Tuesday, April 10, 2018

Syria De ja vous all over Again

Here we go again, the UK contemplating yet another misbegotten Middle East adventure folly debacle,following the petulant child President into another blundering ill sorted foray into the Arabic morass to nowhere,feel good posturing and virtue signalling.

May bloody well better go to parliament before she dabbles in this madness with France and parliament better send her away with a flea in her ear doubling down on insanity with Einsteinian purblindness as she appears to be.

Get this,our obsession with the use of chemical weapons as if they are uniquely horrific is a dangerous shibboleth we could do well to abandon henceforth.War is about killing people and the methods that are used are irrelevant and to fetishise chemicals is simply windowdressing to excuse yet another foolish intervention.

A sane foreign policy would be to only ever ever engage in hostilities with foreign countries that directly threaten our own people in the UK period. Anything else is self immolation and that ugliest immoral and evil of all motivations: altruism.

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