Wednesday, March 16, 2016

The anti Effort mentality

Without effort on your part. Thus Roy Masters extols the virtues of non effort in his meditation exercise. Effort implies will,ego and that is bad! What human achievement,what great invention was ever accomplished without effort? Consider the lilies of the field..take no thought for the morrow. Yes the bums on skid row follow that injunction.

More Biblical and extra biblical crap

Love of the world is emnity with God. So the bible preaches misanthropy among its other evil preachments. But sometimes religious frauds like Roy Masters find that the bible is not quite prohibitive enough and a little further invention is required to restrict human pleasure. Music is frowned on by Masters but it is hard to point to any biblical scripture to validate his anti music stance but no matter he merely quotes the old saying music soothes the savage beast but he adds, it makes the beast more savage. This reminds me of the comic sketch in Blackadder when the puritans visit and Blackadder offers them a meal including turnips.'Turnips? exclaim the puritans,turnips are of the devil! He then offers them a seat on a chair and they say 'chairs? chairs are of the devil! Thus the arbitrary capricious nature of religious tyranny is highlighted with satirical effect.Who in their right mind would not prefer to listen to music than the droning of his Masters voice urging  on his sad followers to further and further mortifications of the flesh and denial of human pleasures?

Tuesday, March 15, 2016

More nonsense from on high

Don't judge. That is what the bible enjoins. Don't be judgmental. Why not? We make moral judgments about people all the time and quite right too. Hitler was an evil psychopath and right thinking people will agree and pass moral judgment on him. Indeed, not to judge his like would itself be immoral and wrong. The only people who benefit from our suspended judgment on them are wicked evil people. The good have nothing to fear from judgment. So judge and be prepared to be judged and be very suspicious of the motives of those who wish to discourage the  expression of moral judgments.

Once again Roy Masters is wrong about this and he takes his cue from the bible a document almost designed to destroy anyone who is foolish enough to attempt to follow its bizarre morally inverted injunctions. He says to discern what is wrong is okay but passing moral judgment upon it is wrong because only God can judge. So man is left in a morals free ethics free universe and evil waxes strong. Way to go.

Monday, March 14, 2016

The Bible Lies!

Another rule of thumb is whatever it says in the bible the opposite is true. What does it excoriate as evil? Pride, leaning to one's own understanding, the intellect, words,knowledge, planing for the future, wealth,success,pleasure, in other words everything that man requires for his survival and flourishing is denounced  abused and denigrated in the bible. Was there ever a more hostile anti man philosophy ever penned?

Roy Masters takes all his vile teachings from the bible,he may not be a biblical expert but he has picked up on its essential central message and with a few concessions to modern vernacular such as his liberal use of the word ego he is following its line faithfully. Rather than him being some aberrant deviation of an essentially good and moral doctrine he is rather an accurate representative of its essential evil.

Saturday, March 12, 2016

Observation Excercise in Inanition

Roy Masters cultist urges his followers to observe not analyse.This is a call to an excercise of mind emptying,reducing the mind to its pre adult infantile tabula rasa state, a rudimentary perceptual level of conciousness. This is a state of craven inanition and it is what Masters requires of his mind snatched followers.

The very thing that separates man from his animal ancestors namely his conceptual conciousness is the very thing Masters seeks to obliterate and anhiliate with his call to an observational state of conciouness. To merely perceive floating perceptual images is what an infant does and it only become an adult by learning to acquire a conceptual awareness via concept formation. This requires mental effort, the application of thought,it is the very opposite of passive observation of objects and things which is the level of a mental retard.

Reduced to an animal awareness through observation Masters is ironically correct when he says man is a fallen animal but the reason he has fallen is because with Master's guidance he has abandoned his mind and substituted blank watching for the  process of cognition.

Roy Masters The ugly truth

Some say Roy Masters is a hate filled misogynist who contradicts the biblical message but is this so? He says the first man listened to his wife,ate the apple and the whole human race fell and inherited original sin which was to disobey God and seek knowledge. That is the very essence of the biblical  message. As a result of this fall man became prideful,egotistical, starting leaning on his own understanding. Sounds familiar? It should do because it is practically word for word what Roy Masters has been saying for over 50 years. The unpalatable truth for some who are of the God persuasion is that Roy Masters has faithfully interpreted scriptural teaching and to reject and lambaste him is to reject the bible itself.

Not only is Roy Masters evil but the whole message of the bible is evil too, it is the most wicked document ever written. Masters simply makes plain and spells out explicitly what religion usually keeps hidden. When did you last hear any priest from the pulpit talking about the treacherous nature of women? It has taken Roy Masters as despicable human being as he undoubtedly is to remind us of a long concealed truth namely that the bible is evil and religion is the number one cause of human misery through history. It has attempted to whitewash its true nature but Masters has ripped its carefully constructed mask off. For this at least we should be grateful to him.

