Friday, August 10, 2018

Criminal Stupidity

To show how stupid criminals are many of them actually convert to Izlam in jail! How dumb is that? Illustrates how they are not the brightest of the species that they would convert to a stoneage religion that has even less to commend it than Christianity which is bad enough.

What attracts them to Izlam is pretty obvious however -it's for losers, a self destructive death cult, it is bound to attract the most ignorant hopeless characters doing nothing with their lives -its essential nihilism -the desire for death corresponds with the  nihilism of the average prisoner and it also allows them to carry on their criminal behaviour but with the imprimatur of a world famous religion. They are now on a mission - to do exactly the same thing ie murder and mayhem but they can now do it with a moral sanction and actually feel a sense of virtue and acomplishment as they bomb and behead in the name of Allah - Piss be upon him.

The latest terrorist arrest involves a white muslim convert (in jail) man who used to revere Hitler and it is not much of a change of allegiance at  all to go from that to  to Izlamizm which is profoundly racist and anti semitic - it's little more than a change of uniform. And you can still hate jews!

Besides, Hitler lost,was badly defeated,Nazizm is universally condemned and hated -but Izlam -it's the future innit? They believe it at least and it's surely our job to disabuse them of that notion but I see scant sign that the West is doing anything whatsoever to do that. In the light of the reaction to Borris's comments it would seem we still want to bend over backwards to pander to Izlam and do the jihadists job of closing down all discussion on the Islam problem and silencing anyone who dares question the vile evil nature of this death cult religion from hell,

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