Monday, August 13, 2018

The HOUSES of Parliament

Once upon a time the government of Great Britan decided it would get involved in the the house building business. It is lost in the mists of time what political party dreamed this up but it was probably the socialist Labour party although Macmillan the Red tory I believe went in for an expansion of house building in a big way and was quite happy to boast about it as a great achievement so once again Labour/Tory/ spot the difference.We are all socialists now kind of thing.

Today the gov announces a Tory gov that is going to abolish homelessness by providing all indigent wastrels with social housing costing hundreds of millions of pounds. Quelle surprise. And that lady and gentleman is why we need a Capitalist Party to say NO NO NO, we are not and never will be a social housing project Party,we totally reject the idea that this is the role of the state. We will NEVER build a single house - and we will sell off All existing council And Housing Association stock. We will further abolish housing benefit and repeal All gov legislation controlling the private rental sector.

If you stand on a street corner giving free stuff away pretty soon a Very long queue will form and soon it will be stretching around the block and the next block and the next. Then gov will say see what a need there is for this free stuff.We must expand gov to meet this need,not to do so would be a national scandal and disgrace.Lets pick the pockets of everybody so we can give away all this free stuff -vote for us Now!

Never underestimate the craven stupidity and gullibility of the public when it comes to this issue. They will fall for it every time. It's why we get the crap govs we do -which the public then complains about! Stop voting for them - Hello!

So why are we the Capitalist Party even getting involved in this madness you might ask. Well,you have to try,appeal to reason.Just get a percentage of people to say o yes, we are being irrational and we are voting in politicians who are playing on our irrationality and feeding parasitically off it to furnish their careers of evil and it's got to stop. We will vote for The Capitalist Party.

I am being naieve? Probably lol ha ha ha

Postcript: True to form the socialist Labour party has announced that the gov' decision to spend hundreds of millions of pounds on eliminating homelessness is 'patheitc' as much more is required so we see how in a textbook illustration everytime the tories enact or propose to enact some socialist legislation Labour pockets the concession and ups the ante. The tories thus serve as the stepping stone for a full blown socialist Labour gov. Very useful idiots indeed.Theyv'e been doing it since the get go.

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