Tuesday, August 14, 2018

Corbin's Real Crime

As bad as his affiliations with Paleswinian terrorists going back decades undoubtedly is - which is hardly news anyway as most know his past form in this dept - this is actually the least horrific thing about this worm - which is his homicidal plans for the British people if /when he gets his hands on the levers of power which he could well do as the country sleepwalks into tyranny as it shows all the signs of doing.

It is his Venezuelan socialist policies which should be highlighted on a daily basis by the media and shouted from the rooftops or red tops but its total silence on this matter is looking like complicity to me or at the very least a woeful abdication of journalistic responsibility -moral if not legal as we support a totally free press -but really if they have a role is it not to warn of the dangers of such a would be totalitarian with socialist tyranny on his mind?

If not the press who? What else could be more important? I cannot over emphasise enough what a disaster is about to befall this country and the flabbergasting fact that the British press has done next to nothing to avert it.

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