Monday, August 13, 2018

Every Liddle Counts!

Apparently and I have not read it the Rod in the Spectator has said that far from there being too much Islamaphobia' in the tory party there is not enough! I heartily agree with him. He is in danger of getting his collar felt yet again by the PC brigade ie the police as he was under investigation recently for daring to : make jokes about the Welsh. I kid you not.This is how bad its got in this country now.

Evelyn Waugh would have ended up in jail for doing a similar thing in his Decline and Fall (of the English).

So yes we do need more Islamaphobia as what is a phobia but a fearr and where there is a legitimate cause for fear ie the growth like a cancer of Izlam in the West fear is the order of the day. We are right to shudder as Tony Parsons in the Sun the other day said he does whenever he sees a muslim woman covered from head to foot in a sack.They don't even dress like that in the Middle freakin east for the most part. It is a statement of intent.An intent to manifest a dark nihilism,a sinister signal of malevolence and downright hostility to western liberal values and we should not tolerate it any more than we should tolerate Nazis walking down the street with swastikas and Hitler masques.

As Parsons says it is a rebuke to everything he holds dear,freedom,liberty,women's liberation from misogynist attitudes towards them -all the things that feminists for godsakes are supposed to hold dear but we do not get a peep out of them on this except to come down on the side of the Islamists and defend the right of women to wear the dress of submission to their much uttered word patriachy.

If Izlam were a white evangelical Christian outfit those feminists would be the first in line to condemn the repressive opressive culture that has women dress like that but because it is Izlam they are as silent as the night and by so being  are every bit as complicit in the subjection of women and  every bit as guilty as the tyrannical culture that has created the burkah hijab and other female imprisoning dress in the first place and that is to their eternal shame and ignominy.

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