Saturday, December 31, 2016
First they came for the business men....
Well it has been an eventful year. The low was definitely the relentless and near criminal hounding and scapegoating of Phillip Green by the media hyenas particularly the Daily Mail and I cannot help thinking some of it is pure anti semitism. The Mail has a dark history of suporting Fascism in the 1930's after all.Green committed the cardinal sin of being a successful entrepreneur who legitimately sold a business all perfectly above board that had pensions liabilties which were passed over to the new owner. As the man said if you sell someone a car and they crash it its not your fault. Impossible standards are demanded of the wealthy that are not applied to anyone else and they are treated like moral lepers, a persecuted minority who are fair game and ergo subject to inhuman villification and prejudice and its permanent open season on them. Envy is an ugly emotion at the best of times but when it is passed off as moral indignation it is all the more nauseating and vile. Spare us all from the faux moral outrage of moral pygmies and envy eaten mediocrities who go by the name of hacks.There is no more sickening a spectacle than such in full cry. Meanwhile the great man has been hauled in front of a kangaroo court of third rate politicians standing in judgement on him and small wonder he has retreated to a foreign land nursing his wounds and bemusedly asking journalists what it is with the British media that so hates successful people and seeks to character assassinate them. The real villain of the pieice is undoubtedly the sanctimonius pipsqueak Frank Field who has turned this witch hunt against Green into a personal vendetta and crusade. Had he lived in another time one can imagine him in full Nazi regalia persecuting his jewish victims in a show trial with obscene and sadistic relish.
What IS Prison for?
Rehabilitation! We have that mantra trip from the lips of wooly minded liberal do gooders with monotonous regularity and like most things they opine it is sooo wrong on multiple levels. As an old associate used to say in his characteristically concise way ' you cannot rehabilitate those who have never been habilitated in the first place'. But I actually say that should not even be the aspiration. Prison serves one purpose and one purpose only: Punishment! Or should I say two purposes the other one being incarceration to protect the public from dangerous felonius criminals.
Even putatively hard line Conservatives like Anne Widdicombe seem not to get this point and bleat on endlessly about the R word. Sorry, Why does a good parent reproove his recalcitrant offspring if not to din into them the folly of their ways and course and to imbue them with a positive worldview and instill within them the discipline to live a good and productive life therafter? Prisoners are the end product of the absence of such an upbringing and prison is effectively acting as a surrogate stern albeit just disciplining loving father.Not a nurturing spoiling mother who gives it drugs and television and panders to its delinquency, rewarding it when it runs riot anthrows the equivalent of a tantrum and hurls its toys out the pram. Cause a riot and we will give you more amenities! Madness. Take All their toys away and throw away the key more like. And totally privatise the prisons and make the inmates work for their bed and board.And lastly but not leastly send all the armies of penal reformers packing with their pleas to half empty all the prisons of their inmates and deploying their lethal confection of psychobabble excus- making, false, absurd, Marxist rationalisations, explanation and exculpationss for pure plain human evil.
Even putatively hard line Conservatives like Anne Widdicombe seem not to get this point and bleat on endlessly about the R word. Sorry, Why does a good parent reproove his recalcitrant offspring if not to din into them the folly of their ways and course and to imbue them with a positive worldview and instill within them the discipline to live a good and productive life therafter? Prisoners are the end product of the absence of such an upbringing and prison is effectively acting as a surrogate stern albeit just disciplining loving father.Not a nurturing spoiling mother who gives it drugs and television and panders to its delinquency, rewarding it when it runs riot anthrows the equivalent of a tantrum and hurls its toys out the pram. Cause a riot and we will give you more amenities! Madness. Take All their toys away and throw away the key more like. And totally privatise the prisons and make the inmates work for their bed and board.And lastly but not leastly send all the armies of penal reformers packing with their pleas to half empty all the prisons of their inmates and deploying their lethal confection of psychobabble excus- making, false, absurd, Marxist rationalisations, explanation and exculpationss for pure plain human evil.
The day God died?
Profesional miserabilist and jaundiced columnist Peter Hitchens the very mediocre lesser talented brother of the much lamented late great writer and polemicist and scourge of religion Christopher, asserts in so many words that effectively Christianity died on the fields of Flanders which is extrarordianary in its ahistorical and purblind perspective. As if Christians had not been slaughtereing one another on a pre undustrial scale centuries before that and dreaming up exotic ways to torture the innocent who refused to bow the knee to the insane and demented cult of Christianity. Very often of course it was murdering its own kind who had deviated ever so slightly off the doctrnaire course and paid for it with a very painful and protracted death of gothic dimensions.Up to the present day Christians continued this homicidal trajectory as witness the horrors of the internicine sectional killing grounds of Norther Ireland.
It was perhaps only the fusion and marriage of modern technology with barbaric Christian faith that made the First world war so uniquely horrific in form and scale and if Hitchens wants to claim that it was the last nail in the coffin of Christianity I am happy enough to concede as much. It is not to be lamented that man leaves aside his childish delusions and fairy tales about his origins and embraces this life in all its multifarious beauty and wonder and promise unless of course the Hitchens of this world (or the imaginary other) choose to throw a reservoir of cold water on their aspirations and make a sick career of it.
It was perhaps only the fusion and marriage of modern technology with barbaric Christian faith that made the First world war so uniquely horrific in form and scale and if Hitchens wants to claim that it was the last nail in the coffin of Christianity I am happy enough to concede as much. It is not to be lamented that man leaves aside his childish delusions and fairy tales about his origins and embraces this life in all its multifarious beauty and wonder and promise unless of course the Hitchens of this world (or the imaginary other) choose to throw a reservoir of cold water on their aspirations and make a sick career of it.
Friday, December 30, 2016
Israel and Obama
John Kerry the Herman Munster of politics has monstered Israel over its settlements and colluded with the UN to put it in the dock of public disapprobation yet again but this latest assault smacks of cynical opportunism and moral cowardice being as it is the equivalent of a drive by shooting or someone who thinks it smart to make a debating point whilst half way out the door so they cannot hear the riposte of their interlocutor.
There may be someone who knows less about the Israel Arab conflict on planet earth but I have never met them but this will not stop me from making a general point on the matter as it never seems to be an impediment to everyone else airing their views on the matter so why not me. How can it be called occupied land since it was got from conquest after Israel was invaded by its neighbours in a full on unprovoked attack, and faced the very real threat of total destruction and extinction.The land was part of the spoils of war.
There is however the thorny issue of US foreign aid to Israel and if that is what it is Israel should wean itself off that and the US should not be using American tax payers money for that purpose. There is no doubt notwithstanding that the Democrats are anti Israel and have been for the longest time and their support for the Palestinians is amoral but par for the Democrat course.
There may be someone who knows less about the Israel Arab conflict on planet earth but I have never met them but this will not stop me from making a general point on the matter as it never seems to be an impediment to everyone else airing their views on the matter so why not me. How can it be called occupied land since it was got from conquest after Israel was invaded by its neighbours in a full on unprovoked attack, and faced the very real threat of total destruction and extinction.The land was part of the spoils of war.
There is however the thorny issue of US foreign aid to Israel and if that is what it is Israel should wean itself off that and the US should not be using American tax payers money for that purpose. There is no doubt notwithstanding that the Democrats are anti Israel and have been for the longest time and their support for the Palestinians is amoral but par for the Democrat course.
