Tuesday, August 14, 2018

A Profile of those drawn to Conspiracy Theories

They are a certain breed conspiracy theorists and they have characteristics that are pretty uniform and universal. They are overwhelmingy male,single usually aligned with fundamentalist religious organisations, invariably inpecunious, unemployed or working in a low skilled job and exhibit emotional instability and high levels of anger.

And they are looking for reasons as to why they are such failures and the imperative need they have to find such reasons bogus or otherwise is what draws them to conspiracy theories which explain their failure and allows them to attain some faux self esteem by finding a focus for their rage,a scapegoat to explain away their lifetime of failure and conspiracy theories fit the bill in every way shape or form.

It's the jews! The zionists! The bielderbergers! The multinationals. The globalists. The One World governments. Soros. These are the source of their problems, the foes to be slain and only when that is done will they get a chance in life, only when those obstacles are eliminated will they have a hope of getting what's theirs.

The Alt right brigade fit this profile to a t. They are losers. This is what attracts them to Trump because he tells them the fault is not in themselves but in their stars,or the Chinese eating their lunch, or the fake news ad nauseam.

They love Alex Jones! They were losers before he came on the scen and now they are empowered,their self induced misery is now explained away,externalised,projected onto them, the system,the globalists.

This is pure rampant emotionalism, the substitution of reason with emoting and it is invariably interlarded with religious fundamentalism,mysticism tinged with new age ism -a potent intoxicating brew designed to fuel their narcissistic solipsistic rage and prevent them from ever discovering that they are losers because of their own failure to act with reason and pursue a self interested course of action based on reason and logic rather than blind emotionalism.

This is their tragedy and the likes of Icke and Jones et all are feeding on their credulity and garnishing a career and notorieity on the thousands of suckers who are drawn into their arrant knavish ratiocinations leading them away from self awareness and any possibility whatsoever of making something of their self broken lives.

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