Friday, August 10, 2018

Is Anti Semitism now a crime?

There is no bigger fan of Israel than moi but this hounding and attempting to silence the expression of of anti semitic sentiments is too much for even me to stomach. It comes under free speech. Lets hear from the anti semites rather than attempt to silence them and push their vile views underground.

Holocaust deniers? Bring it on. It comes under free speech. To jail the latter as they did with the historian Irving was monstrous. Let's debate these people,ridicule,lambaste,satirize them but don't silence them.

The creation of enforced speech codes to protect jewish sensibilities is disastrous,illiberal and every bit as fascistically authoritarian and totalitarian as the people it is attempting to censor.

I condemn attacks on free speech from every quarter,be it left or right. The left happens to be the main offender in our culture today but for the jewish people to play the same game in the name of offence taking is a disastrous act of supreme folly and is no better than the islamafascists who are attempting to do the same thing to 'protect' Izlam from all criticism. 

Religions will always seek special protection from criticism but they are the very group most in need of it and to pander to them will only leave religious fundamentalism and authrotiarianism as the ultimate victor.

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