Saturday, August 18, 2018

Who are the biggest Casuists of them all?

The religious! Master sophists they are and it's easy to see why that would be. Rational people have no need of that because they use reason and seek clarity in thought and  speech to convey meaning. The opposite motive guides the religious the very nature of their subject matter is obsfuscatory which is why nothing they say makes any sense.It's mystical mush,they sole motivation is to obscure meaning,dissimulate, deploy foggy indeterminate vague abstractions,equivocate,mask, conceal, use language in approximate rather than precise way,to generally cast  of veil  of confusion over what subject is at hand.

The religious major in equivocation and are definitely the most dishonest and untrustworthy people I have ever had any dealings with. As they base their whole belief system on a lie this is hardly surprising when it spills into every other area of their life and infects everything. And rationalization is rife amongst the religious. They can justify anything they do as being done for their creator,he is their imprimatur for whatever they choose to do however arbitrary and irrational.

It is obvious that if one bases one's whole belief system on a subjectivist emotionalist level of consciousness everything one does practically is going to be disastrous -garbage in garbage out as it  were.A brain programmed and running on irrational is going to be self destructive and dangerous to be around. For this reason religion should be banished from the political arena entirely and should never drive public policy in so much as there would be any in a truly free capitalist system.

For an atheist it would be very inadvisable to have anything to do with those of the religious persuasion when it comes to business matters. They are mega dishonest and I speak from personal experience. Even socially why would one want to be in the company of a person who claims to have connection with the suppernatural and bases their life on the fictional concoctions  of fantastical religious text cobbled together by fantasists perpetrating the biggest fraud on the human race in the whole of human history?What could one possibly gain from such company?

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