Thursday, August 16, 2018

Mad Dogs and Englishmen Don't go out in the Midday sun

They think it's all over -well it is now, the 'heatwave', the Brits can stop moaning and kvetching,they've got their 'normal' weather back again -leaden grey skies,fresh breezes, the sun long fled, it's starting to get dark at 8.3opm,soon they will be able to snuggle up to the fire enveloped in darkness and feel the cold assault their vitals -what's not to like?

The much rumoured 'heatwave till October' was just that,an ugly canard put out by sunny minded optimists determined to strike fear into the hearts of the anti heatwave miserabilists but it came to nothing and the doughty dreary British weather norms have reasserted themselves with a vengeance.

For the rest of us we can only lament the loss of that briefly experienced Mediterranenan heaven and dream of exile to a sun kissed sunnier upland across the channel, perchance to dream...

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