Saturday, August 25, 2018

My Feelings are Hurt! I'm Offended!

Since when did we allow  a culture to grow up where some people's fragile self esteem is allowed to hold freedom of speech hostage like a child having a tantrum when it's little ego is frustrated? I dunno but it's scary for us grownups, for liberty, freedom of speech - our very survival as a free people hangs in the balance if we do not scotch this nonsense pretty soon.

The offence culture is having a chilling effect on free speech - and that of course is its express intention. Coming as it largely does from the Left it makes sense as it has lost the argument comprehensively, all the evidence of recent history is against it, all it's collectivist assumptions and theories have been exploded countless time over -what does it have left but censorship - and the moral intellectually bankrupt anti ideology of post modernism to hide behind?

But it also comes from another insidious malevolent quarter namely the religious organisations who in a last desperate attempt to salvage their moribund and morally corrupt mystical faith and irationalism are seeking by subterfuge and stealth to bring back the old discredited blasphemy laws to close down criticism of their ridiculous belief system. Islam is now practically a no go area re criticism, ridicule,satire and any public person goes there at his peril.

This censorship for such it clearly is has been successfully re branded as a move against 'hate speech' which means whatever anyone wants it to mean so vague is it's construction -which of course is it's specific intent. No one knows if they may fall foul of it or not if they venture into the perilous seas of critiquing faith so for sheer self preservation they avoid the subject  and the religious groups have triumphed. Issue the threat in legislative form and self censorship does the rest. Job done.

No one has the right not to be offended. They can go live under a rock if they choose but all the while they live among people they will have to tolerate criticism of themselves and their belief system and what does it say for such beliefs anyway if they cannot withstand a cold critical eye cast on them?

The religious and the Left do not have a leg to stand on, they lost the argument long ago so let us resist their desperate rearguard attempt to silence us and continue to cast light on the intellectual , moral darkness and bankruptcy they represent and embody.

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