Friday, August 17, 2018

A Levels -Lewis Carol style

The government(!?) decided that there was not enough rigor in the A level system,it was too exam oriented and course work was being neglected and consequently lacked the necessary depth  which system apparently favours girls who are not so good at exams because of the stress or something. So they have beefed it up and made it more demanding and as a result it will be harder to get higher grades.

All well and good but in order to counter this effect the schools have adjusted the grade system so no appreciable difference has been recorded! A pointless exercise or what?

But of course the problem is far wider than such manipulation of outcomes and is the very concept State education itself and the fact that the government thinks it is its job to manage the exam system and to run the educations system period.

Political involvement in education should be the preserve of totalitarian states only. The Capitalist Party needless to say would effect a complete separation of school and state and Yes for ideological reasons. We don't want the state monkeying with children's brains, influencing the curriculum and the content thereof -we don't want it anywhere near the promulgation of ideas of whatever nature.

When all schools are privately run they can use whatever examination system they so choose and the market will determine whether they are well attended and popular with children and parents alike not some political mandarin and bureaucrat with their statist notions of dumbed down egalitarian education  'all must have prizes' mentality, pandering and engendering the snowflake approach to schooling where the only rigour in the classrooms is  rigour mortis.

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