Wednesday, August 29, 2018

Objectivists, Political Exile and Alienation from Tribal Politics

It's hard for anyone being an Objectivist or even expressing the Objectivist message because it falls completely outside traditional tribal lines which this country's polity alas is still bound by although its withers are beginning to become unstrung albeit glacially.

Old loyalties and allegiances are challenged as one realizes the ideological similarities- at their base- of Left and Right, their shared assumptions of statism both implicit and sometimes explicit,their narcissism of small differences and the total stitched up conplicitly con game of the two party system more or less across the whole Western world -and beyond.

The two parties which resemble something out of Orwells 1984 Eurasia and Eastasia or whatever they were called are working in  de facto symbiosis to carve out the political territory in a completely arbitrary and politically illiterate way and effectively take it in turn to govern in what are well established electoral cycles with their predictable tired routines of   oppositional, faux conflict.

It's your turn to plunder the economy now Mr Left Party, and we'll have our go next time says Mr Right Party. Left or Right -what does it mean anymore or what perhaps did it ever mean?

I had witnessed Yaron Brook's conflicts with so called objectivist even who think Trump is the second coming or something but have also recently had first hand experience of it so know it is a real phenomena and not some contrived or exaggerated issue.

Try pointing out to some conservative voter the appalling nature of Trump,his vulgarity,his abusiveness his crimes against human decency,the truth,logic, reality and they look at you as if you have just advocated paedophillia,the killing of the first born and the harbouring of communistic sympathies -and those are some of the lesser charges. So tribalistic in their thinking are they  -if it can be called thinking- that they simple cannot see that there can be a principled basis of argument against Trump without the person making it being Left wing - there is a pro capitalist argument against his statist policies which they simple cannot or will not grasp or get their heads around.

It is akin to communicating with someone in a cult -rather scary and quite a revelation it must be said. But  disheartening all the same. And lots of this is to do with the fact that as all rogues and scoundrels do Trump has got the sicko perverted religious right and patriot nuts on his side ,the protectionist racist red necks who never liked capitalism anyway and want subsidies and corporate welfare to give them  their rust belt 20th century jobs back that they apparently have a God given entitlement to and if that means starting a suicidal internicine trade war with China so be it. America first -right over the economic cliff to financial Armageddonsville. Make America Great Again! Yea right.

And he feeds their paranoia got from Conspiracy websites because he is similarly afflicted indulging in the same fantasist diet from the Alex Jones school of hysterical symptoms of conspiracy and derangement mania. Worse still the President of the United States is threatening the media with censorship and riding roughshod over 1st Ammendment Constitutional rights for all the world like an authoritarion thug from a 3rd world hell hole.On those grounds alone impeachment charges should proceed. In the perpetration of Un American activities Trump is in a league all of his own.

How can freedom loving, yes Republicans fall for this arrant knave and charlatan, this impostor waving the American flag in one hand and a Fascist one  in the other?

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