As a precious few other people have pointed out what Russia did in hacking into the computers of Democrats is a re run of Watergate which caused such a cataclysmic effect on American politics for a generation and led to a presidential impeachment. Yet not a peep of outrage from the establishment to what is in effect an act of war. Obamma has been very late in condemning this espionage by Russia which is morphing back into the Soviet monster of old although he is right to apply such sanctions he has announced but they hardly redress what Russia has done.
Trump of course is seeking to dismiss this outrage as he would wouldn't he, but my only suggestion would be for the US to block the State run RT TV channel if it is possible. As it is a tool of the Russian government this would be entirely justified.
Trump of course is seeking to dismiss this outrage as he would wouldn't he, but my only suggestion would be for the US to block the State run RT TV channel if it is possible. As it is a tool of the Russian government this would be entirely justified.
Socialised healthcare is bad for your health (part 2)
Another lamentable but inevitable corollary of socialised health care that I did not explore in my last post on the subject is the sinister encroachment of the State into people's personal lives and habbits that flows from it, which if not totally necessitated by the nature of the NHS is certainly used as a pretext by politicians to justify it, namely, its involvement in attempting to change behaviour, to 'nudge' people in certain directions re the kind of food they consume, using it as rationale for yet more taxation of those goods deemed bad for people. Ergo one massive governement intervention into the health market is followed by another into the personal consumption and behaviour of its citizens and the slow inexorable ratcheting expansion of the State is thus effected.
Once Upon a time in NHS land...
Aside from all the obvious reasons against socialised healthcare such as the implicit violation of individual rights involved, namely the State appropriation of the doctor's profession, the hijacking of their careers to the service of the State and the denial of individual rights of the patient to choose their own doctors and treatment and personal healthcare all of which is worthy of much comment and criticism, there are some baleful and often fatal effects of socialised healthcare that are not so commonly discussed that involve the calamitous harmful medical consequences of a health system 'free at the point of use' to use the coy socialist newspeak by which the NHS was visited on an unsuspecting, naieve albeit eager public when it was ushered in to much fanfare some 70 years ago.
In a proper rational free market private health insurance system a patient's premium would be predicated on their health and lifestyle choices and those who smoked or took drugs,were obese through over eating and reliance of junk food would pay a higher premium than those who led a more healthy lifestyle and rightly so. A stunt man pays a lot more insurance than someone working at a sedentary job in an office for instance as objectively reflecting their respective lifestyles. If they both paid the same premium the insurance system would simply collapse and no one would have any insurance at all. Now examine the same principle as applied to the NHS! Well it does not obtain which is why it is in a perpetual state of crisis and people are dropping like flies from poor health choices confident in the knowledge that no matter what harm they inflict on themselves,how much food they stuff how much they smoke and drink the 'free' NHS is going to put them back together again. Well it won't and it can't anymore because it is collapsing upon its own internal contradictions but all politicians without exception know that the public does not want to hear that so they go on telling them what they want to hear, that more shed loads of money are going to be thrown at the Sovietised healthcare system and maybe at the end of an umpteenth 5 year plan it will all turn out fine.
Good luck with that one -wasn't it Albert Einstein who observed that insanity is doing the same things over and over again and expecting a different result? So politicians lied and millions died. The NHS killing fields will claim many more victims, their corpses will circle the earth before the politicians come clean and admit that socialised medicine is a poson toxic and just as socialism has failed wherever it has been practiced it has failed in the NHS with catastrophic cataclysmic consequences and that the only solution is to dismantle the whole thing and return it back to the free market from which it was criminally wrenched 70 years ago in an act of national state brigandige, a defacto communist takove of healthcare without a shot being fired. We are all living, or rather not living, with the consequences.
In a proper rational free market private health insurance system a patient's premium would be predicated on their health and lifestyle choices and those who smoked or took drugs,were obese through over eating and reliance of junk food would pay a higher premium than those who led a more healthy lifestyle and rightly so. A stunt man pays a lot more insurance than someone working at a sedentary job in an office for instance as objectively reflecting their respective lifestyles. If they both paid the same premium the insurance system would simply collapse and no one would have any insurance at all. Now examine the same principle as applied to the NHS! Well it does not obtain which is why it is in a perpetual state of crisis and people are dropping like flies from poor health choices confident in the knowledge that no matter what harm they inflict on themselves,how much food they stuff how much they smoke and drink the 'free' NHS is going to put them back together again. Well it won't and it can't anymore because it is collapsing upon its own internal contradictions but all politicians without exception know that the public does not want to hear that so they go on telling them what they want to hear, that more shed loads of money are going to be thrown at the Sovietised healthcare system and maybe at the end of an umpteenth 5 year plan it will all turn out fine.
Good luck with that one -wasn't it Albert Einstein who observed that insanity is doing the same things over and over again and expecting a different result? So politicians lied and millions died. The NHS killing fields will claim many more victims, their corpses will circle the earth before the politicians come clean and admit that socialised medicine is a poson toxic and just as socialism has failed wherever it has been practiced it has failed in the NHS with catastrophic cataclysmic consequences and that the only solution is to dismantle the whole thing and return it back to the free market from which it was criminally wrenched 70 years ago in an act of national state brigandige, a defacto communist takove of healthcare without a shot being fired. We are all living, or rather not living, with the consequences.
Thursday, December 29, 2016
Referendum Revolution!
Received wisdom is the bane of reason. Take the issue of referendums and their putative conflict with democracy as voiced by the Establishment -the commanding institutions of State and the media in general. There is almost universal disapprobation towards referendums not to mention the predominant un named never to be admitted emotion regarding them, namel blind pathological fear and panic. It is that age old terror of the powers that be, the prospect of the mob in all its incandescent rage, rebellion, bloodymindednes and non conformity. This keeps the politicians awake at night for they have contrived the whole democratic process with the sole purpose of obviating the will of the people,to circumscribe it,limit it,circumvent it through the sclerotic bureaucratic offices of State and cirumlocution the intent of which is to frustrate the will of the people,retard its advance and true expression,to dilute its wishes and to further its own statist agendas and garnish ever more emoluments and monetary advantages in expenses and fiddled accounts. All the while they couch their empire building and embezzling chicanery and self advancement in bromides about public service and fulfilling the role as representatives of the electorate.
The very word Referendum sends them shreiking into the night like Dracula at the sight of a cross. We have seen how reluctant they were to hold a referndum on Brexit and how they have tried and are still trying to make its resounding verdict null and void by every contrivance and pretext they can muster.It is for this reason that I have come to the conclusion that referendums are the way to go.Imagine a roll call of them on all the burning issues politicians never want to go near: the death penalty, the future of the NHS, Britain's membership of the UN and Nato, the BBC licence, the Welfare State, legalisation of drugs, taxation, regulation and so on.
Starting a political party is so difficult, the first past the post system is not the problem and PR is problematic but the tribal nature of politics is very hard to circumvent and the media tends to perpetuate the two horse race of Tory Lab because it suits their statist agendas as the two parties are almost identical in ideology, protest as they strenuously will to the contrary. Referendums cut through all this historical bar to entrance and introduction of innovatory radical ideas for change.Voter turnout for Brexit was phenomenal and it has scared the beejesus out of the 'Stabs.Endless plebescites horrifiess it which of course is the greatest argument in their favour.
