Sunday, August 12, 2018

The Anti Letterbox/Bank Robber League

Borris v Emperor's new clothes -that's an easy call innit? Well you would think so but apparently according to the BBC and the whole rotten to the core stinking Establishment he should apolgise! To the people who want to go round in medieval dress and whose threatening presence in our midst is an open rebuke to the very liberal society that took them in in the first place - from the Muslim hell holes from which they fled.Why else did they come here -for the weather (bar the unseasonal heatwave just passed).

Maybe they came here for economic reasons I can hear some say. But why situation so dire across the whole godawful Middle East prey tell? All muslim countries are economic basket cases and they are for a reason -they are culturally backward,impoverished,statist theocracies who have scant regard for individual rights or liberty -it goes with the territory.

Izlam does not even allow usury. Try development without that. So they rely on Oil -a wholly European western civilization product which they promptly nationalised on 'independence' and used the money to line their own pockets and keep their own people subject with theocatical dictats depriving them of their liberty and inculcating them with murderous hatred toward the West that gave them the only semblance of civilization they were ever gonna get with their insane anti life muslim mentality.

So no,we, should all support Borris and deplore the craven conservatives who cannot miss an opportunity to grovel before Izlam,proffer apologies for daring to exist in a free liberal society and who are doing the Islamists work for them for shame.

And Bravo Rowan Atkinson for daring to speak out in a profession that specializes in political correctness and for all things unsound and deranged across the so-called liberal spectrum.

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