Culture kampf

With cultist Roy Masters the general rule of thumb is, whatever he says the opposite is true. How about this little gem from way back: 'culture rises when civilization falls'. This hatred of culture has a familiar ring does it not? How about Josef Goebelles on the subject: 'when I hear the word culture I reach for my revolver'. A bit later came Mao and his cultural revolution which consisted in killing all the intelletuals and driving the rest from the cities and on to the land where they died by the tens of thousands and of course the same thing happened in the killing fields of Cambodia. In China anyone wearing glasses was suspicious as it denoted intellectualism and book reading.

Of course this hatred of learning and culture goes back a long way. The original sin as described in the bible is man having the temerity to seek knowledge. 'The letter killeth,the spirit giveth life'. Further proof of the anti man anti life philosophy at the root of religion and mysticism.

The difference with Masters is he comes out and says it,making explicit what is usually kept implicit. He has actually attacks culture by open conflating it with cannibalism  seeking to package deal it with democracy and high culture. This is beyond philistinism and is wanton and willful attempt to destroy one of the pillars of our hard won civilization.

Friday, March 11, 2016

Money for Rope

Cultist Roy Masters used to excoriate the Plain Truth magazine for the way it suckered its readers into supporting its organization but Masters was quite happy to go on air panhandling on a daily basis for the Fhu and Frank Cain tells the story of how funds were getting desperately low and Masters resorted to extra manipulative guilt mongering in order to get more donations and in a week's time the coffers were overflowing and he said to Frank, 'see,that's how you do it'.

Of course most radio programmes rely on advertising but no business in its right mind would sponsor Master's drivel so he had to fund it himself through daily begging and his programmes along with his turgidly unreadable books were effectively vanity publishings and broadcastings. Still he would have been more honourably employed as a rat catcher and would have done far less harm than he has in his 50 career of evil.

Old Caca Masters

Roy Masters cult meister would often extol the 'blessings of a poor memory', an alzheimic state' which is at odds with his nasty reference to that condition as  ' old caca's disease'. Well now he appears to have an advanced form of that condition and like his hero Ronald Reagan is sinking into a mental twilight world where everyday words elude him. What goes around comes around I guess. No doubt when the conditon becomes more marked he will be whisked away by his family to preserve the myth of Roy the perfect in a North Korean style rewriting of reality. Watch this space.

Thursday, March 10, 2016

Intuition The destruction of the human consciousness

One of cult leader Roy Master's much bandied words is intuition. What does he mean by it? Well contrary to what all know man does not really get his knowledge from observing the world and applying his reason and logic to problems,but,according to Masters from going within. We just know. An indwelling spirit guides us if we open up to it,meditate with his guidance and be in filled.Poppycock of course but it has some appeal to the lazy minded,those for whom thinking is just too much of a chore and who would rather turn within, switch off their brain and wait for divine instruction. Thus is subjectivist delusion substituted for the excercise of reason.Who gains from this act of self lobotomy other than the Master himself who now has a legion of brain dead subjects he can programme and brainwash with his mystical mush.  

Thou shalt not shop -unless the council says so

So you thought only the US had its religious right? With the cynical help of SNP  Labour and the unhinged tory religious backwoodsmen the governement's attempts to loosen the sunday trading laws have been defeated. Even the supporters of the modest bill were arguing it for the wrong altruistic reason claiming it was to enable consumers to shop at their convenience and no mention was made whatsoever about the rights of the shop owners to run their business and open and close at their choosing.It was taken as a given that the shop owners are effectively in the employ of the local councils who will determine when they trade as if the shops had all been nationalised which in effect with all the tax and regulations they have been of course.

So the church is still ruling the country after we had supposed it was long since unseated. Only distestablishment will rid us of this priestcraft and proxy clerical dictatorship.

Masterful Deceit

When Roy Masters used to wave his cross around and perform exorcisms his psychotic audience would obediently fall in line and auto suggestion-like go through the usual theatrics of frothing at the mouth,writhing and gibbering and then making a standard confession about some indiscretion of the past,a sexual transgression or whatever. Sinking to new lows of moral depravity the witchdoctor Masters would subject his suggestible audience to ritual humiliation and Frank Cain would refer to him thereafter as the son of Skeva who apparently in the Bible went round attempting to perform exorcisms but lacking the genuine authority came to grief and was ridiculed for his imposture.

Some idiotic follower attempted to imitate Masters and perform an exorcism on a hapless subject and within a week had suffered a massive stroke.Such was the havoc Masters left in his wake.