The very word Referendum sends them shreiking into the night like Dracula at the sight of a cross. We have seen how reluctant they were to hold a referndum on Brexit and how they have tried and are still trying to make its resounding verdict null and void by every contrivance and pretext they can muster.It is for this reason that I have come to the conclusion that referendums are the way to go.Imagine a roll call of them on all the burning issues politicians never want to go near: the death penalty, the future of the NHS, Britain's membership of the UN and Nato, the BBC licence, the Welfare State, legalisation of drugs, taxation, regulation and so on.
Starting a political party is so difficult, the first past the post system is not the problem and PR is problematic but the tribal nature of politics is very hard to circumvent and the media tends to perpetuate the two horse race of Tory Lab because it suits their statist agendas as the two parties are almost identical in ideology, protest as they strenuously will to the contrary. Referendums cut through all this historical bar to entrance and introduction of innovatory radical ideas for change.Voter turnout for Brexit was phenomenal and it has scared the beejesus out of the 'Stabs.Endless plebescites horrifiess it which of course is the greatest argument in their favour.
Wednesday, December 28, 2016
Taxing Times
Most people would balk at mugging someone and taking their purse or wallet or burglaring a house but they are perfectly ok with the State doing it on their behalf through the tax and welfare system. Theft by proxy -no problem! Politicians being the arch parasite's parasite are happy to oblige of course, making sure they couch this larceny and wholesale looting in euphemistic terms and coda such as 'wealth redistribution' and other Orwellianisms such as 'fairness',public good 'asking' people to contribute more. They are not 'asking', they are demanding money with menaces but this lying and deception is par for the course and the tribute vice pays to virtue but even the mafia would not stoop to such tergiversation although they do like to give children turkeys at Thanksgiving with their stolen loot of course so there is a politician in them too.
All of this is a perversion of the original rationale for taxation that most leaders going back into antiquity would invoke,namely, taxation to fight wars and maintain a standing army -bad enough and morally insupportable in itself but at least having the semi saving grace of being delimited. Then came the ideologues who decided to co opt the tax system to pursue their egalitarian agendas and thus was born the redistribution of wealth on ideological socialist collectivist grounds. Dressed in quasi religious terms -the New Jerusalem the Welfare State was born and in the UK at least, and a wholesale takeover of private property and business was effected without a shot being fired. Why did it take a bloody revolution is Russia to achieve such ends when in England people voted in their millions for socialist servitude? That is harder to determine but it is not insignificant that both countries shared a common characteristic that made them vulnerable to the siren call of collectivism namely they were both steeped in Christianity and no doubt this prexistent credulity pathed the way for and made it much easier to effect the desired end of statism in both countries.
The mysticism of God worship was simply transferred to the mysticism of State worship where the collective substituted for the Almghty to be genuflected to like the totem of a new religion. All the Marxist socialist votaries were fresh from the seminaries and churches, steeped in the mysticism of blind faith and obesiance to the Godhead and thus the spiritual and secular were easily interchangeable as passivity and credulity were the chief requirements in both cases.
All of this is a perversion of the original rationale for taxation that most leaders going back into antiquity would invoke,namely, taxation to fight wars and maintain a standing army -bad enough and morally insupportable in itself but at least having the semi saving grace of being delimited. Then came the ideologues who decided to co opt the tax system to pursue their egalitarian agendas and thus was born the redistribution of wealth on ideological socialist collectivist grounds. Dressed in quasi religious terms -the New Jerusalem the Welfare State was born and in the UK at least, and a wholesale takeover of private property and business was effected without a shot being fired. Why did it take a bloody revolution is Russia to achieve such ends when in England people voted in their millions for socialist servitude? That is harder to determine but it is not insignificant that both countries shared a common characteristic that made them vulnerable to the siren call of collectivism namely they were both steeped in Christianity and no doubt this prexistent credulity pathed the way for and made it much easier to effect the desired end of statism in both countries.
The mysticism of God worship was simply transferred to the mysticism of State worship where the collective substituted for the Almghty to be genuflected to like the totem of a new religion. All the Marxist socialist votaries were fresh from the seminaries and churches, steeped in the mysticism of blind faith and obesiance to the Godhead and thus the spiritual and secular were easily interchangeable as passivity and credulity were the chief requirements in both cases.
Exaggerrated Death of an Illusion?
It cannot be stressed enough that though we appear to live in a post-religious secular world this is illusory for as I hinted at in a previous post the average person may think he or she has shed the superstitions of faith entirely and indeed to a large extent has at least in its overt outward forms of organised rote worship, but it remains true nevertheless that far more more than vestigial and residual religious premises - albeit largely unconscious - animate their political beliefs and allegiances.It is not just those who as I alluded to in said post still aver their belief in God but do not attend church but those who will tell you that they no longer believe at all and yet still hold to political beliefs and views that derive soley from religious precepts about man being his brother's keeper and the need for self sacrifice and the paramountcy of eschewing 'selfish individualism'. This is because most people hold beliefs implicitly without fully identifying if at all the roots of said beliefs,from where they philosophically derive.
This is why it is so important during debate to point out the roots of people's political views and subject them to the light of day where they can be challenged rather than just accepting the premises of their positions as given conventional wisdom. When such positions have their roots exposed it is far less likely that people will be so ready to defend them or at the very least they may be forced to revisit some core assumptions in the light of such exposure and those who are less doctinaire may be far more likely won over to the argument from freedom liberty and individual rights or at the very least to give it some consideration.
This is why it is so important during debate to point out the roots of people's political views and subject them to the light of day where they can be challenged rather than just accepting the premises of their positions as given conventional wisdom. When such positions have their roots exposed it is far less likely that people will be so ready to defend them or at the very least they may be forced to revisit some core assumptions in the light of such exposure and those who are less doctinaire may be far more likely won over to the argument from freedom liberty and individual rights or at the very least to give it some consideration.
Tuesday, December 27, 2016
Leftist Mythology
One of the biggest myths or canards the left likes to peddle is the notion that Western culture is suffering from a surfeit of individualism. This is to pay the culture a compliment it most definitely does not deserve.Would that it were true. It conflates individualism with consumerism and hedonism and the misplaced accusation is nothing but a pretext to argue for yet more state domination of citizen's private lives and erosion of liberty. The word selfish usually accompanies the anti individualism charge which again is the conflation of subjectivist feelings with individualism. This false meme is a cover to conceal the true nature of what animates the culture which is nothing more than a faux individualism oriented around consumerism which is not the essential aspect of human existence.Man may be free to consume but he is severely hampered in his freedom to produce and enjoy the fruits of his production.
The Left is correct however in identifying the greatest threat to it which is individualism in its truest sense for if individual rights were ever to trump its much revered collective rights that would be the end of leftism so it must perforce attack individualism though it be a patent chimera and bogeyman as the chief characteristic of modern culture is a prevailing and oppressive morribund collectivism that is reflected in all its institutions, politics and ideology.
The Left is correct however in identifying the greatest threat to it which is individualism in its truest sense for if individual rights were ever to trump its much revered collective rights that would be the end of leftism so it must perforce attack individualism though it be a patent chimera and bogeyman as the chief characteristic of modern culture is a prevailing and oppressive morribund collectivism that is reflected in all its institutions, politics and ideology.
Religious Folly
Church attendance may have radically and progressively reduced since the end of the first world war but a common error lots of lapsed churchgoers make is encapsulated and articulated in the following ratiocination: I do not need to worship in a church but I still believe in God. Such people like to present themselves as free thinkers but this a nothing but a conceit. Imagine if someone said I don not like going to Nazi rallies and going through all the rituals of saluting Hitler and dressing up in all that Nazi regalia but I do beleive in Nazism and its core principles. Would anybody think well of them? The non church goers are unctuous to the extreme in wearing their faux non conformity on their sleeves but in any objective analysis they are all in the same faith boat and share the same irrational creed as the church going fraternity.
