Sunday, August 12, 2018

Why Capitalism?

Because it is the only system for which individual rights are essential and indispensable to its successful operations. It requires non coercion by the state in order to function. It is the opposite of all statist systems whatever their their stamp be they socialism,communism,fascism,mixed economy ism,autocracy, Liberalism, social democracy yada yada.

Capitalism is dependent upon reason,individual choice,non collectivism in order to flourish and humans require those elements for their very survival and growth.

No compromise with any elements of statism and coercion are tolerated whatsoever here  which automatically precludes the present system of the mixed economy which is just a mixture of freedoms and controls,freedom and slavery which of course is contradictory and schizoid and ergo incredibly unstable hence all the economic cycles inherent within it which lead to boom and bust and which will ultimately lead to either complete liberty or much more likely and present in existing trends, ultimate authoritarianism and totalitarianism -see our present culture and polity.

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