Wednesday, November 30, 2016

Beyond Nostradamus?

No one, not even perhaps Ayn Rand predicted the resurrection of the Far Left in the beginning of the 21st century. Her acolyte Peikoff did forecast the emergence of Fascism in the US and that is shaping up accurately with the rise of Trump and the Alt right. So where do we go now and what can we do about it, taken so off guard as we admittedly have been, off footed with not a little chagrin into the bargain?

 Objectivists are running around like headless chickens, turning to in-fighting and frankly exasperation at some of their fellows who bizarelly and for God only knows what conceivable reason other than uncontrolled rage or mass hysteria have mind blowingly conflated Trumpism with Objectivism. Even more worrying is they appear to be beyond reasoning with and when their contradictions are pointed out they double down on them and create a word fog of obsfuscation to justify their hair brained ratiocinations. No reverse gear clearly.

Right now I have no clue where we go from here which hardly makes for a satisfactory blog post I know and apologies for that but there we are. Our thinking hopefully starts right here.

Tuesday, November 29, 2016

Syria, the West's part in it's Downfall

The Middle East Vietnam in Syria is nearing its inexorable endgame and its another own goal for the West and its liberal  authors, yet another abortion of foreign meddling with the predictable results of carnage and devastation caused wholly by an abject and pathetic posturing caricature of re heated cold war politics.. Still it made us feel good and vindicated even if we caused the wholesale slaughter and devastation and massive almost unprecendented displacement of peoples, a diaspora of horrendous proportions, incalculable misery and suffering, it was all worth it cos it made us feel good. We stirred up sectional factionalism in an alread bifurcated Middle East hell hole, funding scores of renegade extremist terrorist groupings including Al Queda but its all good apparently. We can even get a frisson from war porn,lamenting the very horror that we architected and orchestrated. We are all Neo cons now apparently. Count me out of course but weep at what the West in its immorality and decadence has wrought.

Monday, November 28, 2016

Mother Teresa

When we find ourselves in times of trouble Mother Teresa comes to us whispering words of wisdom for God sake woman Let it Be. We do not find it assuring that the PM hears voices, believes in God and lets it guide her actions. But it does make sense re her silly tedious wooly liberal socialist views that she insists on wearing on her sleeve, just above her leather trousers. This is the bad side of America and we do not need it. Leaver you crackerbarrel religiosity for your closet where it belongs as Becket once said, with Bog and all his glory.

Far from being a passport to power religious faith should be an bar to it if it is to be carried into policy making. I feel a general election coming up and the sooner the better ye gods.

Sunday, November 27, 2016

Quote of the week - if not the Year

BBC reporter: (almost verbatim) Millions of normal people idolized Castro and the  dissidents opposed him. Fake News anyone? Note the use of the word normal here. Communism is the new/ Old normal in BBC la la land.

And it was fun to see the ex ch4 Marxist economist Paul Mason almost wetting himself praising Fidel whilst mightily struggling at the same time not to appear too unrestrainedly  enthused about the crazed mass genocidal maniac and the resultant conflict was apparent in his contorting body language,like a snake on a live rail. The only conclusion to be drawn re the Left and Fidel is: He may be a despot, but he's our despot - and the trains ran on time, or everyone can read and has good health care.We have the healthiest literate slaves in all of Latin Amerika, Hail Fidel!  And Pinochet was a monster who tortured people to bring about Capitalism but Fidel did it to bring about Socialismo and the good of The People. Hope you are following all of this gentle readers? Here endeth the lesson for today on the insanity of Lefty thinking. More next time!

Saturday, November 26, 2016

The Havana Loon is dead

Makes you almost wish there was a hell as it would be the only fitting destination for this evil communist bastard. The BBC is staging an orgy of a sobfest for this monster but for some reason they cannot find one single solitary  Havanan on the streets who is critical of him! Will Grant a BBC journalist is referring reverentially to him in hushed tones as 'Fidel' and it is clear the BBC is mortified and stricken with grief at the loss of one of its communist heroes. The only voice of reason in a sea of media wailing and gnashing of teeth is from Trump who has released excoriating invective against the Marxist scumbag so for once Trump has got the right tone. The great recent Nobel prize winner  summed it up best 'I hate Fidel Castro and his beard'. The left's search for yet another totalitarian despot to idolize starts here.

Friday, November 25, 2016

Here We Quango Again

With not a trace of irony the Daily Mail informs us today that the Institute for Fiscal Studies (yet another Q word) 'has long prided itself on its its independence' before going on to inform us that it is funded to the tunes of millions of pounds from Brussels! It gets millions from the European Research Council, and other European agencies such as the European Comission,gets in  addition funding from the  UK State and is stuffed to the gunnels with Leftist Remoaners. It is clear that the Mail and indeed the Establishment is using a whole other  dictionary when it bandies the word Independence around. Words mean what we want them to mean....

The IFS has bought into the whole MSM leftist trope of we have never had it so bad propaganda, claiming we are back to 1920's and 30's type poverty which demonstrates the extent to which it and the left in general have taken leave of their senses and are promoting a propagandist alarmism and  pedalling unadulterated agitprop and passing it off as sober objective fact.

