Wednesday, August 15, 2018

What is the Essence of Religion?

Emotionalism! This is what drives all religious sentiment and expression. In the absence of reason which of course religious belief is totally devoid of, what else is left but emotionalist fervour?

The key element to note among pretty much all religionists is the profound mistrust of reason and more particularly the Intellect. The biggest insult many of the religious persuasion can hurl at the unbeleivers is that they are intellectual. It is pretty much the only group of people who actually use the word intellectual as a  term of abuse,the final proof that someone is suspect and dishonest,the damning irrefutable evidence.

Only perhaps the 20th century communists with whom the religionists have quite a lot in common incidentally and more on that another time, is there a comparable and visceral   hatred fear and loathing of reason and the intellect. Small wonder for it is the very application of reason and the intellect that both groups of beleivers have most to fear for when  it is turned on them and their absurd ridiculous claims they crumble like pie crust at their first contact with reality via the intellect.

Rather than be offended at the intended insult of being labelled an intellectual such accused should wear it like the badge of honour it so undoubtedly is and thank the accusers for the albeit unintended compliment they have given them.

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