If we add all the faith based non church attenders to the those who observe their faith in outward forms we would see that far more people are faith oriented than the church attendance figures would suggest. Add to that all those who adhere to New Age mystical mumbo jumbo and other religious and quasi religious sects from paganism to Jehova Witness Church of scientology Mormonism and God knows what else and throw in the equally irrational conspiracy theorists, believers in astrology, UFOers and junk science Environmentalists and we are dealing with probably a majority of the population that are irrational to a fault,unhinged and quasi insane to boot. Not to mention all the irrational philosphies people adhere to which practically means all of modern philsophy with hardly any exceptions.
Against this culture of unreason it is hardly surprising that modern politics is so bad and completely dominated by collectivistic ideology as this flows directly from the core beliefs people hold and the general culture. As all the abovementioned faith systems Without exception adhere to the notion of self sacrifice and altruism any attempt to challenge the altruism implcit and explicit within collectivist statism is to challenge people's deeply held philosophy and belief structure and this explains the awesome Herculean labour that will be required to turn the culture around and why the question what is to be done is so vexing and challenging and resistant to any easy solution or programme.
If we add all the faith based non church attenders to the those who observe their faith in outward forms we would see that far more people are faith oriented than the church attendance figures would suggest. Add to that all those who adhere to New Age mystical mumbo jumbo and other religious and quasi religious sects from paganism to Jehova Witness Church of scientology Mormonism and God knows what else and throw in the equally irrational conspiracy theorists, believers in astrology, UFOers and junk science Environmentalists and we are dealing with probably a majority of the population that are irrational to a fault,unhinged and quasi insane to boot. Not to mention all the irrational philosphies people adhere to which practically means all of modern philsophy with hardly any exceptions.
Against this culture of unreason it is hardly surprising that modern politics is so bad and completely dominated by collectivistic ideology as this flows directly from the core beliefs people hold and the general culture. As all the abovementioned faith systems Without exception adhere to the notion of self sacrifice and altruism any attempt to challenge the altruism implcit and explicit within collectivist statism is to challenge people's deeply held philosophy and belief structure and this explains the awesome Herculean labour that will be required to turn the culture around and why the question what is to be done is so vexing and challenging and resistant to any easy solution or programme.
Monday, December 26, 2016
The Individual versus Democracy Or What can be done?
I do not pretend to have an answer to my question. End of post really! So permit me a Boxing day ramble instead and we may get somewhere obliquely. If you are a Jihadist life is at least simple. You blow yourself up taking as many people as possible with you. The attraction is in the simplicity. Nihilism means never having to think or care to think. It is pure destruction which is why it attracts the lazy minded, in other words the religious. We must not forget that this was the Christian way until a short while ago but parliament stepped in and wrested power from our theocratic tyrannical capricious psychopathic mercurial jihadist off with her head for not bearing me a son, Kings. They had monuments built to their name and image,monstrous cathedral edifices constructed with the people's blood in taxation and to this day the public is forced to finance the upkeep of these mausoleums to the faded gory glory of the popes and satanic votaries of hell called Christianity.And we have no separation of Church and State, and we have a monarchy soaked in the blood of its victims down the centuries still exacting tax tribute and parading its mannered parasitism at every national event. So I come back to my question what can we do? This is the 21st century for chrissakes why are we still even having this ancient problem and am I having to waste my time attempting to clear up the garbage of history that should have been done and dusted centuries ago? This post is destined to raise more questions than answers clearly.And we have not even touched on our political masters who have merely transferred all the arbitrary power once endowed to the priesthood to themselves and brilliantly effected and installed a far greater and subtle tyranny in the very name of freedom and liberty! Ingenius indeed.How to steal candy from a baby.And the worse part of it all is that people don't even care or are even aware of this all pervasive and invasive tyranny and serfdom.Maybe there is something in the water? End of post!
Sunday, December 25, 2016
Happy Christlessmass
Season's cheers to all my numberless readers and thank God its been secularised. Co opting Christmas was a masterstroke of Reason and one to be warmly welcomed as the Godless appropriate the fairy tale of faith and turn it into a celebration of life rather than the celebration of death the religionists promote. We should all raise a toast to the much to be wished for death or religion in all its multifarious manifestations and horrors. The queen may blabber on her throne and condescend to her witless subjects but her days too are numbered for the monarchy has a sell by date on its crown and is counting down to dissolution though it may not know it yet.Brexit is the start of things falling apart, all our institutions are on shaky foundations and would not take much pushing to come tumbling down if the right pressure is concentrated in the proper locus.The Establishment corrupt and rotten to the core is ripe for a massive kicking and the old order will not survive in its present form. Happy Brexmass one and all!
Thursday, December 22, 2016
Prince Charles's brain fart
Thought for the day on R4 featured Charles lamenting the persecution of christians in the Middle East and beyond. What a short memory the royal prat has when it was only a few centuries ago that Christians were hunting down muslims like wild animals and his own Christian ancestors were chopping off people's heads under the slightest pretext. No doubt Diana would have been for the chop had she been born a few centuries ago for consulting with psychics and committing adultery all over the place.
If Christians are being persecuted in a modern crusade it is only the chickens coming home to roost and when it comes to religion a plague on all their houses as it causes war death and destruction and the sooner the human race grows up and throws of its primitive need for fairy tales and starts treating one another with reason instead of superstition and barbarism the better.Bear in mind also that the only reason Christians now behave civilly towards everyone is because Christianity has been defanged and reformed and stripped of its power. Were that not the case it would still be behaving as barbarically as the muslims are right now who have yet to have their own Reformation. It is not morality that keeps Christianity in check but the sheer power of the law that circumscribes its latent and suppressed baser impulses.
If Christians are being persecuted in a modern crusade it is only the chickens coming home to roost and when it comes to religion a plague on all their houses as it causes war death and destruction and the sooner the human race grows up and throws of its primitive need for fairy tales and starts treating one another with reason instead of superstition and barbarism the better.Bear in mind also that the only reason Christians now behave civilly towards everyone is because Christianity has been defanged and reformed and stripped of its power. Were that not the case it would still be behaving as barbarically as the muslims are right now who have yet to have their own Reformation. It is not morality that keeps Christianity in check but the sheer power of the law that circumscribes its latent and suppressed baser impulses.
Ve have vays of letting Jihadists kill you
The latest security debacle in Germany is one more confirmation of the folly of allowing the Security State to keep surveillance on us all when once again it lets known jihadists who are on the radar in plain sight and with past form as long as the human arm get away with their atrocities with impunity. Thus when they argue with siren like sinuosity for yet more sweeping surveillance powers to watch our every move we should resist it stoutly with every fibre of our being in the full knowledge that it is we, innocent citizens who are in their sights and not the jihadists who are going around in broad daylight with death to the West practically written on their foreheads and shouting it from the rooftops. A European army of keystone cops anybody?
Wednesday, December 21, 2016
It's the Philosophy, Stupid
A lot of people get hung up and depressed with politics thinking the world is going to hell in a handcart and although this is partly true in many ways we really have never had it so good and this can be overlooked if we focus soley in on politics which admittedly is dire to the exclusion of everything else. The modern poor live better than kings of old and are surrounded by opulence with their I pads and widescreen TVs courtesy of foreign imports of cheap goods which the Donald seems to want to put a stop to with high tarfiff walls and concrete ones as well.
