Friday, August 31, 2018

' Playing God'

According to a deservedly little to unknown tin pot guru in Oregon (figures!) it is thru man's 'pride' that he 'plays God'. Why on earth would anyone take pride in playing the role of a psychopath?! A mass killer? I have to preface this by pointing out that when I refer to God I am referring to a fictional character in the Bible - as a correspondent accused me of not being an atheist but hating God. Obviously as an atheist it would make no sense hating something I do not believe exists but for some reason this was too subtle a point for him to grasp!

So pride is a man's well deserved reward for achievement but according to the perverted not to say evil creed of Christianity pride is the one thing a man should never experience. Crawl along the earth you little worm - that is the Christian view of man which makes it the most malevolent evil anti human creed ever devised.

What a tool of control such an ideology engenders. Make a man feel small and humble and you have him forever in your power. He will go thru life seeking forgiveness for the crime of being human. What sort of moral reprobates and despicable people make a living pedeling that creed?

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