the media should fan this irrational behaviour and hysteria is appalling.

The politicians are riding the bandwagon as they can always be counted upon to do, forever on the lookout for yet more opportunities to regulate and control everything. The food labelling business is already way out of control and is responsible for higher food prices as who do you think pays for the excessive labelling of foods anyway?

It makes you wonder how people survived before such labeling was introduced and it speaks to a national neurosis and health food obsession where food has become yet one more vehicle for public displays of virtue signalling, where one's inner purity is expressed in the food one consumes which also links to old religious habits of seeking purity through strict dietary  regimens.

Finally I cannot help thinking that there is an element of neurosis in food allergies themselves, a way of attention seeking although of course as we have seen it can be real and genuine but there ma well be an emotional psychological element to the phenomena that needs exploring.

Friday, September 28, 2018

The Invisible Hand of the State

The workings of the market - in as far as there is a market anymore are far more transparent than the workings of the state so Adam Smith was half right.

For obscurantism, cloak and dagger opaqueness look to the state for in its Byzantine Kafkaesque circumlocutions, its evasive language, its obsfuscations and coded language - it is the very embodyment of invisibility itself.Government bureaucracy is vast and its workings are  as translucent as a murky swamp.

Do government agents come up to you in the street and say the following, 'Mr jones, we understand you are earning above average income and we wish to take a large percentage of your income to redistribute to more worthy recipients -ie those who have not earned it and whose helplessness and fecklessnes is a claim on your life so please pay up now'?

They do no such thing. The invisible hand of the state swoops down and filches said money from your bank account, or the state forces your employer to do it for them turning business into a tax collecting agency for the state that is too gutless to do the larceny itself thus implicating business in the felony.

Nothing is seen, it is done in the dead of night. Government uses coercion, intimidation, threats, bullying towards any who may have the temerity to object to this state looting by stealth. The invisible hand of the state is strangling the life out of business and entrepreneuralism and it does it secretly, covertly, like a thief in the night, skulking in the shadows.

When is Anti Globalisation Cool?

When the Left is expressing it. When Trump does it it becomes Isolationism! Of course round here we think globalization is cool and both the left and Trump are wrong. With the Left it is clear anti g means anti capitalism. With trump it is more confused. He does not like countries imposing tarriffs -so he imposes them. If you are opposed to cannibalism do you protest by practising cannibalism? You do if your name is Donald Trump and most of his supporters do not think such behaviour is in any way contradictory because they are as irrational and emotionalist as he is -he is their champion of the irrational.

Trump used the word globalism and I have yet to determine whether this means the same as globalization. On looking up the latter word of wiki it is very confusing so I looked up anti globalization and it all became very clear indeed.

The anti globalization left are anti neoliberalism ie anti free market , free trade. With his economic nationalism it is clear Trump shares some of the anti capitalism of the left but uses slightly different language to articulate it and this I will explore in a later post.

Thursday, September 27, 2018

Robert Halfon - Despicable human being

Tory minister Robert Halfon is not only physically disabled but mentally disabled too. I predicted tories would not critique Corbyn but I never anticipated at least one of their number would tweet support for him and come on radio 4  on PM prog saying tories should emulate Corbyn and create social programmes for the poor, wittering on about the unfair society ad nauseam. He should be deselected and told to f### off to the Labour party where he belongs.

This pond life and pathetic excuse for a human being used to be a Thatcherite and even admired Ayn Rand but now is reduced to this treacherous behaviour and has gone truly native advocated bigger government and saying tories must be even more like labour than they are already. If they lose the next election it will be because of human detritus like Halfon. Get the sickbag.

End to Prohibition

Law enforcement is so busy trying to protect people from harming themselves they have forgotten their sole function of protecting them from harm caused by others. Prohibition re drugs is a hangover from the days when the church in conjunction with the state saw its role as attempting to save souls but those days are long gone and the state should return to its proper and only function of fighting crime not people's personal habbits.

Prohibition and we speak of drugs here is an extension of the welfare state where the nannying knows no bounds and personal choice and habbits are now being -policed by the state with catastrophic consequences for society, policing and the preservation of a stable polity.

All drugs without exception that is to say legal and illegal including prescription drugs should be freely available on the high street and all retail outlets to anyone over the age of 18 with the same procedures to ensure such as obtains with the sale  of alcohol.

The state should not seek to muscle in on this free market supply and demand process with taxation or regulation, least of all be the purveyor and dispenser of said drugs as some eager Liberal supporters of decriminalization opportunistically advocate with an eye on the rich pickings from taxed revenue in a nationalized drug industry.

The above is not to in anyway advocate the use of such drugs as they clearly have no medicinal value and are taken for recreational purposes and some can be seriously harmful to the drug taker but decriminalization is based on the inalienable right of individuals to make such choices themselves and not have their actions circumscribed by a meddling authoritarian and invasive state which principle is one of the fundamental bulwarks of liberty.

Political Transgenderism

In a mixed economy culture everything is merging and melding it everything else! Gender is fluid -they claim but so too is political ideology. Which would explain why no far right party or movement has emerged to challenge the far left Labour party. Not that the media will refer to Corbyn as far left of course. He is apparently a Social Democrat. John Mcdonnel will no doubt soon hold out an olive branch to David Owen and Shirley Williams in the la la land the media inhabits.

Now why would there be a vacuum from where the far right would presumably have emerged in response to Corbyn. You do not need a multiple choice exam system to figure it out: They share the identical ideology!

Gobalisation? Both left and right oppose it with equal vehemence. Free movement of people so immigrants can take low skilled jobs in the UK? They both oppose it. Defence of the NHS? Both extremes love the NHS. And so it goes. The tribalism of the left is equalled by the tribalism of the right. Protectionism? They both love it. The mystical tribalism of left and right runs thru their ideology, whether it be race with the right or class and gender of the left -they are united in collectivism and statism.

The right loathe and detest when this is pointed out as they are hoping no one will notice and just vote on tribal lines for them.

The public deserve a choice between the statists of left, right and  centre and those few arguing for a limited state and the protection of individual rights against the  depredations of statism  from all its above mentioned incarnations. 

Wednesday, September 26, 2018

From the furthest reaches of Outer Corbania...

Corbania  is a foreign country, they do things differently there. Retro 70's and 80 its the land that time forgot but you could experience time travel today at the Labour (Macht Frei) conference, where socialism in aspic has been preserved for all those who like to take collectivism neat, undiluted by time, reality, and the exigencies of policy.

Even in 1984 they only managed 5 minutes of hate, here it went on for over an hour. There was not a left wing cliche lifted out of the socialist handbook that was left unsaid, not a caricature or stereotype of the Conservatives that was not presented, this was 5th form stuff knockabout politics rancid and self parodying, Pavlovian and puerile, a 60 minute grudge-fest and virtue signalling orgy.

Fantasy politics that could become a  reality? Nitemare on Corbyn st coming to a town near you? Is there a known antidote? If all that stands between us and Corbyn in Downing st is the absurd figure of Theresa May who has managed to turn Brexit into a squalid abortion of betrayal and treachery then we all have cause to lie awake at night in fear and trembling. Just form an orderly queue at the Passport Office.


Into the Political Mystic

It has been observed that Corbyn attracts a cult like following among his young, State 'educated' base. A cult of non personality in his case clearly but there can be no denying the cultic aspects of the Corbyn trajectory where emotion has been the prime mover in what is an age of emotion where feelings have supplanted reason in the irrationality of groupthink.

As I have pointed out socialism has its roots in religion and mysticism so it is hardly surprising that its highpriest commands a god like following where the incantation of a few trigger words puts his audience into a mystic trance of reverence as if the mere utterance of key words will have the power to transform reality and make one and three.

The whole economic system can be turned on its head, the laws of cause and effect reversed, whim and caprice can govern human action, wishes can come true at the chanting of mantras and mindless empty slogans such as equality, fairness, people's democracy, people's vote, for the few not the many words take on magical properties, the power to emote can bring things into being and behind all the mysticism of course is the brute force of the state ready and more than willing, nay relishing the prospect of using all the coercive tools of the state to bully intimidate  impose such new realities on any reluctant heretics who may question the logic of the programme, raise objections, invoke such irksome things as freedom, liberty, individual rights, private property. These can be Gulaged as one Momenturm member suggested for reprogramming and the recanting anti social tendencies, of daring to question the Leader and challenge his supreme powers to mystically divine the will of the people and carry it out.

The happy clappy evangelism of the Labour conference, the glassy eyed adherents and the athomosphere of hysteria, cult of personality reverence mixed with anger rage directed towards the anti christ tories was a sinister spectacle and makes perfect sense once that connection between socialism and mysticism is made.

From human allegiance to God Almighty to State Almighty, from Church to State is hardly progress but merely a substitution of one tyranny for another. Only when Statecraft is rejected as comprehensively as priestcraft has now been will man properly be said to have escaped the dark night of the soul and recaptured his inalienable autonomy as a free thinking acting self interested individual with the state as his servant, protecting his rights rather than violating them in the name of some mystic altruistic common good which leads to slave camps, concentration camps and Gulags.