We live longer,healthier lives today, have vast arrays of foodstuffs from all over the globe,cars and material goods are cheaper, more fuel efficient which gives us more disposable income.And we have short memories. Anyone who looks misty eyed and longingly back to the 70's was clearly not there or is suffering from a chronic case of amnesia and selective memory syndrome. The technology was crap,cumbersome,ridiculous, primitive unreliable unwieldy. The politics were dire,violence was far greater etc etc.
No one in their right minds would rather live in the 70's or even the 50's if given a choice. So why all the lament? It is being stirred up by the intellectuals who want to foment and fabricate discontent for their narrow sectarian Machievellian ends, to effectively convince us that we have never had it so bad so they can introduce even yet more government interference in our lives and thus gain total control over us. So they wheel on economists who insist that things are as bad as the 1920's that capitalismk is in crisis even though we palpably do not even have capitlism in any true sense or definition of the word but rather live under a hobbled compromised mixed economy that is tilting towards further statism and government hegemony over the market. Yet despit this business thrives,despite all the controls taxes and hyper regulation the American spirit is unbowed and Silicon valley continues to lead the world in technological innovation and creativity.
Yes politics is awful and dire but what drives politics but philosophy and it is this that needs to change for if people have the wrong philosophy they will perforce have wrong politics so it is the culture and philosophy that we should be focusing on not its end product politics. To attempt to change politics whilst leaving the prevailing philosophical culture unadressed is like trying to treat a cancer patient with aspirin.
And we get hung up on the political process too! Thinking that if we just abolish the electoral college or have proportional representation all will be fine and dandy and the system will then be kook- (Donald) proof. But the electoral college was set up expressly as system of checks and balances but it did not protect the people from Obama being elected or Roosvelt, the first socialist President proper. Only philosophy -good philosophy will protect the people from tyrants,not political process.But what philosophy? That I shall leave for another post.
We live longer,healthier lives today, have vast arrays of foodstuffs from all over the globe,cars and material goods are cheaper, more fuel efficient which gives us more disposable income.And we have short memories. Anyone who looks misty eyed and longingly back to the 70's was clearly not there or is suffering from a chronic case of amnesia and selective memory syndrome. The technology was crap,cumbersome,ridiculous, primitive unreliable unwieldy. The politics were dire,violence was far greater etc etc.
No one in their right minds would rather live in the 70's or even the 50's if given a choice. So why all the lament? It is being stirred up by the intellectuals who want to foment and fabricate discontent for their narrow sectarian Machievellian ends, to effectively convince us that we have never had it so bad so they can introduce even yet more government interference in our lives and thus gain total control over us. So they wheel on economists who insist that things are as bad as the 1920's that capitalismk is in crisis even though we palpably do not even have capitlism in any true sense or definition of the word but rather live under a hobbled compromised mixed economy that is tilting towards further statism and government hegemony over the market. Yet despit this business thrives,despite all the controls taxes and hyper regulation the American spirit is unbowed and Silicon valley continues to lead the world in technological innovation and creativity.
Yes politics is awful and dire but what drives politics but philosophy and it is this that needs to change for if people have the wrong philosophy they will perforce have wrong politics so it is the culture and philosophy that we should be focusing on not its end product politics. To attempt to change politics whilst leaving the prevailing philosophical culture unadressed is like trying to treat a cancer patient with aspirin.
And we get hung up on the political process too! Thinking that if we just abolish the electoral college or have proportional representation all will be fine and dandy and the system will then be kook- (Donald) proof. But the electoral college was set up expressly as system of checks and balances but it did not protect the people from Obama being elected or Roosvelt, the first socialist President proper. Only philosophy -good philosophy will protect the people from tyrants,not political process.But what philosophy? That I shall leave for another post.
Tuesday, December 20, 2016
Rule by Inferior Beings
Watching a nauseating hagiographic BBC lecture on the life of the monumental nonentity Clement Atlee (about whom Churchill famously said 'he was a humble man who had a lot to be humble about') it was clear that this miserable runt of a human being, who bore a fitting and uncanny resemblance to Lenin had political views that were informed by his religious upbringing as so many socialists did.Indeed it is not an exagerration to say that were it not for the baleful influence of Christianity socialism would never have emerged into the light of day and gained the traction that it did in the last century with such devastating and catastrophic consequences for its millions of victims.
The chief reason why socialism and the collectivism that underpins it has never been fully vanquished across continents and has made a depressing comeback recently is down to the fact that its putative opponents have never been able to take a moral stand against it for the simple reason that they have shared the same philosophical roots of socialism namely the belief that man is his brother's keeper, ie, the altruist ethics of self sacrifice as being man's reason for existence as opposed to his own self interest. Every advancement of the socialist argument up to and beyond the creation of the welfare state was met with the feeblest of opposition from Conservatives who could not challenge the fundamental root of socialism and so were impotent to stop its advance and eventual triumph. And so it is to this very day.
This failure to halt the progress of socialism and collectivism is mirrored by the West's inability to challenge and defeat militant Islam. Christianity remains the West's nominal and residual belief system and the monotheism of Christianity cannot defeat the monotheism of Islam any more than socialism can be defeated by socialism.
The two ideological bugbears of faith and collectivism can only be defeated by reason and this will never be done by Conservatives and it is foolish to look to that quarter as it has sold the ideological pass from the get go. It is up to the men of reason to wage ideological war on these two great evils of mankind if there is to be any future worth having.
The chief reason why socialism and the collectivism that underpins it has never been fully vanquished across continents and has made a depressing comeback recently is down to the fact that its putative opponents have never been able to take a moral stand against it for the simple reason that they have shared the same philosophical roots of socialism namely the belief that man is his brother's keeper, ie, the altruist ethics of self sacrifice as being man's reason for existence as opposed to his own self interest. Every advancement of the socialist argument up to and beyond the creation of the welfare state was met with the feeblest of opposition from Conservatives who could not challenge the fundamental root of socialism and so were impotent to stop its advance and eventual triumph. And so it is to this very day.
This failure to halt the progress of socialism and collectivism is mirrored by the West's inability to challenge and defeat militant Islam. Christianity remains the West's nominal and residual belief system and the monotheism of Christianity cannot defeat the monotheism of Islam any more than socialism can be defeated by socialism.
The two ideological bugbears of faith and collectivism can only be defeated by reason and this will never be done by Conservatives and it is foolish to look to that quarter as it has sold the ideological pass from the get go. It is up to the men of reason to wage ideological war on these two great evils of mankind if there is to be any future worth having.
Saturday, December 17, 2016
From our own Correspondent - Not
As news of the death of veteran war correspondent Nicholson has been announced today it is timely to reflect on the fact that his trade seems to have died with him as today's correspondents can usually be found skulking and loitering in an adjacent country to any war that is raging and preface their reports by announcing that their source is from an activist on the ground which is about as far from objective reporting as it is possible to get. Whether it is the decadent risk-averse health and safety culture we are living in now or just plain cowardice on the part of today's correspondents I do not know but it is a poor show and a travesty of journalism either way. If we have to rely on the tendentious outpourings of activist 'citizen journalists' or the equally biased UN to tell us what is going on, all of which is relayed and funneled through the equally biased BBC State television, an arm of government at barely one remove, small wonder we have a totally skewed impression of what is going on in Syria right now. It is not only people who are dying in today's wars but journalism itself and with it our proper understanding of world events.
