Sunday, August 26, 2018

Why the West Cannot Defeat Islam

The sinister emergence of Hate Speech laws across democracies of the Western world is the biggest and most fatal error it has committed and the consequences and repercussions flowing from it could well spell its final doom. With Islam threatening  wherever it goes and settles the very sinews of western democracy, its institutions and polity, the very last thing on earth west should be doing is closing down debate, curtailing freedom of speech, creating a chilling effect on the free exchange of ideas, jailing and imprisoning people for having the wrong views, persecuting them, fining them, creating speech codes, behaving in fact like a continent with a death wish which it clearly has.

Why this loss of nerve in the face of an existential threat like Islam? Instead of confronting it with home truths it waves the white flag, appeases it, actually does its dirty work for it by censoring any dissent and making it illegal and subject to prosecution and jail.

It self censors itself. After 9/11 every newspaper and publication worth its salt should have published the Mohamud piss be upon him cartoons. But no, it cowed, it bending its knee and here we are today our culture in ruins, our moral force spent ready to be taken over by any despot wielding the whip.

Why? How did it happen? Isn't freedom and liberty worth fighting for? Not if political correctness and multiculturalism tells you that western democracies are just a s corrupt as dictatorships and our culture is no better than the pygmy ones in far away continents and that we should apologize for our liberal values and for bringing the civilized world into existence with scientific discovery and all the aesthetic spiritual intellectual industrial revolution marvels that flowed from the Enlightenment.

If we don't value those things what defence do we have against the barbarians at the gate which we have now let through the gate? How can we convey moral and intellectual strength  and confidence and yes moral superiority when we no longer believe in the cultural intellectual values that bought us such abovementioned things because the intellectuals in our institutions have spent the last hundred years decrying and smashing those things into a thousand pieces?

How can we fight the ideology of islam  with pragmatism and amoral anti ideology, when we despise  ideas and think that truth is arrived at by consensus and opinion poll?When we don't have a clear and consistent and integrated philosophical base from which to proceed and and think all ideas should be accorded equal value be they good bad or indifferent?

The war we wage is with ideas and philosophy and unless we realize this and have a clearly defined and integrated philosophical value system we in the West will be overtaken by barbaric ideas from the dark ages which have emerged expressly because of our moral and philosophical default in the war of ideas and our abandonment of the field to savages.

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