Thursday, November 24, 2016

Do the Quango Tango

Here we go again. A Quango has spoken. Its called the OBR,  acronym for  Office for Budget Responsibility. It is, you guessed it, 'independent' of government which roughly translated means 'not independent of government'. In  further Orwellian speak it is held at 'arms length' from government, the pseudo separation of a body from the State that I have referred to in another post which is  a cynical attempt to present a organization as independent from government, in other words to perpetrate a deception on the public which in non fancy language means to commit fraud. So the fraudulent OBR, flying under false colours has made pronouncements hostile to Brexit, distorted and gloom laden prognostications seemingly oblivious to the fact that it made similar grossly erroneous claims and predictions just a few months ago. Its policy appears to be if you screw up, don't apologise just double down on the canard.

Thus we see the Establishment will erect whole Byzantine layers of State each closely interconnected  and separated only by a wall of semantics and bureaucratic obsfuscation and prestidigiation. Lets see how many we can identify going forward and hopefully burst the bubble of their ill gotten credibility and expose the fraud going on at the black heart of the Deep State.

Privatisation and other Myths

The biggest deception politicians have engaged in over many decades is the pretense that they have   presided over a a massive reduction of the  State, privatising all over the place, when the terrible truth is all in the opposite direction, namely a vast growth of the State into areas past generations would have thought inconceivable and politically impossible, and indeed undreamt of by the most fanatical of statist collectivist leftists. But so it has come to pass and I want to explore briefly how this amazing feat of State expansion has been accomplished and by what methods and I will suggest it has been done by stealth and downright lies and disimulation on a grand  and industrial scale.

As I have suggested in recent posts it is all in the language. If you want to achieve what would normally be unpalatable or subject to challenge and resistance you have to use a narrative that is emollient in style, sprinkled liberally with anodyne words,euphemisms,linguistic approximations, bromides,trigger words,throw in a few dog whistles and the use of repetitive phrases designed soley to hypnotise the listener through the process of constant repetition where words become detatched from meaning and float off sonorously into opaque abstraction separating the hearer from all meaning and thus achieving the desired goal  namely to gull, lull, deceive and mislead.

The goal in question, an exponential expansion of the State into every nook and cranny of people's lives has been pretty much accomplished and it has been done by the above mentioned means and I want to focus on the objective of a large superstate by means of what I call Socialism and Nationalisation by the Back door. Particularly in the so-called private sector -a socialist phrase in itself. Most business people presume that they run their own business but do they, really? Who decides the proces and criterias whereby someone is hired or fired,  what rates of pay they will receive as well as the scourge of the Minimum wage and now so called Living wage? To say nothing of the fact that employers are now defacto tax collectors for the State having to deduct punitive levels of national insurance and then the mountains of regulations that requires the employment of accountants and lawyers if the company is big enough. To be cont.

Budget Autopsy Turvy

John Mcdonnel makes the stereotypical second hand car salesman appear a paragon of economic probity and to hear him give prescriptions for the country's future economic  health is akin to listening to Ghenghis Kahn giving a speech on the need for  pacifism.

But to the budget. Someone has to go down to the sewer and report back. I referred yesterday to the deployment of certain words that politicians have recourse to which act like a dog whistle and bipass the conscious mind which of course is their express intention. Today's such code word in Hammond's long drawn out drone was Infrastructure. Over and over again he interlarded his tedious spiel with the word. Like Public Good it has but one purpose: to extract yet more money in taxes from the subject British slave peoples  who toil all day long so he can filch their lifeblood and spend it all on grand projects,white elephants which he euphemistically calls Infrastructure.

'Infrastructure' spending, like 'Public Service' is a phrase designed to get in under the radar allowing the chancer or chancre of the exchequer to go on an orgy of borrowing and spending and this  Hammond did yesterday sprinking around like confetti billions of pounds  and no one batted an eyelid.  So for Conservatives its a clear case of we are all socialists now. Why not just close down the house of commons as we have effectively a one party State with the various political parties taking it in turn to inhabit 10 Downing street and screw us royally with their identical socialist depradations. As the houses of Parliament apparently needs massive renovations running into the tens of billions they should perhaps spare us the expense and just do their work from a more appropriate venue such as the local slagheap.

Wednesday, November 23, 2016

All Roads lead to Popery

The Pope dope has given his priests the right to forgive women who have had abortions. Remember, every abortion means one less kiddy the priests can fiddle with so they need a steady uninterrupted supply of new victims. Still it is touching that priests will be spending their time unctuously forgiving women for choosing their own lives over their foetuses yet you would think the votaries of the higher cant  would be much more productively employed seeking forgiveness for all the paedophile horror they have inflicted on their countless victims over numberless generations

On the premise that it takes a loon to know a loon, let us leave the last word on Rome to that embodiment of sweetness and light Ian Paisley who managed to be right about one single thing his whole life and here it is: " We know the Roman Catholic Church to be an abomination and the mother of all harlots."

Tuesday, November 22, 2016

Public Service Broadcasting

It seems it only takes the word Public placed in front of something to give it automatic validation and acceptance. Words are indeed hypnotic and politicians in particular count on this when making policy. Certain words and phrases are guaranteed to elicit sympathy albeit on a subliminal level which again is what politicians rely on in order to push through legislation in their change agency capacity and this human failing to only be semi conscious  is an invaluable prerequisiste in facilitating their daily incursion ever deeper into what is left of the private sphere of their hapless and disarmed subjects.

