Saturday, August 11, 2018

Capitalist Manifesto -a work in progress

I will not rehearse the Capitalist Manifesto in any detail at this point  as it s so wide ranging and comprehensive in its rejection of the present and long standing political system of government that it will be way too much for the average reader to fully grasp, so alien is it to the current statist quo in all its horrific manifestations throughout the polity and culture so I will just instead make a few basic statements  of core principles and premises underlying the policies,highlight the philosophical roots they are derive from and give a general outline of the direction of travel  and this I will do in a future post.

I will first however give a thumbnail sketch of a few policies that will be enacted once political power is attained(!) in the following posts just to give a flavour of the post mixed economy paradise that awaits and could be yours for the voting......

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