Friday, August 24, 2018

Charity begins at - the point of a Gun?

I don't know how long charities have been part funded by the state via taxation but it is a rum thing  in that it surely violates and indeed subverts the whole principle of voluntary giving which is the definition of charity.

An act of volition ie charity is now turned on its head once the state through taxation gets involved and one cannot help thinking that it is this invidious involvement that may have contributed to the growing and increasing politicization of charities particularly and most notoriously Oxfam which has steadily over the years morphed from a relatively harmless charity into something quite foreign issuing heavily political messages through its charity portals on the high street and elsewhere.

Who knows but if the recent problems of Oxfam re sex allegations has also stemmed from this transformation from charity to impersonal bureaucratic political agency  imbuing it with a sense of entitlement and protection from the kind of scrutiny the more humble traditional charities would be subject to?

Whatever the case it is a moral obscenity that the state is using taxpayer's money to part fund charities of whatever stripe and rest assured the Capitalist Party would put a stop to such co option and inversion of the charitable impulse by the state - however minor and marginal  in the hierarchy of  values  giving to charity is or should be in the lives of  individual donors.

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