The phrase 'public service broadcasting' is a case in point and indeed the general invocation by politicians of the 'public good'whenever they want to raid the so called public purse for some public work or other. In the realm of State funded broadcasting the outcome has only ever been the same ie political tendentiousness,bias,and  in one single direction -leftwards,the service used to promote overtly in some cases but usually covertly, a statist pro big government orientation and nothing could better illustrate this than the daily output of BBC news and political commentary which is relentlessly and unfailingly left in all its applications.

When one thinks about it, it could not really be otherwise, this leftist  composition of public service broadcasting journalism.A State run TV and radio station cannot but reflect a statist ethos in its  output and it would be counter intuitive to expect such a national nay international behemoth - which the BBC undoubtedly is - to be pumping out free market pro capitalist oriented journalism! Why would it bite the hand that feeds it?

We then get into the totally fallacious on its face and outright brazen untrue assertion by the BBC defenders that the organisation is independent of government! In a very big pigs eye. But then like the character in Alice in Wonderland the left who are the BBC s most fanatical defenders  -bar some masochistic lefty Tories - adopt the position that 'words mean what I want them to mean'. Independent State broadcaster. Get your mind round that one folks.

So let us examine a little closer what the word independence means in this context. We hear the word bandied about a lot by politicians when they want to expand the State but want that expansion to go on under the radar. They know that even the comatose masses will only put up with so much State so what do they do. They create these hybrid constructs that are of the state but positioned at one remove by the stratagem of employing  some artificially contrived bureaucratic space between the State and the institution in question. This can be seen with the phenomenon of the Quangoes. Quasi autonomous. Sound familiar? This is an oxymoron of course. Quasi pregnant anyone? Quasi independent? But in the case of the BBC this subterfuge is not even deployed and instead the apologists for it assert brazenly that it is independent with not a shred of evidence to support their patently bogus claim.The simple solution to a quandary if such it be over the validity of the independent claim is to simply follow the money. Who is the paymaster? The State. And why should the BBC be in conflict with this anyway when it is on the same side of the State in pushing the statist agenda. There is no tension between the State and the BBC employees because they are working in ideological tandem.

But this potentially compromising and morally untenable situation must not be openly acknowledged or the game would be up so periodically the BBC indulges in some faux conflict between it and its State paymasters, in order to assert its 'independence' and people say oh brave BBC standing up to the bully State! This cynical charade is repeated periodically and it manages to fool most of the people most of the time.

When challenged about its obvious leftist bias the BBC has recourse to a tried and tested resort. It denies it.This can be explained in only two ways. Either it is lying and knows it,or it truly thinks it is being objective. Either one of those positions does injury to the trade of journalism for the following reasons. If it is the first ie lying it means that journalists are  violating their core principles of journalism, namely, to be truth tellers.If it is the second ie they are not aware that they are biased and tendentious it means they are in the wrong trade because being a journalist means having allegiance to objectivity or at least striving towards it. Not a good look either way.

And briefly ch 4 which is also public service broadcaster - with adverts just to gull the masses is guilty of all the same sins abovementioned and for the exact same reasons. I rest my case, for public service broadcasting read Statist biased, tendentious and partial. I argue for its complete abolition not because of any of the reasons here given but because it is immoral and fundamentally illiberal to force people to pay for a service they have not voluntarily chosen to purchase and it is adding insult to injury to describe this act of naked State coercion under the grotesque Orwellianism of 'public service broadcasting'. If they wish to subscribe to a left leaning tv or radio broadcaster by all means they should be free to do so but the State has no business whatsoever getting involved in the medium any more than it should be running a State newspaper and for exactly the same reasons. 

Monday, November 21, 2016

Be Afraid, Be Very Afraid

Interesting times have become very interesting times. We have the very real prospect of a defacto Fascist Le Pen government just across the channel not to mention the idiots across the Atlantic who have given the keys to the Whitehouse to a left wing Fascist in all but name and a weak already left wing government here in the UK with a wafer thin majority who face the prospect of being hustled in to a general election early next year by a a motely crew of judicial activists resulting in the very real prospect of a full blown Socialist in 10 Downing St from the outer reaches of Corbania. No? Let us explore.

If people can vote for a US Republican with far left Statist views why is it a stretch to imagine that they will not vote here for a very left wing Corbyn with almost identical protectionist interventionist views? And who is responsible for this very real nitemare scenario prospect? Why, the Conservatives on both sides of the Atlantic who have failed so abjectly to put forward the genuine and only alternative to statism and collectivism,namely capitlism. And why did they not? Because to do so would be 'ideological' and not 'pragmatic'. Well Conservatives look at what your steadfast adherence to anti ideology and pragmatism has brought us to -and hang your heads in shame.

Sunday, November 20, 2016

Trump Objectivists (?) in Denial

Yaron Brook is coming in for a fair bit of abuse from certain people who one assumes are Objectivists over his position on Trump who he asserts with all the evidence on his side it must be said, is a leftist on many issues not least economic.He has been shouted down at quite a few speaking venues on both sides of the Atlantic recently. But if he cannot be trusted on this issue how about those on the left who appear to see things the same way. Far Leftist George Galloway no less said on his RT programme Sputnik at the weekend that on economic issues Trump 'position is socialist. Our local newspaper carries a column by an avowed far leftist and he asserts that there is not a cigarette paper's difference between Trump and Sanders on economic policy except that according to him Trump does not mean it, it is just rhetoric whereas had Sanders stood against Trump he would have won because unlike Donald he would actually put such protectionist policies into action. From the horses's mouth Trump is a Leftist statist. Still the objectivists in question appear to have checked out their objectivity some time ago and are impervious to reason and have gone over to the dark side where emotions rule and the realm of feelings reigns supreme.