Tuesday, September 25, 2018

Statists: We are all in this together

Leading on from the previous post it then follows that the public should expect no principled assault and attack on Corbyn's red in tooth and claws 4 socialism whatsoever in the next few day at the tory conference. There will be no Tebbit type speech. Borris may bluster but it is a pretty good bet that the kind of principled onsalught on the socialism and collectivsm Corbyn and Mcdonnel propose to unleash  on the British public will be conspicuous by its absence.

How can any leader of any party attack an ideology that they themselves either implicitly or explicitly have been operating under as their lodestone since the get go?

I have never wished to be more wrong than on this one. I will do a large amount of penance if I am proven wrong. Characteristics are reliable as an old associate, window cleaner stroke philosopher used to say.

Who created the Corbyn Mcdonnel Frankenstein?

 Blair, Cameron, May. Soft socialism leads to hard socialism. Soft drugs are  a gateway drug to hard drugs. (I started out on Burgundy but soon it the harder stuff).

A little bit of cannibalism sir? Once you have killed and eaten one human being it's over, you have sold the pass. It's only a matter of time before you are a paid up member of the Cannibalst Society.

We are talking principles here. How about just robbing a bank just once, or raping just once?  Are you a Centrist bank robber, a Moderate bank robber, a middle of the road bank robber, a Liberal bank robber, a Conservative bank robber?

The Conservatives have always been Labour Lite. Macmillan launched a house building prog in the 50's. Maggie said the NHS is safe in  our hands. Welfare expanded exponentially throughout the post war years and Thatcher was the first to check it's growth but this was a blip and government carried on expanding and broadening its remit post Thatcher.

There was never any principled stand against Socialism, collectivism, statism. The slogan of the day pre Thatcher was  'we are all socialist now'.It was only Thatcher who used the term Socialism as a term of abuse. She would utter it contemptuously as if it were the ultimate character defect, akin to having a communicable disease one did not admit to in public.

Those days have long gone. All successive tory leaders have made their accomodation with socialism and this had led to the ultimate return of the real thing, the genuine article who has had the way paved or red carpetted for him by the above mentioned sell outs. He was just biding his time. Milliband as reference in a previous post unlocked the Labour door and let him in.Handing him the passkey he then disappeared into the anus of history.

Monday, September 24, 2018

Without a Shot being Fired?

You bet. Under democracy the people can vote themselves into slavery, a Marxist dictatorship -and in the 21st century! Like a bad smell socialism will not go away, collectivism will always appeal to mediocrities and losers and the present statist system breeds them a plenty. They can always be guaranteed to vote in a strong man to enslave them, history is replete with examples.

Only philosophy can save us. It is the only known antidote to totalitarianism but if the field has been co opted by tyrannical philosophers the well has been poisoned and only despotism will follow.

Most people thought collectivism died in 1989 but only it's structures were dismantled, the fundamental philosophy which animated and drove it was never challenged and exposed excepting in the writings of Ayn Rand who has been systematically demonized and ignored by academia with their vested interest in state patronage, sinecures and tenures in the State run institutions of learning.

Thankfully the internet will allow the dissemination of such radical and genuinely revolutionary ideas  which challenge the statist quo but they will undoubtedly  be met with fierce resistance by  institutions of the Establishment, from both left and right and centre, the churches, the media and academia.

Sisyphus himself would moan and groan under such a formidable and thankless task!

Red Dawn Meets Apocalypse Now

Into the rotten heart of Darkness with Comrade McDonnell as he sketched out his nitemare vision of a neo communist raid on the utilities, taking them back into public ownership in a blood curdling sinister speech full of menace and intimidation, a smiling sweet talking assassin warning business of the fate in store for it if he and his fellow Marxist henchmen slither their way to power over the strewn corpses of the tories courtesy of duplicitous Brussels and their own intellectual paralysis and loss of will.

The bbc Corbynist lickspittle Jon Penis was wetting his pants in relish as he drew a picture of the Marxist wasteland  Mcdonnel and co had in store for the British people which, he emphasized with near orgiastic pleasure would be 'irreversible' as rather than the old Stalinist communist model of top down nationalization it would be a more sinuous nuanced decentralized diffused localised bifurcated service owned by multiple parties,regionalised into a shared ownership which no future government would be able to unpick and return to the private sector.

The idea that one government could bind the hands of future governments is a totalitarian concept in itself but this was mere bluster and wishful thinking on Penis's part  for as Thatcher proved -socialist structures can be dismantled notwithstanding the amount of Byzantine complexities and  bureaucratic shared ownership models erected to frustrate and create a roadblock to capitalist solutions.

How to Challenge a 2000 Year old Ideology?

As the UK faces the biggest threat to its polity since 1939 with the dark  and menacing shadow of Marxism casting a sickly red pall over it the question could not be more timely. With both left and right wedded to the 2000 year ideology of altruism and sacrifice for the 'common good' just getting a hearing for a contrary view is a monumental challenge in itself.

Some people thought it is all over for socialism and collectivism. How wrong we were for I include myself in that number. How did we miscalculate so wildly? What assumptions were we applying that could make us misread the zeitegeist so completely?

The only consolation is that we are in very good company. Ayn Rand no less thought the obituary for old collectivism had already been written and in her collection essays on the New Left she referred to it in the past tense and while not lamenting its passing remarked that in comparison with the new incarnation it had the virtue of at least being coherent with some integrated philosophical base albeit the philosophy was anti individualist and thus inhuman.

Christopher Hitchens in the early noughties concluded that socialism was dead and there was no point arguing for a system when the train had left the station a long time ago -probably in 1989. Many other voices from the Left concurred and had already packed their bags and got on board the social democrat train, or took the bipass to Greenland to fight their leftist causes under a false flag yes but acknowledging in so doing how passe leftist ideology now was perceived in the latter part of the 20th century.

Fast forward a decade and a half and we have the grim prospect of history repeating itself as what -farce maybe but that is if we are lucky as the seeds of tragedy are contained within the Corbyn Mcdonnel Manifesto if it ever gets enacted.

Anyone under 30 should seriously consider emmigrating, not starting a family or a business  while the rest can only wait in fear and trembling and resort to hoping that enough people who lived thru the 70's will outvote the young with their militant ignorance of history and their lemming like allegiance to the Corbyn Cult which is shaping up as a reenactment of Maoism and a Cultural Revolution in all but name.

As for reversing the 2000 year ideology of altruism and its statist collectivist philosophy, bearing in mind this has barely begun one can be forgiven for thinking its a lost cause and it now only requires a modern Gibbon to chart and document the denoument of the Western liberal Enlightenment ideal.

Sunday, September 23, 2018

Red Alert! Red Alert! Red Alert!

How many times have I said over the years that Democracy and even a written Constitution is no protection against tyranny. Look at Nazi Germany, and America today.

We may well be looking at a Marxist government in the UK in a months time if the media is right and May is planning a snap election to keep out Borris or whoever will throw their hat into the ring.

So if Democracy and a Constitution will not protect us what will? Education and philosophy but that takes generations and we only have a short time frame so the prognostication is not good if you do the math.

A written Constitution could do it but it would have to flow from the education and philosophy and time is not on our side is it? The Founding Fathers laid the foundations but there were glaring ommissions in the text and lots was implied and but not spelled out. It was the lacunae, the omissions that led to its breach and the collectivists and statist rushed in and Europeanized it into a quasi welfare state which Trump has no clue or inkling of, let alone ability to reverse but is exacerbating it with further state encroachments and individual rights violations, not to mention his nomination of a right wing judge to the Supreme Court who it turns out was a sexual predator in his youth -like attracts like - and may soon be attempting if nodded thru to reverse Roe v Wade.

Do I have ought for your cheer gentle reader? Watch this space I guess.

The Age of Smallness

In order to destroy human beings they first have to be dehumanised. Jews become vermin in Nazi propaganda with images of rats intermixed with jews, characterized as  Elders of Zion which becomes a crude cover for anti semitism. Thus demonised they can then be eliminated.

This can happen anywhere, throughout history to the present day. 'Big Business'  demonized - it's very size suggesting the inhuman, the behemoth, thus: Tech Giants that need to be 'broken up, cut down to size in other words, the Tall Poppy Syndrome. If someone has achieved something rare, unique, special they must in our small culture of grey mediocrity worship be demonized to be destroyed. They are  'selfish' daring to keep the fruits of their labours instead of 'sharing' them with others, 'aggressively avoiding' tax -(where did the 'aggressive' come from when until recently tax avoidance was seen as morally neutral, a legitimate form of wealth protection - who moved the goalposts?). Such people must be made an example of, publicly shamed in the popular press many of which publications laughably present themselves as pro freedom and capitalism!

No more heroes anymore. Let's worship zeroes instead. Heroes, leaders in their field are a threat to the establishment that wants the docile, the safe, the conformist. If the achievers are not made an example of they will become role models.

The same people who are fixated with size, largeness, the Big as if it were some principle appear to have no objection whatsoever to Big Government, indeed work night and day to make it even bigger, to enlarge its scope and reach, draw more and more into its sphere of influence, sucking the life and substance out of the citizens like a boa constrictor with its regulation,taxes, imposts, tarriffs, licences  directives, trust busting protectionism.

