Sunday, August 26, 2018

Atheists are Communists!

Really?! An old associate informed me of this  fact just recently so I thought I would explore the idea and that's what I shall now attempt to do gentle readers. (Deep intake of breath).

Try this reasoning for size:The communists are atheists ergo all atheists are communists.Communists are humans ergo all humans are communists. Need I say more? I think they call that reductio ad absurdium - I was third in my class for Latin but there were only three in the class. Anyway you can see the absurdity of the proposition so I really do not need to proceed beyond this point -but I will anyway!

In both Soviet Union and Nazi Germany the State churches were quick to get behind the communists and Nazis and as far as I know the same holds for Spain and Italy in WW2.

Stalin was a seminarist, fully schooled in scripture and not long into his reign brought and incorporated the church into his wider communist program   recognizing that the hold it had over the peasant masses could be utilized to his ends rather than eliminated as the burning down of churches does not an atheist country make. Christianity was too indelibly rooted in the Russian peasant soul to be eliminated by such a crude and superficial act of church burning, indeed he recognized that  the very credulity of the uneducated peasantry that kept it under the sway of the Church could be utilized to sell them the equal dud of communism for whom the promised land was always just another 5 year plan away from fruition.Have Faith comrades! One more push! One more famine and we will reach the promised land!

My old associate then came out with a real gem: Communists, to paraphrase, do not disbelieve in God - they just hate him. In which case they are not communists! But it is worse than that contradiction for I do believe that my old associate will not permit atheists to not believe in God -it will not be countenanced so we will settle for them hating God instead! Atheism will be not acknowledged! The possibility that someone could actually have come to the conclusion weighing all the evidence for his existence (ie none) that he does not exist will not be tolerated!

Maybe he hopes I will renounce my atheism for fear of being an unwitting communist since he knows I am pro capitalist? Whatever the case it will surely come as a huge surprise to the millions of Ayn Rand appreciators to discover that she was really a Commie all along!

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