Monday, August 20, 2018

Plastic. O NO, Banned!

I know b****r all (family site) about plastics but I do know an eco bandwagon when I see one careering about madly. I know the accompanying nauseating orgy of vitrue signalling by the usual suspects. The religious zeal with which the anti plastic brigade have latched on to this latest supposed environmental outlier of Armageddon/ ecocide.

So who knows if plastic is a problem -and does it matter anyway as it it's really not the issue nor are any of the other periodic eco scares that have come and gone like the fads they invariably are. The issue is that the environmentalists care and they are going to let us all know how much they care and they are going to lay collective guilt on us and it's going to involve a further curtailment of our liberties and we are going to have to do yet more penance which always ends up costing us in taxes -government's just gonna have to get that much bigger,that much more invasive,that much more finger wagging new agencies will emerge,more jobs for the environmentalists,more punishments for the heretics who deny Gaia and question his mighty powers and omnipotent will.

The despoilers of the earth -that's you and I folks are gonna have to pay and have to engage in governmental programmes of re education to correct our false consciousness regarding the sacred environment and apolgize daily for our plastic transgressions. The high priests of the green religion will sort out unbelievers and punnish them sorely!

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