Lily Livered Republicans

Buckingham Palace wants a right Royal renovation and demands taxpayer's money to pay for it and what do the so-called Republicans have to say about it? Wait for it: The palace should open up more times in the year so the public can view its splendors and pay royally for it into the bargain! That's it. Not a word about the fundamental amorality of this fosillised corrupt moribund crime syndicate family parasiting off the blood and toil of the hapless captive tax payers who apparently are quite content to carry on tugging the forelock to their royal masters in perpetuity -80% of them we are told although like most opinion polls it is probably a self serving lie.

Who are these in-name-only Republicans? A bunch of lefties whose contact with reality is every bit as tenuous as the royals  they are supposedly against. They resent the royals soley because of the arbitrary power they wield and like jealous Gods want to appropriate said power to themselves which is the modus operandi of all such collectivist statists.Their contempt for individual rights is only equaled by the monarchy itself who like nothing more than extracting huge royalties from their servile taxpayers who must cough up on pain of imprisonment. There is absolutely no principle at stake here for the faux republicans.They just want arbitrary power and see the Balamoral royals as rivals to achieving it.

A principled ethical stand against monarchy (which thinks it can get under the moral radar if it puts the word  Constitutional in front of it) has yet to be mounted and it certainly will not be coming from the Republican Socialists whose desire for a Kleptocratic system is itself Monarchical in all but name.

Saturday, November 19, 2016

Supreme Folly?

No one knows less about the UK Supreme Court than me I would imagine and to be honest until a few months ago I was not aware of its existence which, I own, could well be an indication of my constitutional ignorance but I am rather glad it has emerged into the light of day and hope that some attention will now be paid towards it and its composition in the light of the momentous verdict that is before it regarding Brexit and the government's appeal to have the recent case against it by opportunist activist litigants reversed.

The role of journalism is to shine a light in dark places and I hope we will come to learn more about the Supreme Court in the coming weeks and at present I can only go by a hunch that it is stuffed to the gunnels with Europhile lawyers of the Blair/Cherie kidney and we are all screwed if they get to have the final say on Brexit. Not to beat about the bush I think there should be some sort of commission or public inquiry into whether the Supreme Court is indeed fit for purpose or whether as I suspect it has been captured by special interest activist judges with a very bad case of Brusselphilia. A serious constitutional review is in order whose remit should be to inquire as to whether the Judiciary has by a process of attrition and stealth over recent years subordinated or at least attenuated the proper role of the Executive. I fear it has.

Friday, November 18, 2016

Milo Yapper V Kathy Young

I continue to be very unimpressed with Milo Yannapolis and his perforamance on CH 4 last evening  has only reinforced that impression. As a journalist is it not shocking that he can come out with the following 'we live in a post truth age'? Once that is said the pass has already been sold and no one could possibly have any reason whatsoever to take the boy seriously -which apparently is the idea anyway. But as a poster boy for Trump he is perfect: vacuous,facile empty headed puerile, unserious, irrational,contradictory and absurd.

This is what a real War on Drugs looks like

The Phillipines is run by a mad serial killer with genocide on his mind and hands. 3 thousand (or is it 4?) of drug related executions have been carried out by the State this year alone with the kind of homicidal rigour  that the arch crank and anti drug fanatic Peter Hitchens would no doubt be envious of. He has railed for years at the pusillaminous approach of the British State to the drug 'problem' and has mocked what he terms the so -called War on Drugs as being nothing of the sort but rather a soft liberal attitude of appeasement to the 'menace' of the drug culture. Makes you wonder what planet he is actually living on when you consider the tens of thousands of inmates clogging up our jails serving time for drug offences.I wonder what part of drug prohibition has been an unmitigated failure and disaster he does not get.

Even the Liberals who are right in calling for total drug legalisation are doing it for the wrong reasons and motivations which it must be said is their modus operandi across most issues.. Decriminalisation is not to be supported so the State can muscle in on the act and tax and regulate the drugs,nor in the name of any therapeutic benefit that may be derived from certain illegal drugs. It is because Prohibition is immoral and should be repealed for the plain reason that what people choose to ingest and inject or smoke is no one's business but theirs and the State does not own the individual's body and soul and has no business policing either one. The law's sole purpose is to protect people from the harm Others would do to them, not the harm they may do to themselves.

Abolish House Of Lards?

Beginning to wonder. Should they not at least be elected? If they see their role as to frustrate the will of the people over Brexit it really is time to close up shop. Not to be trusted with used toilet paper let alone the future of this country. Another layer of parasitic government accountable to none stuffed to the gunnels by cancerous toxic liberals who will keep us in the Brussels dungeon using whatever underhand tactics they can dredge up from their faeces packed brains. And to be sure they will dress it up in parliamentary language to gull the untutored in their political dark arts of chicanery and dissimulation. All in all I am struggling to see what the point of these moral ciphers is and think it is well and truly the Last Chance Saloon for them except that I do not think they can be given even that as like the cockroach in the mythical story they will sting and we will be stuck in the Brussels matrix. So Off with their metaphorical heads!