Friday, December 16, 2016
Alt Left and Alt Right Unite
Len Mcluskey of Unite has come out against free movement of labour aligning himself with Ukip. Proof if proof were needed that on economic issues there is not a cigarette paper between the far left and the far right.They both advocate protectionism which means the electorate has no choice as no political party is arguing for free movement of peoples.We are in the era of Henry Ford politics: you can have any ideology you like as long as it's Statism.
Thursday, December 15, 2016
Syrian blood on British hands
That the West and the UK in particular is guilty of war crimes in Syria there is no doubt, funding as it has been jihadist terrorists, the so called rebel militia even though the British parliament had rightly expressly voted against any such military involvement in the civil war there. And that the western media has lied consistently about the war is also undoubtedly true, using the emotionalism of child casualties as a propagandisitc tool, a sort of a human shield against the true realities of the conflict presenting it as soley Russian caused rather than a Western proxy war.The ancillary players have also contributed to the horror by protracting it with their involvement such as the White helmets and the UN and other bodies making the war last much longer with their ill advised ceasefires which have enabled the rebels to regroup and re arm. Even now the extraordianary UN organised retreat of the rebels will no doubt have the same result.
Rather than draw the obvious conclusion namely that British involvement has been calamitious congenital idiots like George Obsborne of course still do not get it and was pontificating in the House of Commons about how the UK is responsible for not getting even more involved and was guilty for the horror by its ommissions which is the kind of crackerbarrel logic which has governed all his policy making across the board so we at least can be grateful that he is no longer involved in British politics at least and has been summarily dismissed from the cabinet.But what devastation he and his ilk have wrought on poor benighted Syria and for that of course they will not be punished as they rarely if ever are as they sail off into the sunset with their book deals and highly lucrative public speaking careers leaving a trail of corpses and bloody havoc behind them.
Rather than draw the obvious conclusion namely that British involvement has been calamitious congenital idiots like George Obsborne of course still do not get it and was pontificating in the House of Commons about how the UK is responsible for not getting even more involved and was guilty for the horror by its ommissions which is the kind of crackerbarrel logic which has governed all his policy making across the board so we at least can be grateful that he is no longer involved in British politics at least and has been summarily dismissed from the cabinet.But what devastation he and his ilk have wrought on poor benighted Syria and for that of course they will not be punished as they rarely if ever are as they sail off into the sunset with their book deals and highly lucrative public speaking careers leaving a trail of corpses and bloody havoc behind them.
Tuesday, December 13, 2016
State of the Unions: 3 Strikes and We're Out!
What do the following current or recent union strikes have in common: The junior doctor's strike, the never-ending,rolling railway strike, the postal strike. You guessed it, they are all 'public service' run operations. If employees of a privately run business attempt to go on strike indefinitely they know they run the very real risk of that business declaring bankruptcy and them losing their jobs. This can never happen in a public service organisation because the government will always bail it out with taxpayer's money. The unions can consequently flex their industrial muscles with total impunity because they know they have the State over a barrel and they can fight a proxy war with the Conservative government using taxpayer's money to fund their politically motivated militant strikes. The public are merely the collateral damage,the commuters whose journeys are disrupted, the thousands of businesses crippled because their employees cannot get to work.
It is not true that the railways are privatised because they are still in the State sector and receive huge subsidies and the financial brunt of this endless railway strike is being born by the taxpayer's thanks to the deliberately botched and sabotaged privatisation of the Blair government who could not bring itself to totally relinquish State control over the railways exacting a very heavy price and burden on the long and suffering British public to this very day.
Politicians have a vested interest in this appalling state of affairs continuing, their strenuous protestations notwithstanding because the last thing they want is to see the privatisation of these State services as that would mean they would be out of a job and power lusters never give up their power willingly. Industrial devastation all around them, people's economic lives blighted, jobs destroyed, the public screwed in a rigged non market, none of this matters to the politicians and unions locked as they are in a deeply cynical, amoral corrupt mutually beneficial symbiosis each needing the other in their power game of monopolised thiefdoms.
Politicians have a vested interest in this appalling state of affairs continuing, their strenuous protestations notwithstanding because the last thing they want is to see the privatisation of these State services as that would mean they would be out of a job and power lusters never give up their power willingly. Industrial devastation all around them, people's economic lives blighted, jobs destroyed, the public screwed in a rigged non market, none of this matters to the politicians and unions locked as they are in a deeply cynical, amoral corrupt mutually beneficial symbiosis each needing the other in their power game of monopolised thiefdoms.
Sunday, December 11, 2016
Ouch this hurts, But: Owen Jones is Right!
Although it greatly pains me to say it cos he is an irritating runt of a boy/man but Owen Jones is undoubtedly correct in pointing out that Putin's Russia is unmistakably Fascist in complexion and makeup and has been almost from the outset but it has has been hard to see so conditioned and fixated as we are to seeing it soley as the home of Communism, and Putin as an ex KGB goon but the characteristics with Fascism are compelling.
There are its Christian orthodox ties and the Church has a very long association with Fascism in Germany and Italy, France etc, its virulent anti homosexuality, its xenophobia and nationalism, its strong man, cult of personality worship, its State control of business and close ties with it, its persecution imprisonment and murder of journalists.And the kind of friends it attracts abroad from the far right groups in Europe which it now turns out are being funded by Russian banks, its tacit support for Trump, Farage's respectful noises towards it. Oh, and its tendency to invade neighbouring countries and annexe them. This is definitely one to watch and further illustration of how Communism and Fascism are mere sides of the same coin of collectivism.
There are its Christian orthodox ties and the Church has a very long association with Fascism in Germany and Italy, France etc, its virulent anti homosexuality, its xenophobia and nationalism, its strong man, cult of personality worship, its State control of business and close ties with it, its persecution imprisonment and murder of journalists.And the kind of friends it attracts abroad from the far right groups in Europe which it now turns out are being funded by Russian banks, its tacit support for Trump, Farage's respectful noises towards it. Oh, and its tendency to invade neighbouring countries and annexe them. This is definitely one to watch and further illustration of how Communism and Fascism are mere sides of the same coin of collectivism.
The second thing Trump should do is not build the Great Wall of China or Mexico but close down the UN! This totally absurd corrupt profligate criminal organization was a non starter from the very outset, a rebranded version of the League of Nations and has enjoyed the same success rate but spent infinitely more,billions of dollars swelling its coffers from its member's enforced donations and contributions extracted through taxation in what has been little more than a criminal racket of phenomenal mind boggling proportions.It never made sense including practically every nation on earth in its club regardless of moral stature and it simply provided a sanction for every gangster state to acquire automatic cachet by being included and brought nothing but compromise to those nations observing the rule of law and the liberal principles of liberty by being associated with such criminal nations and effectively giving them cover therby. Meanwhile genocides continued,millions died in endless wars and the UN grew fat empire building, a metastasising bureaucratic talking club of multilingual madness and institutionalised insanity.Enough! UN,Your fired.
Snowden. Bringing it all Back Home
Trump's first job on entering the Whitehouse should be to give Edward Snowden total legal immunity from prosecution, not a 'pardon' as he has done nothing wrong save expose the chilling totalitarian nature of America's surveillance network which as I have said in a previous post owes more in its nature and scope to Orwell's 1984 dystopia than the principles of its Founding Fathers in its sinister invasion into the private lives of its citizenry. This is why Snowden is so reviled by the political class that is now ireedemably corrupt and covered in ignominy and treachery,peopled by Benedict Arnolds, the enemy within who have undermined the very bedrock of America's moral intellectual and political foundation, as he represents their nemesis that has been long in coming and this is why he has become an exile when it is they in truth who should really be banished to the arctic Soviet wastes,their true spiritual home and why Snowden should be given a hero's welcome,feted and honoured across the land and duly recompensed for his maltreatment at the hands of an out of control State with only a broken moral compass for its guide.