Cult of Personality

Cult show host Roy Masters used to boast I've been on the air for 40 years and no one has ever challenged me.I used to be well impressed not to say in awe of  that but then  on the very rare ocasions that someone would actually have the temerity to call in and take him up on the challenge and  question his omniscience he would harrangue them,talk over them,intimidate,abuse them  and then cut them off! Afterwards he would apoligise and seek to rationalize his behaviour by saying that the person in question was not sincere  in their questioning and had nothing to say.Of course the standard  cult syndrome would kick in and I would think yes that person must have been in the wrong for such is the power of the Master to hoodwink his followers.

Another standard cult practice is to convince your followers that they are special, part of an elite elect who can see through the fraudulent system and the shallowness of others and that what they used to think was their social ineptness and awkwardness was really a sign that they were special,a chosen few,superior to the masses. Imagine all the misfits and geeks and inadequate psychotics who would jump for joy at the news that they are not really losers and dorks after all! In the words of Frank Cain 'I always used to wonder what would motivate Jehovas Witnesses and Mormons to go to door to door touting for Christ and then it struck me.Here was an opportunity for social inadequates and insignificant little nobodies to represent the one who organized the cosmos'.

Wednesday, March 09, 2016

The blight of religion on mankind

In his latter years Frank Cain after a lifetime studying different religious groups put a sign on his wall reading 'I haven't got a clue'. He would lament to me that all he got from God was a deafening silence. Didn't God owe him something and should he not at least meet him half way? Now I would respond to that by saying has it not occurred to you that the reason you get that deafening silence is because there is nothing up there,you've been sold a pup. At least he saw though the fake Roy Masters as have so many of us subsequently so he did not go to his grave totally deluded.

To waste a life struggling to believe something incredible is however very sad but such are the miserations that are caused by peddlars of faith and the damage they do is as unconsionable as it is incalculable.

Self Praise is no Recommendation

The late Frank Cain, Roy Master's one time UK factotum once said "why do people think that Roy Masters is so great? Because Roy Masters tells them so every day on the radio whereas I tell people all my faults and the despise me".Indeed Master's career on the radio could be summed up as one long advertisment for himself.The guru cannot be seen to be that wrong.

Of course I used to lap it all up as a credulous youth and beleived him when he said one day he would become world famous but as the years crept by I kept on wondering why it was taking so long and that day of course never came, and we we are here today and he has remained in well deserved virtual anonymity as he descends  into an alzheimic twilight world of rambling incoherence.At least he has been proven right about one thing.It is very easy to hypnotise and fool people

Religion and its intolerant adherents

Interesting how nasty religious people can get when you tell them you no longer subscribe to their wacky belief system. Islam will kill apostasasies but Christians are far more subtle and merely insinuate threatening warnings about the 'terrible price to pay' for abandoning your faith.Project fear indeed.How do they know what is going to befall the unbeleivers?What special powers do they have to know the mind of God?Surely this is great arrogance on their part to say the least.And how egotistical to think one is so special that God has special plan with you in mind!

Most such religious people if my experience is anything to go by live lives of dubious integrity and have used their religion to justify every moral infraction in their sorry mediocre lives so it is very its hard to imagine that even God is going to smile indulgently upon them when they go to their reward. God of course is a fiction but if he did exist he would give these spouters of pious cant a  good tongue lashing at the very least before sending them to the other place.

Monday, March 07, 2016

Of Human Credulity

Every age it would appear is the age of credulity.The biggest hoax in human history the Bible and its enduring hold on people is testimony to that.Longevity lends credibility.If something has been believed long enough its power over people is entrenched and no objectivity regarding it is possible or only achieved with tremendous effort as received wisdom is hard to challenge.As the fuhrer of all people once observed the broad mass of a nation are more likely fall prey to a big lie than a small one.

One useful way to counter this bias of longevity is to imagine what sort of response the bible would elicit from the general public were it published for the first time today.Total incredulity would be the almost universal response.The story of Christ would be seen as a fantastic fiction and the product the work of a feverish imagination and diseased mind and anyone taking it at all seriously would be regarded as mentally disturbed and in need of medication.Those who started to congregate in the name of Christ would be dismissed as members of a cult.But because alas the bible was produced millennia ago it has this weight of longevity on its side that more than counters any rational objective criticism.

There is however hope for it emerges that atheism was not born in the 20th century as some people may suppose or even invented by Christopher Hitchens and co.It would seem that it goes right back to the days subsequent to the bible's publication,that there were contemporary atheists and this is a subject well worth exploring.Not everybody was fooled at the time...

Sunday, March 06, 2016

Master's Bully Pulpit

Cultist Roy Masters was one of the most abrasive aggressive talk show host on air hurling abusive rhetoric with abandon but like most bullies when treated similarly suddenly would play the victim claiming there was a conspiracy against him.

Like his idol fellow aggressive Trump he seeks to silence people with threatening lawsuits and he has lost not a few so spurious insubstantial and frivolous were they.He has got away with tax deductible charitable status for decades claiming absurdly that the FHU is a church although he has repeatedly boasted that it is not and that 'you cannot join'.Fortunately the authorities rumbled his deception and withdrew charitable status 15 years ago noticing that it was a for profit organization funneling large sums to fund a radio network broadcasting right wing views which again is expressly forbidden charities.