Thursday, November 17, 2016

Welcome to the Hotel EUania

You can check out any time you like, but EU can never Leave. The UK burEUrocRats, the Yes Ministers will see to it. And we need 30,000 more according to Deloite doolittle or whoever,dutifully reported by the now Brussels in-house journal The Times,echoed by the Pinko Financial  Times and the ditto BBC who seem to have gone into servile Brussels worship overdrive of late -must be all that pent up tension having to maintain a facade of objectivity during the referendum. Anyways extricating ourselves from the Brussels matrix may prove harder than Joseph K escaping from his invisible masters in the Czech Castle. Someone may well need to invoke that tried and tested redoubtable tool: the Gordian Knot Solution. When it comes to Brussels, EUvolution will  just not do it. We may need to Rev up.

Wednesday, November 16, 2016

Imprisoning Ideology

UK jails are in crisis apparently but because the unions are saying it we should take it with a truck load of salt.Remember the doctor's unions who wanted to close down the hospitals and the London Underground unions who want to close down Christmas so we know something smells about this latest alarmist talk from the prison unions who seem very corrupt and often in collusion with the inmates so that it is hard to differentiate between the two oftentimes. Their solutions of course are interlarded with the usual self serving rationale and bleatings about cuts in staff and low pay and low morale ad nauseam, the stock in trade of parasitic unions running their criminal monopolistic rackets and note that in these 3 areas we are talking Public Sector, the most corrupt parasitic areas of the workplace.

The solution to the Underground, prisons and hospitals crisis is to privatise them all and in the case of the prisons the main solution would be to end Prohibition since a majority of inmates seem to be there because of drugs offences which in a sane free country would not exist as all drugs would be legalised. There are of course too many vested interests to allow this to happen but it is something worth campaigning for nonetheless.

Tuesday, November 15, 2016

Who Created the Frankenstinian Monsters of Sanders Trump and their Statist equivalents abroad?

Traison de Clerics, or in plain English: the Betrayal of the Intellectuals, that's what has got us into this catastrophe of the Faux Insurgency Movement as I have called it with its pseudo alternative of an Alt right crypto Fascist Demagogue  or a neo Communist Sanders Demagogue, or a Hillary surrogate and  even  so-called Objectivists appear to be falling for it as I alluded to in my last post. Someone even said 'we must not be doctrinaire' which I have translated as 'let us get away with contradictions', or, do not confine us within the stifling constricts of reason -we want to be emotional and let our political hair down. We hate the Left far more than we love reason -even if it means becoming the Left and defending the protectionist Trump who hates capitalism as much as Bernie Sanders does. Small wonder that lots of Sanders voters have flipped over to Donald - not so much a long tortuous ideological journey as a casual stroll across the political street.

We are in the Henry Ford era of politics it would seem: you can have any colour of politics you like as long as it's statist. Lean to the Right? Donald's your man. Lean to the Left? Bernie or Hillary. The destination is the same, a collectivist statist nightmare with the hapless confused electorate playing the star role as victims of the totalitarian double bind.

The intellectuals set us up for this of course and I will probalby return to this in a later post but suffice to say it created a false political map which posited Left wing over here and right wing over there  -take your pick. But it never told people that both are variants of statism and the real choice is between Leftist and Rightist Statists or limited government libertarians or as I prefer to specify Objectivists.The mainstream media will not unpick this fallacy because they are in the forefront of pushing this false consciousness of statism and dare not let the public know there is a real alternative to the statist semi global-wide horror show taking place before our very eyes.

Monday, November 14, 2016

The 6 Faces Of Trump

Which one will we get today? He is chameleon Corsican and caricature.This is the characteristic of the sociopath, all things to all people - or perhaps we should just call him a politician? The man is a palimpest and republicans can write what they want on him, project all their wish fantasies and who knows, on Monday or Tuesday they might just come up Trumps. Ye gods. Americans one can forgive, but Objectivist Americans??!!! Take 3 Ayn Rands and see me in the mourning.

Sunday, November 13, 2016

The Rise and Rise of the Faux Insurgents

Beware of Establishment figures flying under the false colours of insurgency! The insider corrupt crony Donald posing as out the beltway when he could not be more establishment if he tried is one of the richest ironies of the whole Trump campaign. He is up to his neck in deals with political apparatchicks on the take which is why he leans towards authoritarian statism. This is not a break with the past but a consolidation of it, an entrenchment of it a doubling down with it. The unholy alliance of State and business could not be more typified than in the absurd strutting bragadocious person of Donald Trump. His latent Fascism stems from this toxic source. How one might wonder can he not be bedevilled from day one with a conflict of interest as both political poacher and gamekeeper? The fact that he will not be called on this obvious fact shows the extent to which everyone has now come to terms with the corruption of the mixed economy system with its unholy alliance of business and state.

 This is what the people wanted and it is what they have got and will be stuck with until someone comes along and explains to them that the choice does not have to be big statists of the Left versus big statists of the right but rather between a candidate arguing for big government versus one arguing for small government in short between statism or capitalism. Unless this is addressed we run the very real risk of being overtaken by either the shadow of Fascism or the shadow Communism without anyone discovering that these are false alternatives and the real choice is between slavery or freedom.