Bankers - code for jews equally demonized and let us not forget the greatest evil of our day cited in every crackerbarrel left wing and( sadly) right wing conspiracy theory: Roll of drums please: The Corporations! The embodiment of evil. Once again observe how the demonization always follows the dehumanization. Groups of highly talented individuals, the cream of their field coming together for a common purpose of utilizing an idea and maximising its financial return is now characterized as an inhuman entity, a disembodied elemental force to be reigned in with taxes, regulation and broken up. Individual rights of its members  totally violated so that some envy eaten mediocrity can 'compete' on a 'level playing field' - ie succeed on the corpse of the original mover and shakers, swoop on its achievements and ride parasitically on its endeavors protected by a posse of gun-toting bureaucrats redistributing the spoils of plunder. Such acts of piracy and  brigandage applauded in the press on its moral hind legs in disgusting sententious canting piety!

This is our culture and it has self destruct written all over it. Prepare for a land of little people for big government to herd as the sheep they have sadly become.

Where do Conspiracy Theories Originate?

Religion! Life is not what it seems. We are governed by Dark Forces, man is having his strings pulled from a supernatural dimension! He does not know his own mind. Reality is an illusion. He thinks he is in control but he is being moved by invisible forces, a shadowy underworld or preternatural automata, moving statues, weeping statues, the unknowable, the ineffable.

Man must pray to the unseen power that will deliver him from his wretched condition, he has no free will, he is a helpless victim of outside powers, a miserable creature without direction or autonomy, his mind is unreliable, he cannot know reality, he has no volition, he should cower in abject fear and subjection, in fear and trembling, bend the knees of his mind and pray for salvation from his wretched state.

Every religion has the same message and has controlled mankind since he crawled out of the primeval slime.

Modern philosophy building on such pre existent  credulity has reinforced it by asserting that there is no such thing as objective truth, man's mind is impotent to know reality, he is a conglomeration of nerve and tissue, without volition, subject to blind forces of the  unconscious.

Now fast forward to the present day and it is hardly surprising that a sizable number of reasonably intelligent people think mankind is being governed by shadowy figures, Bilderbergers, Rothschilds, Jews, Zionists,bankers, reptiles, an underworld of malevolent conspirators manipulating everything, 9/11 was 'an inside job', ditto Kennedy's assassination, the moon landings were fake, yada yada yada.

If old religion does not rock your boat anymore how about New age religion? There is only the now! Nowism. That will impress people. Say it in a sonorous voice and you could well appear deep, privvy to knowledge the rest of duped, miserable,unelightened mankind is not and think what that will do to your fragile self esteem. Repeat a vacuous facile mantra like that and people will think you are deep.

The old school religionists would get their jollies by identifying with the one who organized the cosmos. The New Age ones get theirs by mouthing and repeating  some mindless mystical platitudinous mumbo jumbo, their minds a hollow receptacle for random arbitrary nonsense and disconnected fragments of conretes cobbled together into a mongrel will of the wisp philosophy, from a mind where reason and rationality has long since departed.

Saturday, September 22, 2018

How the Right Stole the Left's Clothes

It's a topsy turvy world when the Democrats are more economically liberal than the Republicans, when they are defending free trade and the Trumpists are for protectionism and economic nationalism. This illustrates the truth that the extreme left and right meet up as Trump's views on economics have more than a little in common with Bernie Sander's.

The Blairite Clintonite Left is more free trade than the far left and Trumpists which is why many republicans  are struggling to explain why some of their number confuse Republicanism with Trumpism and indeed why many Objectivists are equally puzzled as to why some of their number also think Trump is cool.  I confess to being confused myself in this regard and find the matter somewhat perplexing. Not a good position for a blogger I must say!

Still, the best policy in such circumstances is to be patient and leave it as an open question rather than rushing in with a forced answer which will probably be wide of the mark.

The only thing I can come up with now is that the right hate and loathe the left so much  they are prepared to put up with practically anything Trump does as long as it keeps the left out of office. This means overlooking pretty much all of his statist agendas, his attacks on the first amendment, his abusiveness, his vile behaviour towards women, his vulgarity, his narcissisism, his arbitrariness, his obvious mental instability, his petulance, his infantilism, his despotism, his threats of violence and intimidation, his corruption, his economic nationalism and protectionism, his lying, his racism - the list is endless.

To be able to deny all the above and not see it suggests that the Right have lost the plot and are in an even worse state than the Left and the only conclusion is that the Left and Right are now and should be officially recognized as the Herpes 1 and Herpes 2 of political ideologies.

The trap people on the right fall into is thinking they have to pick  one or the other and that if one opposes the right one must be of the left. Bizarre but that's how awry things have got. I am not so sure there is any solution to this dilemna other than to recognize that fundamentally the Left and Right have become one. Into this political vacuum will hopefully step the Objectivists and a Capitalist Party, a vast unoccupied political ground and territory, pristine and fertile, upon which to build the New Atlantis!

Friday, September 21, 2018

The Great Rail Privatization Myth

In 1945 the railways were seized and nationalized by the  Atlee Labour government. Previously they had been privately run and operated - there was no franchise system with the state as the franchisee as was created under John Major who is the chief architect of the present debacle.

The fact that the railways are still subsidized by the taxpayer, highly regulated and indeed that there is still a ministry for transport and a transport minister in the form of the ridiculous and hapless Chris Grayling, the fool guy who is wheeled out whenever the 'privatized' railways have yet another crisis testifies to the absurdity of the whole operation and the cynical deception perpetrated on the public.

The idea that the State can operate a franchise system and refer to it  as a privatization is Orwellian in itself, a misrepresentation which has only succeeded in smearing private enterprise by having it conflated with such an adulterated and bastardized  mixed economy shambles of  a railway system.

This has led to the Labour party opportunistically pledging to nationalize the railways system which may prove difficult as it already is nationalized, being  privatized in name only.

This mess is a perfect illustration of how the failures of the mixed economy, its inherent instability and internal contradictions will always lead to a clamor for a  return to full blown state ownership of industry which indeed is exactly what is happening with a far left Labour party waiting in the wings like a vulture ready to swoop on the wreckage and debris of the mixed economy in its final death throes.

The New McCarthyism

The other day I touched on this, pointing out that the New McCarthyites are now to be found  on the left, seeing racism and racists everywhere but it is even wider than this and can be seen in the Left's systematic assault on business and free markets, a sort of hysterical anti capitalism grips them in their reference to the 'tech giants', their influence on politics and pull in the lobby system which of course is a direct product of the mixed economy that the left is wedded to.

They are on a zealous mission to break up the large companies that are allegedly monopolists violating the leftists anti trust laws. This assault on business has been going on for over a century and the arguments are patently false and tendentious and are nothing more than a brazen full on power grab by the statists in an attempt to regulate and suppress the market which it sees as a direct threat to its anti constitutional statist hegemonistic ambitions.

This New McCarthyism even has it's mock trials, senate hearings, Kangaroo Courts and witch hunts where the cream of the capitalist innovators are brought before them like criminals and  subjected to ritualistic abuse, interrogation and humiliation for the crime of having invented a revolutionary innovative technological marvel the bureaucrats and statist envy eaten mediocrities could not even dream of achieving in a thousand years.

The state is a jealous God and it shall have no other Gods before it. It is threatened and sees it's power seeping away as it no longer has control over information and this 2nd Guttenbourgian revolution is leaving it weak, compromised and a 21st century irrelevance and its latest assaults on the new wave of capitalist technological revolution is a pathetic wail of impotence from a spent force like the defrocked and dethroned religionists and monarchists a few centuries ago.

Who are the 21st Century Heretics?

Those who think man made climate change is a hoax. Those who think men and women are fundamentally different. Those who think government not only does not have all the answers to the problem but is the problem. Those who do not believe that the state is God and politicians his representatives here on earth. Those who do not believe the EU is paradise here on earth -more like hell.

What will they do with us unbelievers? Some are already in jail. First they came for the EDL.. Be proud heretics, stand firm, the Liberal God has feet of clay and is crumbling as we speak.

The liberal dream has become a nitemare and if the Establishment forces another referendum on the British people after they have voted unanimously and unequivocally to Leave it will bring hell down upon itself and its moribund decayed illiberal authoritarian polity.

Thursday, September 20, 2018

Politics, the New Religion

God is dead. Religion is a spent force going through the motions, Islam is self imploding and can only be enforced by bullet and intimidation. Most people have turned away from religion's tired dictums and dictats long ago and maybe just admire the shells and carapaces of faith, the cathedrals and churches - more like musuems than living places of worship, houses of long departed symbols of antiquity, tombs and mauseleums of dead cultures and moribund scriptures, phantoms of past epochs of reverberating hollowness and empty echoes, tired rituals and a blood soaked history of tyranny and death.

What shall we replace religion with? We still need myths ,illusions, delusions, lies,conceits fables, subterfuge, mystery, incantations, stories, empty promises, salvation from our existence - who can perform such service for us -who can we trust  to take on this sacred role? Government! The State! Politicians! Let us elect them to serve us. High priests of the State. They will tell us what to do, they will have the answers.

Welfare -The New Jurusalem. They said so! They wouldn't lie would they? Tell us what to eat and drink, what to think, guide and regulate our every step o high priests of the State! We shall elect you to rule us. You know best. License, tax us please -what do we know? You are the initiated, our men and women of State. Statesmen.Save us!