Saturday, December 10, 2016
Nigel Adolf Churchill Farage
Yes Farage has saved us from the living death of membership of the EU but has he actually set us up for a fate worse than death by stirring up ugly nativism,xenophobia, racism and neo fascism which is now spreading like a cancer across the whole of Europe and America? I fear so. The fact that UKIP is now whoring after Labour votes is not encouraging, appealing as it is to the working class - in so much as they exist anymore - Enoch Powell vote, pandering to a narrow parochialism, a protectionist, pull up the drawbridge anti capitalist mercantalist mentality, deluding British workers that it can protect them from the harsh cold winds of economic reality which it demonises as 'globalisation' and sneeringly villifying corporations that are the very lifeblood of capitalism.
Another party on the left but with Nationalist overtones is hardly what we need and it certainly does not herald a new dawn of British politics but rather a possible descent into a darker place where the old certainties and liberal verities - the protection of individual rights and liberties can now it seems, no longer be taken for granted.
Another party on the left but with Nationalist overtones is hardly what we need and it certainly does not herald a new dawn of British politics but rather a possible descent into a darker place where the old certainties and liberal verities - the protection of individual rights and liberties can now it seems, no longer be taken for granted.
Friday, December 09, 2016
Sworded Arabia
Nauseating hypocrisy is the chief characteristic of British foreign policy and it gets no more depraved than the UK's sick relationship with the barbaric gulf States particularly Saudia Arabia.This barbaric sinister autocracy with its Royal family sitting atop the dung heap has close ties to the British monarchy and this totally corrupt association is a lasting and shameful stain on the British State and yet one more reason why our royals should be sent packing into the garbage can of our dismal and dark history. Let us not forget it is not that long ago that our monarchy was beheading people right left and centre on an industrial scale on the slightest of pretexts and it is no doubt partly why it kow tows to Saudi Arabia and has such close ties with it as it looks upon its with wistful envy as a reminder of the arbitrary totalitarian power it once wielded but no longer thankfully does, but can still enjoy by proxy when hobnobbing with the Saudi royals.
Saudi Arabia is one of the biggest exporters of terrorism and was far more worthy of being taken out after 9/11 than Iraq as it was its homegrown terrorists that flew the planes into the twin towers not to mention the vast jihadist wahabist literature it disseminates globally which feeds the terrorist narrative.The very least we can do is withdrawal all diplomatic contacts with the country and stop selling it arms for godsake.But that would be to have a consistent logical and rational approach to foreign policy, a concept that is clearly alien to our sad to say, morally depraved British State.
Saudi Arabia is one of the biggest exporters of terrorism and was far more worthy of being taken out after 9/11 than Iraq as it was its homegrown terrorists that flew the planes into the twin towers not to mention the vast jihadist wahabist literature it disseminates globally which feeds the terrorist narrative.The very least we can do is withdrawal all diplomatic contacts with the country and stop selling it arms for godsake.But that would be to have a consistent logical and rational approach to foreign policy, a concept that is clearly alien to our sad to say, morally depraved British State.
Wednesday, December 07, 2016
Welfare Straits
You don't have to be listening to R4 BBC Today prog for long to hear some whiny representative of a Left wing pressure group bemoaning the poverty of the masses and it is usually a few seconds after you have turned it on as the BBC is one long pitch for more government intervention and it has a rolling programme of figures it wheels on from the ever growing burgeoning Poverty Industry with their State wishlists and dodgy statistics and false analysis of the issues. In fact the BBC sees its remit as a public service broadcaster not to keep a beady eye on State depradations and empire building but rather the complete opposite - as the gatekeeper in-chief holding government's feet to the fire to ensure that they are expanding State operations into every nook and cranny of our lives and to make sure that they are not back sliding on their job to snoop regulate tax and meddle us all to death in the name of the Public Good of course.
Such indeed it proved to be this morning as the first item under discussion was someone from the Joseph Roundtree organisation bewailing the poverty of the Working Classes ie those who are working and claiming benefits. Here we must pause to give Gordon Brown his due in successfully roping in half the country to the welfare trap couched characteristically and euphemistically as 'Tax Credits' (wonder who thought that one up) as all government expansion programmes must perforce be disguised in Orwellian speak. The representative gave the usual sob story about people trapped in low wages and gave a number of reasons for the cause, all erroneous of course but the overwhelming picture she painted was or should be deeply insulting, not to say deeply condescending to all those in question because she painted a picture of helpless individuals with no free will, predetermined to remain in their condition,with no autonomy,no motivation to self advancement,helpless hapless ciphers of circumstances beyond their control, pawns in some giant capitalist conspiracy to do them down and whose only salvation was for the State to come and ride in on a great white charger and save them all from themselves and their foredoomed static existence as prole feed for the cruel, unfeeling capitalist bosses who are deliberately blighting their existence with low pay and job insecurity.
Could the root of all this lefty wailing and gnashing of teeth that goes on at the BBC be down to nothing more than guilt - guilt that as employees of this vast monolithic State broadcaster they are far far removed and immune from the vicissitudes of the market place where the Insecuriat dwell( ie the Real World) as they receive their monies from the licence payers at the point of a gun and know not what it is like to work in a semi free market where they might have to, perish the thought, actually compete for their positions and produce something of objective worth pertaining to reality rather than being brave reporters on the frontiers of Socialist La La Land?
Such indeed it proved to be this morning as the first item under discussion was someone from the Joseph Roundtree organisation bewailing the poverty of the Working Classes ie those who are working and claiming benefits. Here we must pause to give Gordon Brown his due in successfully roping in half the country to the welfare trap couched characteristically and euphemistically as 'Tax Credits' (wonder who thought that one up) as all government expansion programmes must perforce be disguised in Orwellian speak. The representative gave the usual sob story about people trapped in low wages and gave a number of reasons for the cause, all erroneous of course but the overwhelming picture she painted was or should be deeply insulting, not to say deeply condescending to all those in question because she painted a picture of helpless individuals with no free will, predetermined to remain in their condition,with no autonomy,no motivation to self advancement,helpless hapless ciphers of circumstances beyond their control, pawns in some giant capitalist conspiracy to do them down and whose only salvation was for the State to come and ride in on a great white charger and save them all from themselves and their foredoomed static existence as prole feed for the cruel, unfeeling capitalist bosses who are deliberately blighting their existence with low pay and job insecurity.
Could the root of all this lefty wailing and gnashing of teeth that goes on at the BBC be down to nothing more than guilt - guilt that as employees of this vast monolithic State broadcaster they are far far removed and immune from the vicissitudes of the market place where the Insecuriat dwell( ie the Real World) as they receive their monies from the licence payers at the point of a gun and know not what it is like to work in a semi free market where they might have to, perish the thought, actually compete for their positions and produce something of objective worth pertaining to reality rather than being brave reporters on the frontiers of Socialist La La Land?
Tuesday, December 06, 2016
The More things change.....