Feminist Cat out the bag

Interesting to hear Germain Greer say last week on Woman's Hour R4 that Feminism requires socialism to be realizeable which is something I haven always thought but not heard any feminist say to starkly, if at all. The delightfully subversive and caustic yet very amusing Julie Burchill gave her a right royal verbal straffing which was very enjoyable even though she is a self confessed Communist and  I have never actually heard her try to defend  or articulate her socialist views. Still  University Professor Germain Greer is dangerously unhinged and who would  want any son or daughter of theirs having  their head filled with the rancid embittered feminist gobblegook she peddals and running up a huge £9 thousand bill in student fees in the process?

Saturday, November 12, 2016

Trump the Palimpest?

Most politicians wait till they get in power before they do a policy volte face but Trump has wasted no time dialling back on a key programme policy to dismantle root and branch Obamacare (note the Stalinist cult of personality reflected in the title ) even before his inauguration. There have been various indications, this being the most notable one, of Trump's tendency to change his mind in midstream and to completely contradict his former position without missing a beat and this is indeed a characteristic of the psychopath for whom concepts are alien constructs frustrating their progress through the visual concrete bound contiguous literal world they inhabit.

This could either be a good sign or a bad one depending on what position Trump flip flops on. If he were to do that with the Berlin Mexican Wall Plan then that would be most welcome and ditto too his disastrous plans for a protectionist fortress America which if carried out would be an act of national suicide. We wait to see whether his new incaranation as  Mr emollient all things to all people will be the hallmark of his( hopefully) 5 year Presidential incumbency. It is more likely alas, just a feature of his Jekyll and Hyde, Good cop bad cop Sociopathy.

Deep down like all insecure people he just wants to be liked if not loved and as Ken Livingstone said of Borris Johnson who apparently has the same tendency, that is a fatal flaw and weakness. Is he a cushion who bears the impression of the last person who sat on him -be it Obama in the Whitehouse the other day or Putin who he wants to chum up with.? National policy should be determined by reason and clear thinking  rather than an exercise in personal therapy. Is it too much to expect that  maybe America will one day find someone to run the country who knows the difference between those two things?

Thursday, November 10, 2016

Trump the soul of a collectivist laid bare

Human beings are mere ciphers in Donald's world, pawns on the chessboard of life to be moved at will by the great Chess Master Statist; they no more have free will than said chess pieces and are born to serve the Master's 5 Plan. He is going to put them to work. Lift that fork,tote that bale! In the Trump Brave New World the poor rust bucket Hillbillies whining for their lost jobs will be employed by the deal maker, on bridges and roads, 'infrastructure' to the tune of billions in a Roosveltian orgy of tax funded spending. What's not to like? This is Bernie Sanders in fiscal drag. A great free nation is about to sink under a European style spending orgy of public works. Like a very tired sad old movie we all know the end of, as sure as night follows day its Goodnight America, hello United States of Cuba. Sinclair Lewis wrote a book about this called It Can't Happen Here. Well, it just has.

Wednesday, November 09, 2016

How to become President of the United States

If you are facing a Leftist candidate and want to win the way to do it clearly is to move even further to the left  and that is exactly what Donald Trump has done with his protectionist statist programme making Hillary look like a capitalist in comparison. That is the takeaway message of this presidential campaign. It has nothing to do with the mythical glass ceiling which is more a mental state that some  victim status excuse making feminists are prone to  with their gender politics.

Loony Tunes Productions Ft Donald and the protectionist Tooth Fairy

Fiction Trumps reality and my nitemare predictions have come to pass. Wish I got paid all the money the pollsters make for calling it wrong -time after time after time. It is surely time to put this dubious non science of psphelogy to bed once and for all. Poll sniffing should be classified as an addiction from now on and one that needs serious treatment ie a dose of reality - an alien concept for most liberals it would appear..

So Donald cum Santa Claus is here now children of America and he is going to make you feeeel good! He will wave his statist wand and make that wicked evil world go away in a puff of smoke, he will banish those globalist demons that have kept you awake at night, and threatened your cosy jobs for life with the cold wind of competion, he will build a nice safe wall for you to keep all those foreigners with their dastardly cheap goods and trade from your delicate fragile economy that is averse to challenge and open markets, he will stop evil foreigners dumping all their cheap products on you so from now on you will have the privelege of buying expensive stuff which you probably will not be able to afford but never mind, it s the princple that counts -lets make America great again.! Just chant that mantra eveytime you feel a bit doubtful and wonder where all the growth is going to occur as you dig that hole for Donald and build that subsidised bridge to nowhere and dream the subsidised protectionist dream.At least the Wicked Witch is dead! Long live King Donald!

Tuesday, November 08, 2016

Trump Will Win

Applying the Brexit criteria which I think is apt it should be a shoe in for Trump but obviously my Nostradamus powers are not infallible and there is room for error. If it goes the other way America will be in gridlock which will be a good thing because a mega State that is paralysed is preferable to a functioning one. Still I think the fascist Donald will win and then America can kiss its sorry ass goodbye and ours with it no doubt.If there is a silver lining to this cloud louring over all our houses I cannot see it. Goodnight America, see you in the mourning.

