Thursday, August 16, 2018

The State's Pathetic Collusive response to terrorists

They are holding the psycho who attempted to ram people to death in Westminster but have asked the government for an extension till Monday because the criminal is still 'not cooperating'. So he only has to hold out till Monday keeping stuum and then he can go?

Thumbscrews! Now! We are at war. He is an enemy combatant.He has renounced his citizenship by his actions.He should be in a military detention centre -a British Guatano bay where no Queensbury rules obtain and where the Brussels European Human Rights does not hold sway or must not and would not under the Capitalist Party!

Tommy Robinson for whom I hold very little brief if any has been treated worse than this specimen of pond life. I would prefer him to have a public lynching than the treatment he is getting now for engaging in an act of war on British soil towards our citizens.

The government official was coy for a reason when he said the vermin was originally from 'another country' when they knew damn well it was Sudan and he had been granted refugee status and then proceeded to attempt to blow up the hands that fed him. Small wonder they did not want that news to come out on the day of the arrest but waited till the outrage had abated somewhat before revealing it -news management,verging on fake news.

And you wonder why we have lost the war we never declared and the enemy is waxing strong and emboldened by our weakness,vacillitions and pusilaminous non response?

Unfair? Listen to what some 'expert' on the BBC said in connection with the species of social pathology in question: 'we are looking to see who or what provoked him to act in this way'. There you have it. The criminal is really a victim,'provoked' into carrying out an atrocity. Case rested.

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