Thursday, August 16, 2018

Regulation, an Assault on Liberty and Capitalism

Nothing kills creativity more surely than socialist regulation -not that there is any other kind. It is the tool of would be tyrants who loathe freedom entrepreneurism industry commerce trade,capitalism and it is an unremitting war against these manifestations of freedom and the  regulators and the leftists behind it go about their 'business' with a with a near religious and fanatical zeal as on a moral crusade.

The appetite for regulation grows with the feeding and it is often the only form of exponential growth mixed economies experience -a whole industry is built up around regulation,a growth industry ie a cancerous growth. No one benefits from regulation bar the regulators and those large companies that are thus protected from challenging newcomers who can never enter the field becuse of the prohibitve costs of the regulation that the bigger companies can more easily absorb and offset. Regulation is thus protectionism writ large,phoney capitalism, a closed shop effectively - a modern version of guild socialism.

The Capitalist Party would eliminate all regulatory frameworks and legislation, start a bonfire of regulation -a raging inferno and set all entrepreneurs free. The whole licensing system would be torn up and the only qualification for success would be creativity drive ambition,not how much you can pay to the local mafia councils with their bribes,extortion and licensing protection rackets. It is costing the country billions in higher prices,bureaucracy,taxes,productivity, killing innovation and is indeed a virulent cancer on capitalism which is why leftists the world over love and revere it so much.

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