'Ex' Communist Fears the Deep State!

Writing in the New Statesman (note the title) an 'ex' commie expresses his fears that the Deep State is plotting against Corbyn seeking to derail his bid to be prime minister. If Corbyn wins we will have the Deep State -nothing is more deep state than communism hello. How politicians love to invoke this hobgoblin bogey man of the deep state because it makes them seem they are on the same side as Joe Public, battling dark forces to protect poor Joe, waging war against 'unseen forces and powers', clandestine state operatives seeking to sabotage whatever the government of the day is. Hooey I say, it's an old ploy and the last refuge of the demagogue.

At least  the opposition deputy leader had the sense to distance himself from this conspiracist nonsense on the Today programme referring to it as 'fake news'. Mr Watson is also strategically distancing himself from Corbyn and not giving as speech at conference, perhaps positioning himself as a leader contender when Corbyn goes after another electoral defeat.

Why the Left Hates Financialization

On the bbc  r4s series on Capitalism today they discussed financialization with two guest who both just happened to be rabid anti capitalist 'thinkers'. Because financialization is a complex issue it lends itself to gross misrepresentation particularly by those who hate markets and freedom and prefer a command economy -because they have such a great long track record of success do they not?!

Without a rudimentary grasps of financialization the layman is at the mercy of the 'experts' who invariably have an ideological axe to grind but in the absence of some pre-knowledge of the field the public are in danger of being bamboozled by the tendentious caricatures of left wing economic journalists who proliferate in the liberal mainstream media.

I do not pretend to understand the complexities of financialisation but I know a hideous distortion and misrepresentation when I hear it and can offer a few general observations as follows. The Left only recognise one real form of work and that is physical labour, the financial field to them is characterized as rent seeking which they also bizarrely refer to as unearned income, anything that appreciates in value without the owner actually engaging in physical activity to increase its value.With such a narrow definition of earned wealth  anything outside it is dismissed as illegitimate and to be made illegal by state dictat and replaced by state run banks predicated on socialist egalitarian principles.

What is argued for and advocated on the abovementioned programme is effectively state control of the economy and this was presented as if it had never been attempted before -and all of this in the guise of discussing capitalism and it's future! It is clear that if such thinking prevails whatever capitalism has it is not a future and we are all Venezuela bound.

Predict That!

For some time I have been beating myself up about not having predicted the rise and rise of Corbyn, having got 3 of the major events right but this Corbyn thing came right out of left field so I really should go easy on myself regarding it.

Milliband was perhaps an outlier and although  I was concerned at the time about the Marxist reared twat, because he was just that it posed no real threat but no one was to predict what he would do namely to open up the party to the Militant Tendency who flooded back via his £3 Entryist membership rule change which effectively let the bats into the belfry.

Like a host that has been invaded by alien spores the party overnight was transformed into a basket case of motley Marxist loons for whom 1989 and the collapse of the Soviet Union was a year of Mourning and the goal was to reverse the dark night of the soul of the Blair years and to effectively fight the 20th century conflict between capital and labour  all over again.

Milliband in retrospect was the Trojan Horse and did his job as an enabler for Corbyn and then disappeared without trace but his role in the whole sordid affair will go down in the history books as the pivotal moment when Labour pressed the self destruct button bringing about the ultimate demise of the party.

A party comprised of activists on the Marxist fringe does not a party of government make. It gets its base from ignorant state 'educated' students but there are far more people in their 60's who will remember the nightmare years of the Left in the 70's who will be reluctant to vote for a party they no longer recognize so far to the Left has it travelled.

But predictions these days are best avoided and socialism should be seen more like a cancer that may be years in remission and then rears up unexpectedly even more virulent than before and the price of freedom as we know, but seem to have forgotten, is eternal vigilance.

Wednesday, September 19, 2018

Youtube is taking over the World!

Old media is worried. New media is eating its lunch! The government needs to do something! Wonder what that is...

Youtube -otherwise known as Satan Incarnate is using dastardly sinister means to hook people into watching more than they intended.Once someone has seen a youtube on eg lawnmowers they will then be presented with 5 other videos on the same subject. The poor viewer does not stand a chance, he has been watching for an hour, seduced by algorythmns that have now stolen his soul, his autonomy, his power of choice and led him down the road to perdition chased by lawnmowers.. This must be stopped!

Regulation! The bbc presenter called Justin is getting quit worked up at this point, most indignant. These tech giants must be regulated.

Hang on a minute, isn't youtube doing what all good businesses do -find out what your customer likes and give him more, similar products, stuff you know he likes? Isn't that what business does and has always done for chrissakes? When I read a book I liked I wanted to read more by the same author -I would go thru their canon. Were they seducing me, hooking me into spending dozens of hours devouring their master works? The fiends!

What about a dictionary? You would look up one word and end up reading it for half an hour seeing words you never seen before and building up your vocabulary. Satanic dictionaries.

Or a bar of chocolate. Should we regulate Mars so they cannot hook us on chocolate?

At least visitors to Youtube are volunteers unlike the Bbc where they are conscripts. Spot the subtle difference. So a State broadcaster is urging the State to regulate a private company because it is eating its lunch.You couldn't as Mr Littlejohn would say, make it up.

What's the difference between State Capitalism and the Mixed Economy?

Search me! In it's series on 'Capitalism' bbc r4 China was analysed and identified as practising state capitalism alongside Norway, Singapore Thailand etc and both contributors to the prog were speaking approvingly of such a system and suggested it was the way forward for other countries as it was clearly the most successful system of those available.

Standard bbc fare in other words but leaving aside the leftist bias as you always have to do with the state broadcaster I realized than in discussing such a system where the state engages in  industrial programmes and strategies it could have been talking about the UK, France or Germany!

The received categorisation for such a system in the West has been the Mixed Economy but having listened to the prog I think it should be changed to State Capitalism since that is exactly what it is and it would clarify the situation in the public's mind by the use of that clear definition which the coy murky words Mixed Economy fails to convey.

It would also serve the purpose of ridding silly commentators in the British media of the annoying habbit of referring lazily - or as I would say deliberately and misleadingly to the 'capitalist system'.Let's call things by their proper names then perhaps we have a fair chance of doing something about them.

The problem is of course that state capitalism is an oxymoron, a contradiction in terms and it is used by people who seek to conflate capitalism with communism so for that reason it would perhaps best be avoided although mixed economy is equally contradictory and is indicative of how much obsfuscation this subject is prey to.

Who Invented Virtue Signalling?

The Religious! They don't give a damn about their hobby horse's, it's all designed to make them look and feel good about themselves. A protoplasmic foetus is nothing to them but a vehicle to express their moral superiority. Caring about a human being plays no part and the welfare of a potentiality ie the foetus outweighs the welfare of the actuality, the woman every time.

The language of the anti abortionist is Orwellian in it's distortion of reality. They call themselves pro life but for a non being, the foetus, not an actual being, the woman concerned. Abortion is a holocaust they say, again conflating actual human beings who were slaughtered with a yet to be human being, the feotus.

Seeking to prevent the birth of mentally subnormal babies ie Downs is according to them  eugenics -here conflating the prevention of birth with what Hitler did sending the disabled to the gas chamber.

It is clear that these crazed anti human zealots should be allowed nowhere near an abortion clinic where they seek to harass and intimidate women who are exercising autonomy over their bodies which according to the religiously possessed does not belong to them at all but to God -or his representatives here on earth the State.

A footnote on my previous Downs post. In seeking to conflate normal with abnormal ie obliterating the distinction between what is normal and what is not -the healthy baby and the Downs baby - the religious are engaging in the most obscene form of biological egalitarianism

Sorry folks, forgive me but, Where Did the Mongrels Go?

They became Downs Syndrome people and herein lies the problem for in our desperate attempt to avoid offence we create a whole bunch of other problems. Our refusal to call things by their proper names means we can never address the issues and the people we are ostensibly seeking to protect end up suffering more as a result.

Another even worse problem develops whererby whatever the disability in question a 'community' builds up around it which invariably ends up as an advocacy group that is very protective of its fiefdom and is driven by motives that are less than savoury, indeed sometimes they end up being so protective of the condition and become hostile and threatened by any attempts to actually eliminate  the problem altogether.

Thus we see Down's 'Community' support groups opposing natal scanning fearing that if a pregnant woman knows she is carrying a Down's foetus she may well want it aborted. And here we get to the crux of the matter as many supporting such groups are driven by fanatical religious motives whose philosophy is basically abortion is murder and no matter how deformed or mentally compromised a baby will be the only moral outcome is to let it be born.

A human being's suffering is the price that is demanded by the  religious zealots so that their skewed  inverted  and perverted Christian morality can be satisfied.

There is also the phenomenon of the deaf who have a similar community and oppose all  scientific breakthroughs that could possibly eliminate deafness altogether. What about our community?!

If science can prevent any more Downs children being born only a malevolent religious fanatic would think that a bad thing. Life is hard enough if you are normal without the horrendous added burden that comes with a deformity such as Downs. And of course they object to the word normal being used seeking to obliterate the distinction between normal and abnormal. It is not enough that they practice their sick religion on themselves - they wish to inflict it on innocent children as well which makes them both abjectly immoral and depraved.