Harry Hewitt the Royal Playboy Parasite is Upset

In a flagrant assault on the free press Buckingham Palace has released a hysterical rant against the media for daring to publish stories about Harry's latest whore for whom he clearly has an insatiable appetite.For the biggest crime family in history they sure have an extreme sense of victimhood and a persecution complex but this is all of course smoke and mirrors in an attempt to distract the public from the parasitism of the institution of British Monarchy and an attempt to drag its gaudy horror show across the 21st century unless concerted action is taken to dissolve this evil institution that has sucked the blood of the British people for centuries.

The Gnomes of Parliament

The moral and intellectual pygmy gathering known as the House of Commons was in full swing yesterday talking about repatriating all the Brussels powers, every dot and tittle to Parliament. Meet the new boss, same as the old boss. It's a Who's Who of nonentities ready to boilerplate or template all those onerous Brussels Kafkaesque edicts you thought we were throwing on the bonfire of history after Brexit folks. But its even worse than that. MPs -Tory MPs were open bragging and crowing about the fact that Brussels laws were actually inferior as they were insufficiently invasive and lacked the regulatory rigor -unlike British legislation that was far more prohibitive and injurious to the free market! Never mind 6 impossible things before Brexit these more-loyalist-than the Brussels King Tories are planning six thousand impossible things after Brexit. Look in the mirror Tory Boy, you have become the enemy.

Monday, November 07, 2016


The UK is behaving like a dodgy banana republic incarcerating political prisoners re its disgraceful treatment of Julian Assange holed up for years in the Ecuadouran Embassy who in an interview with RT last week came across as a very measured sane dignified individual in the face of wanton and protracted persecution by the British State. Rather than being treated as a political prisoner for exposing the surveillance State he should receive the Nobel prize for journalism and be granted  immunity from extradition to the States which seeks to punish him for revealing that it has now become a de facto totalitarian State based more on the principles of Orwell's 1984 than those of the Founding Fathers. And that goes for the British State too, hence its barbaric treatment of Assange and its abuse of taxpayer's money to monitor his round the clock movements (or lack of them) in said embassy to the tune of tens of millions of pounds - and counting.

Sunday, November 06, 2016

Crooked Thinking = Trumpism

How can the cure for the cancer of Rule by the Establishment be more Big Government via  Trump? How is that rejecting the corrupt system of Cronyism -to embrace protectionism and big State solutions, trade wars with China and the rest of the world,to turn your back on the free market and retreat into economic isolationsm? Will anyone tell me that. Deathly silence. The media does not point out this absurdity because it has more in common with the Trump Bernie Sanders solution than it does with free market capitalism that only the Randian Objectivists are positing from their obscure website redoubts outside the gates of academia, largely unheard and ignored. So we go hurtling towards the precipice in ignorance and rage, into the dark vortex of hopeless despair all for the want of basic knowledge guided by reason and objectivity and cleaar sightedness. How a country was lost. Watch and weep...

What Institutions Are not fit for Purpose?

It is hard to know where to begin when talking about our corrupt institutions. Whether it be the Bank of England, Parliament, the Lords,  the Judiciary, the broadcasting media specifically the BBC, the Cof E, the Monarchy, the Civil Service, our Quangocracy, most Gov Depts,the NHS, our regulatory system, the tax system,,Cronyism of government and business re subsidies and the lobby system, the surveillance State that snoops Stassi-like on private citizens, the bizarre liberal criminal justice system and collapsing prison regimes - all are silos of Statism that are expressly designed to rob people of their liberty in the guise of serving the public good -that whore of all rationalisations and that's not to even mention our involvement with corrupt supra national bodies such as the UN, Nato, OECD,IMF, EU.

Religious idiots will say as an old associate used to that this proves man cannot rule himself but this is just a cop out as man can rule himself but only if he is governed by reason not by emotionalism and collectivist statism which all the above institutions withou anyt exception whatsoever embody and encapsulate.

What we have learned thus far

Judges are corrupt ( !) The Lords are corrupt  (!) Liberals are Fascists (!) Liberals care as much about Parliamentary Sovereignty as Casanova cared about virginity. In fact lets pause there. Why are Liberals invoking PS after decades of willing its evisceration and subordination to the Gnomes of Brussels? Why this new found respect for Parliamentary Sovereignty? Why, so it can be used to subvert Parliament and put us back on the EU Brussels hook! One can imagine the likes of Clegg and Ashdown being presented with the following deal. Have the UK remain in Brussels but it will involve the slaughter of your whole family - and them both readily agreeing to it. It would be dressed up as a noble sacrifice for the greater good of course, just as Paddy boasted on Friday's BBC R4's Any Questions about sacrificing his children to State Comprehensive Education as a virtue signalling exercise -never mind the sacrifice of their souls in order to get to his desired destination -Liberal Sainthood. Just use your children as human shields and guinea pigs why don't you. You went to Private School but you can atone by screwing up their whole lives on the altar of your sanctimony. Nothing is sacred but the Liberal dream, all is subservient to it be it the rule of law, moral integrity, honesty decency,freedom,liberty, it must all be thrown under the Liberal bus for the greater good - read Evil.

Saturday, November 05, 2016

Bar Council Channels the Stassi

Not content with returning the most perverse decision in recent UK jurisprudence history this week the Bar counsel is now cutting up rough that the press has had the temertiy to criticise its tendentious verdict which was a flagrant attempt to monkey with the Brexit  referendum result and to subvert and frustrate the will of the people. Sometimes the over vaunting judidiary forgets what country it is living in but then again as most of it seems to have been captured by Brussels this perhaps is not so surprising, but chilling nonetheless.