Such is the chicanery and double dealing of what Frank Cain referred to as the curly headed swine and guru of the unattainable.But then who in his right mind would want to atttain  anything he is peddling?

Friday, March 04, 2016

Be Still and Know Nothing

As human beings we see,perceive and conceptualize our perceptions into broad abstractions and invent computers,build skyscrapers,create civilization and culture.According to Roy Masters this is all wrong.Instead we should see and know instantly,without thought or words for thought and words take time to construct and this is bad because we should just know in a timeless state instantly and this 'wordless' knowing is vastly superior to the pathetic word based understanding of fallen humans.

Be still and obey.This is 'mystery' and  it is good because it is mystery and we should not question it for to do so is to 'play God'.Thus the state of a mental retard is lauded to the ideal and the human mind is dismissed as a tool of sinful Adam.Thus is the connection between mysticism and mental illness clearly delineated.Strictly for the birds and the fhuiac birdbrains who swallow it indeed, unthinkingly.

Alan Masters or Taylor?

Alan Masters son of loonytunes Roy is not quite sure whether he is Alan Masters or Alan Taylor as he uses the latter name when hosting his radio prog Drive in about cars.On one of the latest shows he can be found boasting of losing his driving licence for speeding which he clearly finds amusing,using the road as his personal race track .

As  a father one would question the wisdom of a fifty year old man risking his life thus acting out what is clearly a  mid life crisis.It is hard to know whether he has assumed the monicker Alan to avoid embarrassing his father or does so to distance himself from his equally embarrassing father but it is probably the former as he sometimes appears on his Sunday Conversations himself talking the familiar Masters brand of gibberish.Whatever the case here is a man clearly leading a double life having his cake and eating it too.

Tuesday, March 01, 2016

America, the new Fascist Frontier

What do all demagogues do when in power? They close down the free press. True to form Trump has promised to go after the media with new stringent libel slander laws as obtain in europe.The truth is coming out about this seedy shady character with his mafia connections,his statist protectionist anti free speech anti American fascist racist xenophobic misogynistic views and he wants to shoot the messenger.

His business dealings do not bear close scrutiny,he is a Washington insider so far up the backsides of government bureaucrats in statist cronyism that he thinks he can behave in similar corrupt fashion on the world stage,cutting deals with terrorists in Iran and no one is calling him out on any of this because all the contenders are statists too of one stripe or another.No one is offering a programme of laissez faire unregulated free market capitalism and the American people are being offered the hobsons choice of Tweedledee or Tweedledummer.

Trump is the antithesis of a self made man.He inherited his father's wealth and then proceeded to blow it on doomed business ventures that are well documented.He is an excrescence of the mixed economy cronyism and advocate of protectionist measures which is the very definition of anti capitalism.Never has anyone flown under false colours so comprehensively as this fraud huckster and mountebank.

He claims he will be tough on Isis yet will do deals with their spiritual masters in Iran and when the cartoonist were murdered by the Islamic fascists he condemned the cartoonists.He has expressed respect for another fascist demagogue by the name of Putin for heavens sake and as if that were not enough already he is sucking up to the mad evangelical religious right wingnuts. Americans,you are sleepwalking into slavery.Wake up!

Mark Masters arrested for domestic violence

Like father like son it would seem as Mark Masters was arrested last month for allegedly assaulting his wife in front of their children and this will come as no surprise to anyone who has followed Roy Masters over the decades as he has bragged endlessly about his street fighting and brawling which behaviour would seem at odds with his professed religiosity forever extolling as he does the virtues of gentle Jesus  meek and mild.Just one more contradiction to add to all the others of this fake charlatan and thuggish bully who surprise surprise is a fervent supporter of authrotairian Il Douce bag Trump who only last week was expressing his desire to smash a detractor in the face and send him to hospital.

His Masters Voices

In a recent youtube ramble David son of cultist Roy Masters cited a recent survey showing that a sizeable number of Americans hear voices on a regular basis.A reader asserts that this proves people are being communicated to by entities from another dimension.Really! Have we not thanks to Freud learned that our brain consists of a vast tract of unconsciousness where are thought are buried and only a small percentage of our thoughts are held on a conscious level.The human brain is a computer with a vast store and stock of knowledge accumulated over decades so it is hardly surprising that we should hear stuff going on there it being such a complex organism with billions of circuits and neurons conveying data and information on an incalculable scale.To attribute this to voices hailing from another dimension is sheer nonsense which is of course the stock in trade at the Masters school of baloney and its willing band of duped followers, too many of whom are psychotic which is what draws them to Masters in the first place.