See the Duty of the royal Sham

Over the  last 30 years the British monarchy has been engaged in a desperate exercise in self preservation by involving itself in ostentatious charity work on an industrial scale aided and abetted by a fawning press ever hungry for photo shots of virtue signalling Royals burnishing their charitable credentials with public displays of  do goodery.

It has become worse in recent years as the royals, seeing the writing on the wall re their imminent and almost historically inevitable demise have ratcheted up the philanthropic posturing and have taken to making nauseating politicised statements about various trendy pc causes to broadcast their empathy, compassion and right on advocacy  for whatever victims they can find, none of which is likely to save them from their fate but merely stave it off a while as the public can see thru the thin veneer of caring to what lies underneath a cynical attempt to preserve their corrupt ossified  moribund institution forever drenched in the blood of past centuries' horrendous tyranny and genocide which no amount of public relations exercises can ever erase. 

Tuesday, September 18, 2018

LGB -Yes but T?

Transgenderism has left me drawing a blank. What's it all about? Perhaps the clue came from 'Colin' this morning who spoke to John Humphries and said when 'he' tells his uinv friends 'he' was a she they are a bit confused and to quote him: I like that they are confused, I enjoy it, unquote.

Why would that be. You got your mother in a whirl -not sure if you're a boy or a girl. Keeping people in  a state of confusion is a controlling mechanism, it paralyzes their cognitive faculties -it does not compute, does not compute and the confuser has a pseudo sense of superiority over the confused, it's a power play.

That's part of it at least. For the rest, who the blank knows. One thing is clear if someone has a psychological problem the last thing they should do is go under the surgeon's knife to solve it. They should at least wait till past 18 before they go down that desperate path. The fact that children are now being dragged into this madness is I think quite criminal and is driven by people with crazed agendas I cannot even begin to fathom.

Bottled Blonds are Racial supremacists!

From the I Kid You Not dept: bbc radio 4 on Sunday, a whole half hour was given over to a very reasonably spoken black feminist zealot who informed the audience that women who take to the bottle to blond up  are unconscious racial supremacists and making a covert or overt sign of racial superiority.

Where are these people coming from? Back in the 50's the Left in the US used to ridicule and make fun of the Right for seeing Commies everywhere - Reds under the bed etc but in a bizarre and ironic  inversion it is now the Left that has become afflicted with paranoia -seeing racism everywhere and if it doesn't exist manufacturing it.

At least the Right had a case back in the 50's and in retrospect were proved right about communist infiltration in the arts and media and academia and many conservatives in the field at the time had been effectively blackballed when to be a lefty was practically mandatory in those fields. They at least had a case although they went about it the wrong way and the idiosyncratic and unstable McCarthy brought th whole thing crashing down thus discrediting a very legitimate inquiry.

But in this age of grievance and offense culture this sort of nonsense is endemic, people are making a living out of it and of course doing untold damage to the very people they are ostensibly representing. The Left is destroying itself but leaving an incalculable trail of havoc behind it in the process.

Be Here Now?

How should one respond when some New Age twat comes out with a pseudo delphic comment issued as though an incontrovertible fact such as: 'There is only the Now'. 'Come back in half an hour and say that'?  Or, 'do you realize that it takes 3 seconds for you to utter that vacuous statement'?

Or you could say what anti conceptual mentality your statement reveals! Animals live on a perceptual level of consciousness and your Nowism is on that level -it's the consciousness of a cretin and imbecile. What could possibly be accomplished by human beings with such a narrow range of the moment consciousness other than a self created arrested mental development, a preconceptual consciousness of a child before it has become fully human?

Skyscrapers, interplanetary travel, computers, language everything that has made civilisation possible would be obliterated with such a mongrel anti philosophy as Nowism. It is hippy consciousness incarnate and last time I checked that did not end well and is regarded by most with ridicule -see the character in the classic comedy of the 80's Young Ones Neil as a trenchant psychological study of the quintesential hippy.

Was any of the above achievements and inventions to name but a very few of the thousands  ever accomplished by someone sitting cross legged on the floor seeking thru meditation to maintain a permanent state of Nowism?

Think of the time it took to evolve language into concepts and that the very statement there is only now relies on such a development over time in articulating its very denial and you can see how facile and anti intellectual New Age 'thinking' is and how it can be dismissed contemptuously once subjected to the cold analysis of reason and plain commmonsense!

Monday, September 17, 2018

A Tory on Thought for the Day?!

Don't get too excited as he used the hoary old Good samaritan argument which apparently Thatcher cited whereby the reason the good samaritan was able to help the distressed man was because he had accumulated wealth by work -and he was therefor able to be an altruist!

So the best argument for wealth accumulation according to the gospel of saintly conservatives is it enables more altruism. Way to concede the argument to the altruists!

Let's hear it from the horses ass I mean mouth. Keir Hardie was quoted on the same programme, to paraphrase: the work of the Labour movement is to resuscitate the work of Christ.Another Hardie contemporary apparently said English socialism has more in common with Methodism than Marx. Amen

Dressed to kill? In which I answer a previous post!

Clothes can be designed to be intimidating. If you saw a man walking towards you on the street dressed in full Nazi regalia that would be intimidating! All the attendant historical associations would comprise to make anyone uncomfortable and threatened by such a sight - unless of course the person seeing it knew nothing of the Nazi history in which case it would just look odd and exotic.

This is true I believe of the full muslim dress of burqua -covered from head to toe with slits for eyes -the Letterbox to use the now widely disseminated Johnsonian vernacular. No one tell me that is not an intimidating sight. Pre 9/11 not so, no biggish deal. Post 9/11 you bet it is -and why the hell should we tolerate that walking down any British street? And for the record had it been Jewish people flying planes into the twin towers and then waging the warfare the Islamists have done for the last 20 years I would feel exactly the same about Jewish people wearing their traditional dress -ditto any other godamn religion. So no crap please about islamaphobia. It makes as much sense as Naziphobia.

If Isis had prevailed in the middle east and then taken over the West the letterbox would be compulsory wearing not just for muslim women in the UK but all British women. It is a symbol of oppression, dehumanization and for that reason has no place in the West -at least in public. It is a symbolic assault and affront to liberal values. It is worn to intimidate, to effectively say to hell with your liberal values, we hold them in contempt.

High Frequency Trading is a Tax!

Bet you didn't know that! An American lefty on radio 4's The New Capitalsm informed us of this in a 15 minute programme attacking HFT on the grounds it is unfair to the guys in the slow lane who do not have access to the hi tech. The race is to the swift! If we are only allowed to compete on a level playing field welcome to North Korea!

The only competition must be done with old technology? Really? What primitivism and yahooery. Let's see how many sticks we can find to beat 'capitalism' shall we? And note the inverted commas as the premise of the prog is wholly false. We have no capitalism we have a Mixed Economy. If you start from a false premise it is only going downhill fast. And so it proved.

Lefties have never come across a tax they did not love and the only fault they would find would be that the tax was not high enough. Should they not therefor welcome a tax if such it is on trading? Er no, silly me. Yet we know it is not a tax -the lefty probably knows it too but some people will buy it so why not try it on. In leftist politics the first casualty is always the truth.A little bit of Orwellian doublespeak will make the socialist medicine go down.

Is it fair Mo Farah can run faster than his fellow runners? Hell no. In fact when he beats them - that's a tax! He has scooped the prize money by being faster! Perhaps he should have some weights attached to his legs to even things out a bit? I am sure John Mcdonnel will provide them.

The bbc imposes a tax on everyone who wishes to watch tv. Perhaps it should start cleaning out its Augean stables rather than fixating on the little slithers of remaining capitalism that have not yet fallen under the statist sledgehammer.

Does my Burkah look Good in this Culture?

Look at my burkah! Has it become a fashion statement - even  paradoxically a form of exhibitionism? Or is it the female ploy of seduction? Many girls are sending out mixed signals -burkah but from the waist down body hugging skirt or jeans. Having cake and eating it? Rebelling against parents but meeting in the middle?

Are they obeying programming parents or just going thru youthful rebellion where to dress in  the  garb of oppressive subjection is a direct challenge and rejection of their more liberal parents?

There is some virtue signalling going on too. Look at me. And it's one finger to the West, in your face rejection of modernity, female liberation, equality -setting the woman's movement back 800 years.

Should it be tolerated? You may notice this post is uncharacteristically littered with question mark denoting the vexed nature of the debate but in a climate of political correctness and thought control where ideas are policed rather than criminals such questions must be raised -it's almost a duty to approach such questions with fearless and defiant non political correctness.

Not fence sitting, just asking questions which I hope will provoke some interesting answers. Should it be banned this repressive muslim garb? I shall resist a glib answer and no doubt return to this after some further consideration!

Sunday, September 16, 2018

Slow Train wreck coming - the time Dylan went Mad

In 1979 Dylan rode the religious right zeitegeist and produced the dire Slow Train Coming album in which he showcased the smorgasbord of religious hatred and bile in what is definitely his weirdest album -after Saved! which followed it.

Running the gamut of bigotry he spews out his embarrassing born again lyrics and although he had formally eschewed 'finger pointing songs' of the early 60's protest period few were to imagine that 15 years later he would be indulging in sulphorous finger jabbing songs such as appear on Slow where he manages to be racist -Sheiks wandering around America controlling it with Oil, misogynist- railing against women for not being able to hold their tongues and threateningly warning the unbelievers of the fate in store if they do not mend their ways and bend the knee to God.