Have you noticed how most prognostications (bar mine of course) have turned out to be way wide of the mark or more bluntly, plain wrong. We were told a few years ago that we were at the 'end of history' but it is it still going on last time I checked. Then we were told there was an Arab Spring and it turned out to be a Jihadi Spring. And now we are told there is an anti Establishment movement across the world but this too is shaping up to be one hell of a sham as it turns out (well he diddle diddle) that it is in fact an Establishment movement masquerading as anti establishment. Consider the facts. Every so called insurgency movement across Europe bar non is not small government, pro capitalist, anti statist but rather the complete absolute opposite. It is Statism writ large whether it be Corbyn, Bernie Sanders, Trump Le Pen,, Austria, Italy,ad nauseam, all the faux insurgents are pro big government, pro statist,vehemently anti capitalis/ individualist ie pro Estblishment. The twin horned goat of collectivism is bestriding continents dressed up as anti Establishment! Ever felt you been had? to quote the Punk Poet John Lydon.
The true revolutionaries have yet to appear and they will hail from neither right nor left which are the same anyway when you strip away the superficialities. The vanguard of the movement will be Objectivists as they alone have clear philosophical premises underwriting their positions and they do not float off disconnectedly as the Libertarians do, the free riders, parasites and pale imitators of objectivism who give a bad name to liberty and individualism by basing it on subjectivist emotionalism stripped of all its philosophical foundations and antecedents. There are no short cuts to liberty, the groundwork must be done and the work is all before those who choose to take up the cudgels for liberty, freedom, reason,objectivity and reality.
The true revolutionaries have yet to appear and they will hail from neither right nor left which are the same anyway when you strip away the superficialities. The vanguard of the movement will be Objectivists as they alone have clear philosophical premises underwriting their positions and they do not float off disconnectedly as the Libertarians do, the free riders, parasites and pale imitators of objectivism who give a bad name to liberty and individualism by basing it on subjectivist emotionalism stripped of all its philosophical foundations and antecedents. There are no short cuts to liberty, the groundwork must be done and the work is all before those who choose to take up the cudgels for liberty, freedom, reason,objectivity and reality.
Monday, December 05, 2016
The Prostitutes of State
The oldest profession in the world may be unsavoury and one would wish it away but The State's proscriptive incursion into this area is destructive and immoral. Prostitutes indeed lie to their clients but so does government so they have something in common right there and between the two of them morally there is not much tot tell them apart but to outlaw the keeping of a brothel has just driven women out on to the streets making them vulnerable to attack and this policy has undoubtedly led to the murder of many women.
As with drugs what people choose to engage in sexually between themselves is their business and the state should mind its own business but as I have explored here many times over the years that is the one thing the state can always be counted on not to do. Our business is their business and they are more addicted to our money than your average crack whore notwithstanding their nauseating hypocritical play acting as our moral guardians.
As with drugs what people choose to engage in sexually between themselves is their business and the state should mind its own business but as I have explored here many times over the years that is the one thing the state can always be counted on not to do. Our business is their business and they are more addicted to our money than your average crack whore notwithstanding their nauseating hypocritical play acting as our moral guardians.
Sunday, December 04, 2016
Come with me Diana
Miss Abbot, fondly referred to by some as 'Jeremy's bike' said in a recent fawning BBC profile on her that when she applied for the Civil Service and was asked directly why she wanted the job she replied bluntly, ' for power'. The way the story was recounted it is clear that Miss Abbotexpects to earn respect and regard for such an honest reply when in fact the only thing it should elicit from ordinary folk should be one of shock, horror and disapprobation. In a sane world when she gave that reply she should have been given the bum's rush and told not to darken the doors of the Civil Service evermore but of course she was given the job and the rest is dismal history.
I have only had several ocasions when it fell to my lot to give a portion another person's money away and I must say it gave me as much if not more pleasure than giving my own away so I understand how vicarious altruism is addictive and politicians live for the rush of this charity by proxy, its what brings them into politics in the first places. Power, yes Miss Abbot that is indeed what it is all about, the power to rob steal enslave create dependency and generally lord it over people. We are grateful at least that now and again the mask slips and politicians reveal their true actual sordid depraved and morally corrupt motives for going into politics.
I have only had several ocasions when it fell to my lot to give a portion another person's money away and I must say it gave me as much if not more pleasure than giving my own away so I understand how vicarious altruism is addictive and politicians live for the rush of this charity by proxy, its what brings them into politics in the first places. Power, yes Miss Abbot that is indeed what it is all about, the power to rob steal enslave create dependency and generally lord it over people. We are grateful at least that now and again the mask slips and politicians reveal their true actual sordid depraved and morally corrupt motives for going into politics.
Friday, December 02, 2016
MPs Mentally ill. Hold the Front page!
They are suffering from low self worth apparently and are prone to mental illness and drink too much because they are addicted to social media and have to suffer the privation of having two houses and having to commute which gives them a sense of semi permanent displacement. They are subject to abuse by trolls cos in seeking approbation they end up being criticised. Provide your own violins please.
Well yes please moderate your sympathy for these benighted souls who only want to do good but are often misunderstood although according to the report we must not be too hard on the critical public because they are only human. Returning back to reality for a moment small wonder MPs are mentally ill and have low self esteem when they spend their lives trying to be loved by giving other people's money away and regulating every single waking and sleeping hour of their imprisoned servile hapless electorate who are nannied to within an inch of their lives by these do gooding parasites and social metsphysicians who practice the cheapest of all charities, namely the vicarious sort, charity by proxy, the gift that keeps on taking. State altruism is their raison d etre and that will always lead to self loathing before bedtime as it is a fraud perpetrated on British tax slaves who loathe their taskmasters and know them to be frauds,conmen, corrupt,semi criminal plunderers who perpetrate financial rape and pillage on an industrial scale and euphemise it with bromides about public good and fairness. That's why they are universally despised and hated and are now we are told, slowly going mad as well.
Well yes please moderate your sympathy for these benighted souls who only want to do good but are often misunderstood although according to the report we must not be too hard on the critical public because they are only human. Returning back to reality for a moment small wonder MPs are mentally ill and have low self esteem when they spend their lives trying to be loved by giving other people's money away and regulating every single waking and sleeping hour of their imprisoned servile hapless electorate who are nannied to within an inch of their lives by these do gooding parasites and social metsphysicians who practice the cheapest of all charities, namely the vicarious sort, charity by proxy, the gift that keeps on taking. State altruism is their raison d etre and that will always lead to self loathing before bedtime as it is a fraud perpetrated on British tax slaves who loathe their taskmasters and know them to be frauds,conmen, corrupt,semi criminal plunderers who perpetrate financial rape and pillage on an industrial scale and euphemise it with bromides about public good and fairness. That's why they are universally despised and hated and are now we are told, slowly going mad as well.
Thursday, December 01, 2016
Globalization Package deal
Another favourite hypnosis-inducing word of the Left is Globalisation and it is of course coded language for the dreaded never to be spoken word Capitalism. It carries with it lots of undeclared items in the baggage department of the Left, a trigger word that sends down the Red mist and gets the leftist slavering with Pavlovian rage.
To merely unpackage it is to disarm it and we need to do that with all such smuggled ideological leftist contraband. (I should of course stress that is only a metaphor as I do not believe in customs control other than for terrorist suspects and those with communicable diseases!)
To merely unpackage it is to disarm it and we need to do that with all such smuggled ideological leftist contraband. (I should of course stress that is only a metaphor as I do not believe in customs control other than for terrorist suspects and those with communicable diseases!)
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