Russo Envy?

Could the true source of  the Western powers violent hostility to Russia be down to nothing more than military and moral envy -not at the threadbare paucity of Russia's armed forces but in the spectacularly successful way they prosecute all out/take no prisoners/ uncompromising war against their enemies be it in Grozny back in the 90's and soon Alleppo in Syria? Lacking any moral compass whatseover the West blunders and flounders into foreign conflicts without a first clue as to objectives or purpose, fights half heartedly with one hand tied behind its back, is crippled with hobbling politically correct notions of warfare that put the fear of so called collateral damage before and at the expense victory, seems more intent on prosecuting members of its armed forces for legal infractions in the field rather than prosecuting all out war against the enemy,has incoherent, contradictory, defeating, sabotaging policies that lead to massive social dislocation in all counrties they occupy and then wonders why it cannot win wars anymore and has spent more time fighting a bunch of troglyditic Muslim hillbillies hiding in caves than it did to defeat the massed ranks of Panza Nazi divisions in WW11. Still, at least we have the moral high ground with our Pansy Divisions.

Lacking any moral principles whatsoever the West just funnels money into dodgy homicidal  Islamist sectarian splinter groups and feeds Saudi Sordid Arabia with arms to fight its proxy wars and when the result is chaos on a  cataclysmic scale as it has been in Libya and flowing into Syria and spilling out to Africa and Europe with the migrant diaspora it blames Russia instead of looking in the mirror at the horrible spectre  of the amoral, cynical spiritually decadent  corruption that is its Western foreign policy and the dead end it has led to and the carnage it has wreaked.

Friday, November 04, 2016

Remoaners, Remainers,Lords,Judiciary Remember Remember the 5th of November!

The Establishment is busily heaping up its own funeral pyre and yesterday it lit the fuse.  Who needs Guy Fawkes really.Parliament is rotting from the ground up and needs millions to refurbish and renovate,a fitting symbol to the rotting corruption at the heart of a now truly morribund institution.  Democracy is a sewer of noxious and maladorous  politicians who have no connection with reality at all and as such do not deserve to be funded by the tax system but should seek private funding,crowd sourcing or whatever and  no longer be dependent upon the public purse at all as they seem to hold their electorate is absolute and total contempt.

The Rise of Liberal Fascism

We saw the New Left Fascism at work yesterday with the legal activism in the courts  staging a defacto coup to overturn the democratic will of the people in the Brexit referendum.They seek to tie parliament in knots and force a general election ie the second referendum they have been seeking ever since the result in June. This  cannot be allowed to succeed and must be resisted with life and limb.. The Liberal Fascists have revealed their true colours. Democracy was the fig leaf for their illiberal assault on individual freedoms and they lauded it from the rooftops but the moment the democratic process produced a result they could not abide the Democracy mask was whipped off and the cold dark sinister face of the Liberal Fascist was exposed in all its putrescence and vile noisome evil. So lets hear no more from these bleating Liberals about Democracy. We never believed in it yet they claimed they did. Now lets have a real debate about Democracy versus Liberty and bring about a Capitalist Republic.

Thursday, November 03, 2016

Judicial Terrorism

Let us know the judge's identitites, and their political affiliations that has led to this complete corruption of the judiciary, its  co option and capture  of the executive in a naked power grap that has been  decades in the making and has led to today's obscene immoral anti constitutional judgement, a treacherous act of legal delinquency and depradation. The withers of Brexit remain unstrung notwithstanding this impudent piece of arrant judicial activism.

Tuesday, November 01, 2016

Milo Yappopolis and the Mindless Politics of Fear

 Milo Yanopolis is a  meritricious popinjay, Queen of the facile shallow glibberatti, the poster boy/ girl/ of Trumpism that weird conflation of sense and nonsense,libertarianism and Statism delivered at breakneck breathless speed of sound,a toxic concoction of faux individualism and outright nativism bordering on the Fascist. He minces across a fuzzy line of white supremacy and cultural triumphalism alternating at will in a verbal sleight of hand that perhaps only the fleet of mind can detect or  unpackage and hence his effectiveness on the frontline of the culture wars as its self elected spokesman.

A digital dotty diva of the digessive he has popularized the anti concept meme of the Alt right which is an incoherent rag bag of contradictory positions signifying nothing, a wail of unfocused rage at reality that will not conform to the emotional incontinence of America's so called dispossessed who wanted a job for life in a European style regulated taxed subsidised Statist economy hedged in by protectionist tarriffs -an economic wall to match the concrete one Trump is promising to erect on the Mexican border to keep reality at bay, a Berlin Wall with America in the role of East Germany. What an enticing prospect indeed!

As if to leaven this lump of political insanity Milo throws in a dollop of Christianity for good measure, appealing to the irrational religious right who take their mysticism neat and like nothing more than to have their subjectivist emotionalist faith validated even if it is done by a self confessed faggot who engages in mindless homosexualencounters with black men for whom he has a predeliction that never goes unmentioned in his self publicising interview pantomime performances.

One suspects this prissy bottle blonde, a Meine Camp of vacuity will have a very short shelf life, will sparkle and fizzle like a Roman candle and then putter out into a well earned obscurity from which he sprung.