In You Gotta serve somebody he states that whether you are a stockbroker or a bum you will have to serve somebody. So we have the conflation of an achiever with a derelict -what's the difference? and once he has thus demeaned human endeavour he goes in for the kill telling us that we have two choices: serve the Devil or serve the Lord.

Musically the album is ok -I would not go so far as the late Christopher Hitchens who claimed Dylan had never sung better but the band is competent and featured Mark Knopfler who must have been desperate to musically contribute and be associated with  such appalling lyrics.

It seems Dylan was cynically jumping on the religious bandwagon as his conversion seems to have been short lived for he only made one more overtly religious album abovementioned which plumbed further artistic depths with  caterwauling female backing singers in what is almost a parody of gospel.

Some music can lend itself to religious sentiment but this is so forced and self conscious in its faux righteousness it is Dylan going thru the motions and repeating the tired litany of evangelistic tripe which is the stock in trade of religious hucksters from Billy Graham on down.

What comes across most starkly and in this I think Dylan is no exception amongst the religious is the sheer molten hatred and contempt for the human race dripping off practically every word and sentence of the lyrics. If misanthropy is your thing no one does it better than the religious in their myopic almost pathological loathing of humanity.

Which Colour do you want?

We have Red Labour, Blue Labour, Yellow Labour, Green Labour,  Purple Labour. Come on, decide -what a choice you have before you! Maybe the Alt Right? Le't call them Black Labour after the blackshirts.

So you see here is political pluraility in practice. Red cannibals, blue cannibals, yellow cannibals, green cannibals,purple cannibals!

I would like to apologise here to the cannibal 'community'. At least they wait till their victims are dead. They also hold elections. On the one extreme we have the red cannibals who advocate killing and eating 3 people a week. The purple cannibals favour just two people. 3 Cheers for Democracy eh what?

How about the Capitalist Party? We do not offer any sacrificial victims, no self immolation for the good of 'Society,' the Tribe, the Collective, Equality, Egalitarianism, Fraternity, the Proletariat, the Poor, God, Allah, Moses, Buddah ad nauseam.

Who was it said we are all socialists now? We are all statists now. All the guilty men.

The Houses of Statism will throw out Brexit. Where's Guy Falks?

Breaking News!

Christians and Muslims fear death more than humanists and atheists!! Whodathunk it? The presenter of bbc r4 religious programme was gobsmacked at this amazing finding. Apparently its the muslims who fear death most of all.

The atheists on the other hand could care less and are totally relaxed with the plain fact that when we die that is it, kaput, finito, nothingness, the end. No heavenly choirs or satanic hellfire. Remaining conscious and fully rational to the end the atheist can objectively observe the fact that life is coming to an end -in a sense it is not they who are dying but the world effectively.

No wondering, will I make the grade, have I made enough sacrifices, have I abased myself before God sufficiently, said enough hail Mary's or God is great muslim mumbo jumbo, have I studied the torah with sufficient zeal and humility, given enough alms, not lusted too much ad nauseam. Penitent flagellation -was there enough of it?

It is fitting that muslims should fear death most of all as they are the guiltiest of them all having wasted their whole life on the nonsense of their faith. I for one am quite happy to find that they are tormented in their last days - it's reality kicking them in the teeth if they did but know it which of course they don't mistakenly thinking that fear of Allah's judgement is what is causing them fear.

It would be good if the bbc dropped all its religious broadcasting but I suppose it does do a valuable service of reminding us how stupid religious people are and the consequences of abandoning reason to faith. 

Saturday, September 15, 2018

Tax Youtube to fund the Bbc!

Why didn't anyone think of that before?! Red Corbyn's latest wheeze. Let's see now, tax a privately owned media outlet platform and use the money to provide additional funds to a state broadcaster funded by a license system. Yeah, that's fair, that makes sense - in socialist la la land.

What is key to observe is the total contempt it displays towards private property and business, it exists merely as a cash cow for predatory government to plunder to fund a state organization that
 relies on its funding by the compulsory extraction of citizen's money that is if they wish to watch television at all.

One hopes business will mount a unified concerted campaign againstLabour and it's hostile attitude towards enterprise and achievement because unless it is coordinated the party will simply pick individual companies off and capitalism will die incrementally by a thousand depredations.

As it is revealed today that the old Labour leader Michael Foot was  implicated in financial arrangements with the Kgb as a spy for the Soviet Union perhaps it would be worthwhile going though Corbyn's file as he makes Footy seem like a benign fellow traveller in comparison. I would be very surprised indeed if he had not aided and abetted the Soviet Union in one way or another bearing in mind his eagerness to defend every morally corrupt Marxist slave state over the last 50 years.

Beware of Wolves in The People's Clothing

Whenever any proclamation organization or referendum is framed as The People's... run for the hills. Whatever else it is about it will not be about real people -individuals but is rather a front to remove any rights or freedoms from such 'Peoples'.

A sinister term with Marxist collectivist undertones and  associations it is therefor wholly appropriate and fitting that it should be used in the context of the proposed 2nd Brexit Referendum by the collective Remainiacs who are just not going to let the referndum result stand as long as there is any breath left in their bodies.

I wonder if the Irish when they were forced back into having another referendum on the EU having voted incorrectly the first time were aware that they were engaging in a 'People's Referendum' or the Dutch ditto?

It takes some brass neck and chutzpah by the Establishment to force a second referendum when it did not like the result of the first and to couch it in such cynical authoritarian Orwellian terms as the People's Referendum but when the Establishment is fighting for its very survival it must perforce throw caution to the wind and in sheer desperation and existential panic resort to such crude sinister authoritarian totalitarian tactics.

Matthew D'Anconca seemed to be The People's Referendum apologist this morning on the Today prog and he is apparently launching a new publication called Drugstore Culture and perhaps he has been at some sort of drugs as he seems to be a bit shall we say politically confused, writing for the Sunday Telegraph and the New Statesman having been editor the  Spectator for a few years. He appears to be a Pinko tory from what I can make out but whatever his weird political orientation I think I can speak for everyone round here when I say that we wish his new publication a very short shelf life and hope it collapses soon with the maximum financial pain to Mathew and his fellow deluded Remainiacs.

Friday, September 14, 2018

This is Even Funnier....

Don't panic! Food shortages, riots, revolution if we do not surrender to our Brussels Masters and beg them to give us a really crap deal. This is the BBC again.Uncertainty spells doom! A rush on the pound,economic meltdown, mass starvation, Armageddon.

Life outside the EU is clearly unthinkable in its horror and sheer nightmarish implications in BBC land and they are going to lay it on with a trowel.

But what about Corbyn in 10 Downing st? Th corporation is very relaxed at this possibility articualtes it regularly in the most casual matter of fact, inevitable, hey ho insouciant way clearly relishing the prospect,talking it up, normalizing it.

If he does waltze into 10 downing st over the corpse of May and her internicine warring fallen in battle tories this will pose absolutely no repercussion for the British economy or polity at all! No uncertainty, no flight of capital, no exodus of businesses across the channel, no Venzuelan collapse into anarchy and social dissolution.

In fact Venezuela has nothing whatsoever to do with Socialism and we don't even talk about it except in passing as an economic crisis.

No it's Brexit that will lead to the end of the world -the most extreme Marxist Labour government ever - move along, nothing to see!

BBC Solves Brexit and Trump Mystery

It was the 08 Crash wot did it! The British people cannot possibly have come to the conclusion that the EU was a pile of illiberal shite, a dictatorial, undemocratic all round dodgy outfit. Unthinkable, beyond the ken of any self respecting lefty BBC journalist. It must have been the 08 crash! That's it -those criminal bankers made everybody want to leave the EU and vote Trump!

And the crash may happen again because -the banks have not been nationalized or regulated enough!

According to the Economist from what I can glean the world is turning fascist and turning away from liberal democracy because liberalism has failed the people. Why? Wait for this, how about this for cognitive dissonance run amuk: Liberals were not Liberal enough, not Left enough, they did not tax and regulate us enough -they let us down! They neglected the poor.

If Liberals really believe this nonsense they are not only going to be out of power for a while -but forever. If they still don't get it then only the political wilderness beckons for them.

I loathe economic nationalism and pretty much everything Trump represents but he is a product of the left and liberalism's failure and there are no signs whatsoever that they have got that yet. They are going to have their nose rubbed in populism for a long time yet.

Sir Paul McCartney - NO!

It's a pity Sir Paul cannot be content with having written some of the best popular songs of the 20th century -(to my mind way superior to anything Lennon produced -McCartney was the greatest Beatle by a country mile, great though some of Lennon's contributions were) but feels the need instead to share with us his political 'insight' as he did on r4 yesterday.

For some reason those famous in the arts and other areas seem to come under a compulsion to tell us their political opinions which almost invariaby are as banal, pedestrian and predictable as anything you would get in your local pub. No matter how genuis such folk are in their field get them on politics and it's just embarrassing.Why do they do it -are they so unaware of how they sound? Perhaps they think their position will lend gravitas to their vacuous utterings? Wrong!

And of course it is always made worse by the fact that yiu just know they are going to be bloody lefties and its going to be yet another orgy of virtue signalling crap coming out of their mouths -and they never disappoint.

We know Sir Paul - practically loved by the whole world - cares about the environment - he was going on about it to be fair way before any other celebrity jumped on the green bandwagon -back in 71' with his great solo album Wildlife -whining on about the poor animals in the zoo. He'd already hooked up with mad Linda and it's quite likely he got all that eco huey from her -who knows but one thing is clear. Environmentalism is the New Religion and if you dar to question its shibboleths and conventional wisdom you are damned as a heretic -you are a 'climate change denier'. Does this language sound familiar? Catholicism. Denying the existence of God! And you know the penalty for that.

So let's not have anymore heretical talk. If you do not believe in the eco religion wash your mouth out with soapy water and keep silent! And this from people who think of themselves as liberal -demanding censorship on the unbelievers. What about sending them to correction facilities where they can be reprogrammed and expiate their sins my saying 3 hail gaias and flagellating themselves with plastic whips?

Yesterday, Michelle, Eleanor Rigby etc etc etc et etc etc. Let it Be Paul.

Carry On Spying

Is this a joke within a joke within a joke  like those Russian dolls? Is it a newly discovered Checkhov short story, a Master and Margarita outtake? Is the main Russian export now stupidity? The ex KGB man tells us they are not spies -why wouldn't we believe him?!

A country predicated on paranoia and espionage can only implode and if it's people think endlessly voting for an ex? Kgb thug is in their interests they will discover soon enough that they have made a catastrophic error and the UK government  now needs to take RT off the air  and give the UN fair notice that if Russia is not removed from the security council  the UK will remove itself from the UN which at the moment is giving the Russian rogue state moral sanction and, to borrow from Marx, (Groucho) the UK does not want to belong to any club that would have Russia as a member.

What is behind Theocratic Irredentism in the 21st century?

With the catastrophic failure of Marxism to deliver on any front in the last century only the hardliners could any longer defend it and it died on the vine except for a few pockets of hold outs and their number has dwindled still further. The intellectuals embraced post modernism and there had been an anti reason philosophical movement even in the midst of the Enlightenment of which post modernism was its ultimate expression.

 Religion has begun to seem like the best vehicle and ground from which to launch a collectivist assault on freedom and liberty now Marxism can no longer serve that purpose. Church leaders have enjoyed a renaissance if such a word can be used in this context and it is from the pulpit that they launch their anti capitalist tirades and broadsides.

It has come full circle. First religion ruled the masses. Communism and socialism nudged the mystics out of the limelight and with the death of collectivist utopias look who's come back to take up the cudgels of altruism and collectivism!Enter stage Left Welby and co

It is religious belief that is enjoying a revival and in the words of Neil Mcgregor it best exemplifies the belief in the we, the collective,the group. Do not all the 'great' world religions assert group rights over the individual, decry interest in the self and urge sacrifice to the 'other' ie anyone but oneself ? The many not the few. We are all one.

Faith's Late 20th century revival

What caused it? Modern technology. Up until the 50's the religious were in retreat but with radio and tv they were given a new lease of life. The Wizard of Oz syndrome -the idiots with megaphones now had a larger audience determined by their wattage and the religious right came out of this technological revolution and into the political mainstream.

The internet has given the mystics even greater reach and once again we see how primitive superstition and supernaturalism is purveyed using the very technology they profess to despise and which would not exist at all if their irrational anti reason anti science philosophy had prevailed. Ditto the New Age and conspiracy theory mongers. Crackpots now fill large stadiums and command a huge following.

It is these kinds of irrational people who voted Trump into the Whitehouse and he shares the same paranoiac world view with its hideous distortions and fairground mirror version of reality.

Islam too, the darkest of all dark age religions has used the internet to spread its barbaric anti science anti reason primitivism proving that in the very act of denying rationality its opponents have to rely upon and utilize it.

The only good coming out of all this is that atheism has benefited from the technological revolution and for the first time has gathered a vast world wide audience which hitherto it could not command. It was not until into my 50's for instance that I heard an  atheist argument for the first time(!) such has been the  centuries-long stranglehold on public debate by the mystics.

Thursday, September 13, 2018

How to Destroy the Banking System

Regulate regulate regulate, tax, instantiate statuary tax funded  bailouts and all of the latter was in place loing before the last financial crash. The idea that it was in any way shape or form caused by the banking and financial institutions is a statist canard that has it's origins in the 29' crash which was also caused by the same factors but has been whitewashed away with statist folklore written by left wing economists with their establishment statis quo agendas which canard is till being peddled today.

One of the arch purveyors of this statist ex post facto rationalisation is the Scottish basilisk himself Gordon Bennet Brown who is up on his hind legs again giving one of his counter factual crackerbarrel narratives with the subtext about how he save the world last time but the whole thing could happen again because we have not learned the lessons from last time (true -but not in the way he means) and we have relaxed the regulations (o yeah), nations are not talking unto nation, we risk being 'fragmented' with rival contradictory regulatory systems, some countries even having the temerity to dilute some of the oppressive anti capitalist statist incursions such as the notorious socialist  abomination known as Dodds Frank which Trump to his credit is attempting to dilute if not ideally abolish.

So the whole thing was caused and created by statism and when the shit hit the fan who was ready to rush in with statist solutions to the very problem and disaster it had created? Like fiends in the night with bricks they had smashed every window in the polity and in the morning they donned their window repair uniforms and made out like gangbusters.

The game had been won yet again. They practically took over the banks,nationaliszed them and  -yes you got it, instituted yet more statist regulation which will only lead to one thing as night does day -another crash. False diagnosis, false solution. It's the politician and statists bread and butter and it never fails.

The taxpayer as per usual footed the bill, corporate welfare was instatntiated, what was left of the free market was eviscerated and the knights in shining armor were the politicians who burnished their credentials for this act of state looting and larceny and went off into the sunset with their halos shining, reputations assured and their portfolio of business directorships and emoluments on the lecture circuit bulging.

Mr Brown informs us in stentorian tones that not enough bankers went to jail. How about the real culprits doing some time -the politicinas who created the whole mess and set the whole thing in motion. The heist of the century and the culprits doing yet another lap of virtue signalling. Doesn't it just make you want to vomit?

Wednesday, September 12, 2018

May's Devastating Commons Lambaste of Corbyn Socialism!

Oh silly me, that was just a dream! Here's how she responded when he read out a litany of her crimes against humanity like tightening up on welfare fraud re the Universal Benefit system, the 1 million food bank users and a few other misdemeanours I forget. In her firecest voice she lambasted him for - not supporting her tinkering with the universal credit to make it easier for people to claim - and the anti semitism issue.

So I think it is safe to assume that she is ok with Corbyn's Marxism, his desire to turn the UK into Venezuela, his wholesale plans to destroy business, to tax and regulate the UK to death? Why doesn't she just roll out the Red carpet for him in Downing St now to save us any more painful performances by her in the commons and have done with it?

Who are the Real Christians?

In the US religious people tend to be right wing evangelists and the Left are the atheists. In the uK it is the opposite and the religious tend to be on the left and the atheists on the right. Kind of. Odd isn't it. In the UK as I have pointed out frequently all the religious folk are on the left and thought for the day sounds like an never ending pitch for socialism and more taxes and regulation and no slot ever seems to get to the end without a broadside against the self and individulism -standard leftist memes.

If there are religious people in the UK who are Conservative and beleive the state should be small,taxes low and regulation light and people should take responsibility for their own welfare and stop whining for more handouts I have certainly never heard them on Thought for the Day and I have been listening for decades!

Why is this discrepancy betwwen the US Religious and UK religious? I don't know but it could be because the socialist movement in the UK was founded by and large by religious groups whereas possibly in the US this was not the case, or not so much.

My resolution of this apparent confusion or contradiction about what is the true Christianity is to point out much to the annoyance of bothsides of the so called political divide that they are really all brothers and sisters under the ideological skin -both statists, one on the left and one on the right.

How to listen to the Today prog without getting High Blood Pressure

The clue's in the name: Public Service Broadcasting. It does what it says on the tin! It's remit, inplicit and explicit in the job title is to represent the Public Services, to be their champion, defender - against government 'cut backs', 'Austerity' (you what?!) to catalogue the depredations in public services by wanton Ayn Rand like tory wreckers, free market zealots, crazed capitalist-loving Darwinist survival of the fittest right wingiac tories aided and abetted by the 'right wing press'. Are you with the programme -The Today programme?

If it was the Muslim Broadcasting Service you know what you would expect, ditto Catholic, it goes with the territory.

Now do you understand ladies and gentlefolk? How can you be annoyed or get high blood pressure once you know what the Bbc is for and what it's unremitting agenda is? Would you read the Guardian and get annoyed with it for being Left wing? It's the nature of the beast.

I get that it is bloody annoying because the Bbc is pretending to be what it is not -impartial and objective - that drives people nuts and rightly so. Pretty much every topic is about how the public services are in mortal danger, are withering on the vine, could die yada yada yada, shroud wave city. Public Services representatives probably have rooms at the bbc so frequently are they called upon to do their Cassandra routine. But my anti blood pressure guide is to simply recognize that the beeb is this mouthpiece and megaphone for the big state, for statism, for rule by Public Service -it is the political arm of the Public Services, its platform and propaganda unit -then you can listen and get an education into left wing thinking, the left wing mindset and what we are up against -who the enemy is.

At the risk of endlessly repeating myself the Capitalist Party would sell off the Bbc and bring its 100 years of misrule propagandizing for the State to an end.

Tuesday, September 11, 2018

Sweden - No!

You have to laugh. Sweden the poster boy of all things liberal for the longest time has lurched to the far right with it taking a fifth of the votes in the general election yesterday. We used to have to listen to endless lectures by lefties  about the virtues of this near perfect embodiment of liberal values so that's shut them up for good and it turns out they were lying about it anyway because it abandoned all that welfare nonsense ages ago and it was more left folklore than anything connected to reality.

Still the left will have to find some other liberal paradise to swoon over now that a fifth of Swedes have decided to goose step it, joining the race across Europe to see who can be more fascistic than thou.

Hungary has just been lectured to by the Brussels liberal elite but has given it a good tongue lashing for its pains. As the EU implodes and a far right backlash ripples around europe can we not be both deeply  troubled at the grim turn of events in EUland while at the same time savour the sheer schadenfreude of it all?

The Great Employer Myth

This is the myth of  our age. Your own boss. Your business. Er, no. Once, yes but not for the longest time. You are merely an employee of the State! It sets the rules and oh how many of them there are. Stacks, feet high. They grow like mushrooms in the dark. You have to employ people to navigate them for you or you would have no time to run the business which you are merely the custodian of. You take your orders from your boss - the State.

Hiring, firing, how much or how little you will pay your employees all decided by the government. holiday pay, sick pay - I won't go thru the list as I did so in a few posts back.

You may think you are running your own business but John Mcdonnel and his kind know otherwise. You are merely there to take orders, to obey your state masters - or face the consequences. Private business was nationalized a long time ago. By stealth, on the installment plan, rule by rule, law by law, regulation by regulation, tax by tax, decree by decree. The cancer spread devouring all before it. The private sector has a hollow ring to it does it not?

The insouciance with which Mcdonnel has laid out his plans to instruct business how to run  business is testimony to actually who owns private business - who the boss is -and it in't you.

Now we know it is going to be handed over to the workers as if the Soviet Union never happened. It's ground zero day. Groundhog day. The mainstream moderate parties have done this over a generation. The mixed economy.

We Versus I

According to the learned venerable cuddly Rabbi Sachs -Piss be upon him -I'm an Equal Opportunities abuser of the Great and the good -but if you feel I have left anybody out please let me know gentle readers.

Anyway just to prove that it is not just Christianity and Izlam that wears the badge of anti individualism and selflessness with militant pride and virtue signalling smugness and sanctimony it is clear that Judaism can perfectly acquit itself and compete on equal terms with the other two in that department.

So here we had the Rabbi telling us in a bbc radio 4 production last week that the West used to be a We society and has now become an I society. He brought in a crazed leftist professor - American of course where academia has been dragged thru the mud via the tenured leftists for decades - who informed us that sometime in the latter part of the 19th century the US went from a I society with vast inequality and dis of wealth to a We society with all the great socialist legislation, the Wilson era onwards when the state encroached in Constitution busting state creep and modern welfare America was born.

This was sweet music to the Rabbis ears and he expanded on this theme to nauseating effect. We have become an I society too! Rampant individualism characterizes the age. In the words of that great pulpiteer Yaron Brook -Really? I wish. What we have here is the classic liberal conflation of whim driven subjectivism sometimes even to hedonism with individulism. Once that false association has been made and established in people's minds -once that smear in other words has been made the ground is now set to denounce individualism and embrace the collectivism of We which the Rabbi proceeds to do  with the characteristic zeal of all altruist mystics.

He cites some novel where the word We has been eliminated from the language. Funny but I seem to recall a Russian novelist called Zamyratin wrote a book in the 1930's called We where the word I had been eliminated -or maybe it was in Ayn Rand's Anthem which I have heard influenced Orwell's 1984.

The churches have lost their power granted, so it is understandable they want to reclaim lost ground but this sort of spiritual revanchism is desperate stuff and cannot bear the slightest scrutiny. But he does try! The case is cited with the help of lefty university students -or perhaps the more appropriate moniker Uni students he gathered together (who if their iqs were added up would rival that of your average lab rat) and they did not disappoint. One was opining about the I generation who actually have the brassneck temerity to dine alone in public! From a social gathering it has become a display of unacceptable individualism with the single diner on a laptop brazenly taking a selfie and sending
 it to someone with a picture of the food about to be consumed. The end of civilization! A disgusting Orwellian display of 'Ownlife'. Get thee to a collectivist farm for reprogramming!

Judaism Sachs, I mean sucks. If this is what the establishment mouthpiece of that ancient monotheistic religion amounts to it is in a sorry state. Could there ever be a more dismal display of intellectual rot masquerading as deep thought and reflection? Radio 4  listeners and Sachs deserve one another. And the series is in 4 parts!

Old Mcdonnel had an Animal Farm

Eyore eyor oh! Employees, you now have your rights- a whole banquet of them! Here are your Zero hours. The Gig is up. Nice work while you got it. All your rights are now recognized but sadly there is no work for you now.We hope this recognition of your inherent worth and value will go some way to mitigate the fact that you are now unemployed and probably will never have a job again. Up the workers!

A i ai oh! Last time I checked the new generation of super robots will not be requiring any of the following - and please let me know if I have left any of them out: Maternity leave. Paternity leave. Transgender leave. Adoption leave (no I don't know what that is either). Sick pay. Redundancy pay. Access to tribunals for unfair dismissal. Minimum wage. Living wage. Holiday pay.Shares in company rights.Positions on boards of company.

With John Mcdonnel's employment policy announcements today it is surely now official: Labour has bought the farm.

They Don't have a Cunning Plan!

Or any plan. The Brexiteers are now an official laughing stock. 'We're just agin it' is their position. Chequers sucks and we will replace it with -blank-out.

Sorry Mr Ian Dumkopf smith but it ain't good enough. Get your act together. Sing from the same brexit hymn sheet. None of this ego brinkmanship and power plays.This is confirmation of my previous post on the faux brexiters, the protest too much brigade, the paper tigers who fold and who will ultimately serve as imprimatur, Trojan Horse instrument and facilitator to May's treachery and Brussels sell-out.

Monday, September 10, 2018

The Watchdog State

What better way to expand the frontiers of the state and grow its cancerous and monstrous reach than  by  adding yet more vast layers and levels of bureaucracy to its bloated  infrastructure in the form of 'watchdogs' masquerading as independent state overseers providing an objective oversight of its operations - a classic statist ploy giving legitimacy to its depredations  whilst appearing to be a check on  them!

When it comes to cynicism it is always best to never underestimate statists and the lengths they will go to expand their invasive operations still further into the private domain and cover up their encroachments with much trumpeted and heralded displays of probity  and 'independent inspection' -carried out by state operatives!

But who's watching the watchdogs? Let's get another layer of government agencies to do that!  Infinite ever expanding circles of government to rival anything from Dante's hell - a bureaucrats wet dream with presumably Kafka as its mascot.

The United Theocratic States of America?

It is unthinkable isn't it that Roe v Wade could be overturned? That America could become a theocracy ruled by crazed evangelist religious right wing nutjobs?

If there is separation of powers how come the president gets to nominate the sinecured tenured supreme court judge? The abortion genie will not be put back in the bottle as the American people would not tolerate it for a minute. Ditto same sex marriage.

But what a state of affairs that religion should slither its way back to the higher echelons of government in a country that was expressly designed and created and framed with constitutional firewalls between church and state - it being built into the very fabric of the nation and its dna, to separate it from the very european church ruled priestridden tyrannies it had escaped and broken free from. And in the 21st century.

The great Tory euroskeptic Myth

 It was all pretend from the start. Only 3 tories out of 100s have quit  over the issue. The idea that is has split the party is laughable and there is no evidence for it .If it was going to break in two on this matter it would have happened decades ago.

Their greatest peace time and I would argue all time leader Thatcher was deposed over her dawning realization that the EU was a bad ass organization. Still the tories went on winning elections. No one left. Even Thatcher who could easily have started a breakaway Sdp type party did no such thing. It was simply a media fiction that the conservatives were somehow riven by the issue and facing an existential crisis - born more of hope than any relationship with reality.

How can all those so -called tory  euroskeptics have remained in the party for so long after all the series of Brussels depredations on an almost weekly basis if they were that opposed to the uk's eu membership? They went along with it all, mouthing opposition but drawing their salary, swallowing one betrayal after another, the Redwoods, Cash, Jenkins, et al. The whole thing just does not add up, it was pantomime all the way along.

And so it will prove to be at the denouement when Treason May finally gets to hand the Uk's ass on a silver platter to Brussels, covered and layered with fudge, evasions, subterfuges, sophisties, casuistries doublespeak, terminological inexactitudes and circumlocutions. All the tory euroskeptics will fall in line as they always do, heralding a great victory for them as the country sails off into the sunset as fully paid up vassalaged serfs of its Brussels masters.